Source code for xclim.sdba._adjustment

Adjustment Algorithms

This file defines the different steps, to be wrapped into the Adjustment objects.

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from xclim.core.units import convert_units_to, infer_context, units
from xclim.indices.stats import _fitfunc_1d  # noqa

from . import nbutils as nbu
from . import utils as u
from ._processing import _adapt_freq
from .base import Grouper, map_blocks, map_groups
from .detrending import PolyDetrend
from .processing import escore

[docs] def _adapt_freq_hist(ds: xr.Dataset, adapt_freq_thresh: str): """Adapt frequency of null values of `hist` in order to match `ref`.""" with units.context(infer_context(ds.ref.attrs.get("standard_name"))): thresh = convert_units_to(adapt_freq_thresh, ds.ref) dim = ["time"] + ["window"] * ("window" in ds.hist.dims) return _adapt_freq.func( xr.Dataset(dict(sim=ds.hist, ref=ds.ref)), thresh=thresh, dim=dim ).sim_ad
@map_groups( af=[Grouper.PROP, "quantiles"], hist_q=[Grouper.PROP, "quantiles"], scaling=[Grouper.PROP], ) def dqm_train( ds: xr.Dataset, *, dim: str, kind: str, quantiles: np.ndarray, adapt_freq_thresh: str | None = None, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Train step on one group. Notes ----- Dataset must contain the following variables: ref : training target hist : training data Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset The dataset containing the training data. dim : str The dimension along which to compute the quantiles. kind : str The kind of correction to compute. See :py:func:`xclim.sdba.utils.get_correction`. quantiles : array-like The quantiles to compute. adapt_freq_thresh : str | None Threshold for frequency adaptation. See :py:class:`xclim.sdba.processing.adapt_freq` for details. Default is None, meaning that frequency adaptation is not performed. Returns ------- xr.Dataset The dataset containing the adjustment factors, the quantiles over the training data, and the scaling factor. """ hist = _adapt_freq_hist(ds, adapt_freq_thresh) if adapt_freq_thresh else ds.hist refn = u.apply_correction(ds.ref, u.invert(ds.ref.mean(dim), kind), kind) histn = u.apply_correction(hist, u.invert(hist.mean(dim), kind), kind) ref_q = nbu.quantile(refn, quantiles, dim) hist_q = nbu.quantile(histn, quantiles, dim) af = u.get_correction(hist_q, ref_q, kind) mu_ref = ds.ref.mean(dim) mu_hist = hist.mean(dim) scaling = u.get_correction(mu_hist, mu_ref, kind=kind) return xr.Dataset(data_vars=dict(af=af, hist_q=hist_q, scaling=scaling)) @map_groups( af=[Grouper.PROP, "quantiles"], hist_q=[Grouper.PROP, "quantiles"], ) def eqm_train( ds: xr.Dataset, *, dim: str, kind: str, quantiles: np.ndarray, adapt_freq_thresh: str | None = None, ) -> xr.Dataset: """EQM: Train step on one group. Notes ----- Dataset variables: ref : training target hist : training data Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset The dataset containing the training data. dim : str The dimension along which to compute the quantiles. kind : str The kind of correction to compute. See :py:func:`xclim.sdba.utils.get_correction`. quantiles : array-like The quantiles to compute. adapt_freq_thresh : str | None Threshold for frequency adaptation. See :py:class:`xclim.sdba.processing.adapt_freq` for details. Default is None, meaning that frequency adaptation is not performed. Returns ------- xr.Dataset The dataset containing the adjustment factors and the quantiles over the training data. """ hist = _adapt_freq_hist(ds, adapt_freq_thresh) if adapt_freq_thresh else ds.hist ref_q = nbu.quantile(ds.ref, quantiles, dim) hist_q = nbu.quantile(hist, quantiles, dim) af = u.get_correction(hist_q, ref_q, kind) return xr.Dataset(data_vars=dict(af=af, hist_q=hist_q)) @map_blocks(reduces=[Grouper.PROP, "quantiles"], scen=[]) def qm_adjust( ds: xr.Dataset, *, group: Grouper, interp: str, extrapolation: str, kind: str ) -> xr.Dataset: """QM (DQM and EQM): Adjust step on one block. Notes ----- Dataset variables: af : Adjustment factors hist_q : Quantiles over the training data sim : Data to adjust. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset The dataset containing the data to adjust. group : Grouper The grouper object. interp : str The interpolation method to use. extrapolation : str The extrapolation method to use. kind : str The kind of correction to compute. See :py:func:`xclim.sdba.utils.get_correction`. Returns ------- xr.Dataset The adjusted data. """ af = u.interp_on_quantiles( ds.sim, ds.hist_q,, group=group, method=interp, extrapolation=extrapolation, ) scen: xr.DataArray = u.apply_correction(ds.sim, af, kind).rename("scen") out = scen.to_dataset() return out @map_blocks(reduces=[Grouper.PROP, "quantiles"], scen=[], trend=[]) def dqm_adjust( ds: xr.Dataset, *, group: Grouper, interp: str, kind: str, extrapolation: str, detrend: int | PolyDetrend, ) -> xr.Dataset: """DQM adjustment on one block. Notes ----- Dataset variables: scaling : Scaling factor between ref and hist af : Adjustment factors hist_q : Quantiles over the training data sim : Data to adjust Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset The dataset containing the data to adjust. group : Grouper The grouper object. interp : str The interpolation method to use. kind : str The kind of correction to compute. See :py:func:`xclim.sdba.utils.get_correction`. extrapolation : str The extrapolation method to use. detrend : int | PolyDetrend The degree of the polynomial detrending to apply. If 0, no detrending is applied. Returns ------- xr.Dataset The adjusted data and the trend. """ scaled_sim = u.apply_correction( ds.sim, u.broadcast( ds.scaling, ds.sim, group=group, interp=interp if group.prop != "dayofyear" else "nearest", ), kind, ) if isinstance(detrend, int): detrending = PolyDetrend(degree=detrend, kind=kind, group=group) else: detrending = detrend detrending = ds["sim"] = detrending.detrend(scaled_sim) scen = qm_adjust.func( ds, group=group, interp=interp, extrapolation=extrapolation, kind=kind, ).scen scen = detrending.retrend(scen) out = xr.Dataset({"scen": scen, "trend": detrending.ds.trend}) return out @map_blocks(reduces=[Grouper.PROP, "quantiles"], scen=[], sim_q=[]) def qdm_adjust(ds: xr.Dataset, *, group, interp, extrapolation, kind) -> xr.Dataset: """QDM: Adjust process on one block. Notes ----- Dataset variables: af : Adjustment factors hist_q : Quantiles over the training data sim : Data to adjust. """ sim_q = group.apply(u.rank, ds.sim, main_only=True, pct=True) af = u.interp_on_quantiles( sim_q, ds.quantiles,, group=group, method=interp, extrapolation=extrapolation, ) scen = u.apply_correction(ds.sim, af, kind) return xr.Dataset(dict(scen=scen, sim_q=sim_q)) @map_blocks( reduces=[Grouper.ADD_DIMS, Grouper.DIM], af=[Grouper.PROP], hist_thresh=[Grouper.PROP], ) def loci_train(ds: xr.Dataset, *, group, thresh) -> xr.Dataset: """LOCI: Train on one block. Notes ----- Dataset variables: ref : training target hist : training data """ s_thresh = group.apply( u.map_cdf, ds.rename(hist="x", ref="y"), y_value=thresh ).isel(x=0) sth = u.broadcast(s_thresh, ds.hist, group=group) ws = xr.where(ds.hist >= sth, ds.hist, np.nan) wo = xr.where(ds.ref >= thresh, ds.ref, np.nan) ms = group.apply("mean", ws, skipna=True) mo = group.apply("mean", wo, skipna=True) # Adjustment factor af = u.get_correction(ms - s_thresh, mo - thresh, u.MULTIPLICATIVE) return xr.Dataset({"af": af, "hist_thresh": s_thresh}) @map_blocks(reduces=[Grouper.PROP], scen=[]) def loci_adjust(ds: xr.Dataset, *, group, thresh, interp) -> xr.Dataset: """LOCI: Adjust on one block. Notes ----- Dataset variables: hist_thresh : Hist's equivalent thresh from ref sim : Data to adjust """ sth = u.broadcast(ds.hist_thresh, ds.sim, group=group, interp=interp) factor = u.broadcast(, ds.sim, group=group, interp=interp) with xr.set_options(keep_attrs=True): scen: xr.DataArray = ( (factor * (ds.sim - sth) + thresh).clip(min=0).rename("scen") ) out = scen.to_dataset() return out @map_groups(af=[Grouper.PROP]) def scaling_train(ds: xr.Dataset, *, dim, kind) -> xr.Dataset: """Scaling: Train on one group. Notes ----- Dataset variables: ref : training target hist : training data """ mhist = ds.hist.mean(dim) mref = ds.ref.mean(dim) af: xr.DataArray = u.get_correction(mhist, mref, kind).rename("af") out = af.to_dataset() return out @map_blocks(reduces=[Grouper.PROP], scen=[]) def scaling_adjust(ds: xr.Dataset, *, group, interp, kind) -> xr.Dataset: """Scaling: Adjust on one block. Notes ----- Dataset variables: af : Adjustment factors. sim : Data to adjust. """ af = u.broadcast(, ds.sim, group=group, interp=interp) scen: xr.DataArray = u.apply_correction(ds.sim, af, kind).rename("scen") out = scen.to_dataset() return out
[docs] def npdf_transform(ds: xr.Dataset, **kwargs) -> xr.Dataset: r"""N-pdf transform : Iterative univariate adjustment in random rotated spaces. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Dataset variables: ref : Reference multivariate timeseries hist : simulated timeseries on the reference period sim : Simulated timeseries on the projected period. rot_matrices : Random rotation matrices. \*\*kwargs pts_dim : multivariate dimension name base : Adjustment class base_kws : Kwargs for initialising the adjustment object adj_kws : Kwargs of the `adjust` call n_escore : Number of elements to include in the e_score test (0 for all, < 0 to skip) Returns ------- xr.Dataset Dataset with `scenh`, `scens` and `escores` DataArrays, where `scenh` and `scens` are `hist` and `sim` respectively after adjustment according to `ref`. If `n_escore` is negative, `escores` will be filled with NaNs. """ ref = ds.ref.rename(time_hist="time") hist = ds.hist.rename(time_hist="time") sim = ds.sim dim = kwargs["pts_dim"] escores = [] for i, R in enumerate(ds.rot_matrices.transpose("iterations", ...)): # @ operator stands for matrix multiplication (along named dimensions): x@R = R@x # @R rotates an array defined over dimension x unto new dimension x'. x@R = x' refp = ref @ R histp = hist @ R simp = sim @ R # Perform univariate adjustment in rotated space (x') ADJ = kwargs["base"].train( refp, histp, **kwargs["base_kws"], skip_input_checks=True ) scenhp = ADJ.adjust(histp, **kwargs["adj_kws"], skip_input_checks=True) scensp = ADJ.adjust(simp, **kwargs["adj_kws"], skip_input_checks=True) # Rotate back to original dimension x'@R = x # Note that x'@R is a back rotation because the matrix multiplication is now done along x' due to xarray # operating along named dimensions. # In normal linear algebra, this is equivalent to taking @R.T, the back rotation. hist = scenhp @ R sim = scensp @ R # Compute score if kwargs["n_escore"] >= 0: escores.append( escore( ref, hist, dims=(dim, "time"), N=kwargs["n_escore"], scale=True, ).expand_dims(iterations=[i]) ) if kwargs["n_escore"] >= 0: escores = xr.concat(escores, "iterations") else: # All NaN, but with the proper shape. escores = ( ref.isel({dim: 0, "time": 0}) * hist.isel({dim: 0, "time": 0}) ).expand_dims(iterations=ds.iterations) * np.NaN return xr.Dataset( data_vars={ "scenh": hist.rename(time="time_hist").transpose(*ds.hist.dims), "scen": sim.transpose(*ds.sim.dims), "escores": escores, } )
[docs] def _fit_on_cluster(data, thresh, dist, cluster_thresh): """Extract clusters on 1D data and fit "dist" on the maximums.""" _, _, _, maximums = u.get_clusters_1d(data, thresh, cluster_thresh) params = list( _fitfunc_1d(maximums - thresh, dist=dist, floc=0, nparams=3, method="ML") ) # We forced 0, put back thresh. params[-2] = thresh return params
[docs] def _extremes_train_1d(ref, hist, ref_params, *, q_thresh, cluster_thresh, dist, N): """Train for method ExtremeValues, only for 1D input along time.""" # Find quantile q_thresh thresh = ( np.quantile(ref[ref >= cluster_thresh], q_thresh) + np.quantile(hist[hist >= cluster_thresh], q_thresh) ) / 2 # Fit genpareto on cluster maximums on ref (if needed) and hist. if np.isnan(ref_params).all(): ref_params = _fit_on_cluster(ref, thresh, dist, cluster_thresh) hist_params = _fit_on_cluster(hist, thresh, dist, cluster_thresh) # Find probabilities of extremes according to fitted dist Px_ref = dist.cdf(ref[ref >= thresh], *ref_params) hist = hist[hist >= thresh] Px_hist = dist.cdf(hist, *hist_params) # Find common probabilities range. Pmax = min(Px_ref.max(), Px_hist.max()) Pmin = max(Px_ref.min(), Px_hist.min()) Pcommon = (Px_hist <= Pmax) & (Px_hist >= Pmin) Px_hist = Px_hist[Pcommon] # Find values of hist extremes if they followed ref's distribution. hist_in_ref = dist.ppf(Px_hist, *ref_params) # Adjustment factors, unsorted af = hist_in_ref / hist[Pcommon] # sort them in Px order, and pad to have N values. order = np.argsort(Px_hist) px_hist = np.pad(Px_hist[order], ((0, N - af.size),), constant_values=np.NaN) af = np.pad(af[order], ((0, N - af.size),), constant_values=np.NaN) return px_hist, af, thresh
@map_blocks( reduces=["time"], px_hist=["quantiles"], af=["quantiles"], thresh=[Grouper.PROP] ) def extremes_train( ds: xr.Dataset, *, group: Grouper, q_thresh: float, cluster_thresh: float, dist, quantiles: np.ndarray, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Train extremes for a given variable series. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Dataset containing the reference and historical data. group : Grouper The grouper object. q_thresh : float The quantile threshold to use. cluster_thresh : float The threshold for clustering. dist : Any The distribution to fit. quantiles : array-like The quantiles to compute. Returns ------- xr.Dataset The dataset containing the quantiles, the adjustment factors, and the threshold. """ px_hist, af, thresh = xr.apply_ufunc( _extremes_train_1d, ds.ref, ds.hist, ds.ref_params or np.NaN, input_core_dims=[("time",), ("time",), ()], output_core_dims=[("quantiles",), ("quantiles",), ()], vectorize=True, kwargs={ "q_thresh": q_thresh, "cluster_thresh": cluster_thresh, "dist": dist, "N": len(quantiles), }, ) # Outputs of map_blocks must have dimensions. if not isinstance(thresh, xr.DataArray): thresh = xr.DataArray(thresh) thresh = thresh.expand_dims(group=[1]) return xr.Dataset( {"px_hist": px_hist, "af": af, "thresh": thresh}, coords={"quantiles": quantiles}, )
[docs] def _fit_cluster_and_cdf(data, thresh, dist, cluster_thresh): """Fit 1D cluster maximums and immediately compute CDF.""" fut_params = _fit_on_cluster(data, thresh, dist, cluster_thresh) return dist.cdf(data, *fut_params)
@map_blocks(reduces=["quantiles", Grouper.PROP], scen=[]) def extremes_adjust( ds: xr.Dataset, *, group: Grouper, frac: float, power: float, dist, interp: str, extrapolation: str, cluster_thresh: float, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Adjust extremes to reflect many distribution factors. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Dataset containing the reference and historical data. group : Grouper The grouper object. frac : float The fraction of the transition function. power : float The power of the transition function. dist : Any The distribution to fit. interp : str The interpolation method to use. extrapolation : str The extrapolation method to use. cluster_thresh : float The threshold for clustering. Returns ------- xr.Dataset The dataset containing the adjusted data. """ # Find probabilities of extremes of fut according to its own cluster-fitted dist. px_fut = xr.apply_ufunc( _fit_cluster_and_cdf, ds.sim, ds.thresh, input_core_dims=[["time"], []], output_core_dims=[["time"]], kwargs={"dist": dist, "cluster_thresh": cluster_thresh}, vectorize=True, ) # Find factors by interpolating from hist probs to fut probs. apply them. af = u.interp_on_quantiles( px_fut, ds.px_hist,, method=interp, extrapolation=extrapolation ) scen = u.apply_correction(ds.sim, af, "*") # Smooth transition function between simulation and scenario. transition = ( ((ds.sim - ds.thresh) / ((ds.sim.max("time")) - ds.thresh)) / frac ) ** power transition = transition.clip(0, 1) adjusted: xr.DataArray = (transition * scen) + ((1 - transition) * ds.scen) out = adjusted.rename("scen").squeeze("group", drop=True).to_dataset() return out