Source code for xclim.ensembles._filters

from __future__ import annotations

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

[docs] def _concat_hist(da, **hist): """Concatenate historical scenario with future scenarios along time. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Input data where the historical scenario is stored alongside other, future, scenarios. hist: {str: str} Mapping of the scenario dimension name to the historical scenario coordinate, e.g. `scenario="historical"`. Returns ------- xr.DataArray Data with the historical scenario is stacked in time before each one of the other scenarios. Notes ----- Data goes from: +------------+----------------------------------+ | scenario | time | +============+==================================+ | historical | ``hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh------------`` | +------------+----------------------------------+ | ssp245 | ``----------------111111111111`` | +------------+----------------------------------+ | ssp370 | ``----------------222222222222`` | +------------+----------------------------------+ to: +----------+----------------------------------+ | scenario | time | +==========+==================================+ | ssp245 | ``hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh111111111111`` | +----------+----------------------------------+ | ssp370 | ``hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh222222222222`` | +----------+----------------------------------+ """ if len(hist) > 1: raise ValueError("Too many values in hist scenario.") # Scenario dimension, and name of the historical scenario ((dim, _),) = hist.items() # Select historical scenario and drop it from the data h = da.sel(**hist).dropna("time", how="all") ens = da.drop_sel(**hist) index = ens[dim] bare = ens.drop_vars(dim).dropna("time", how="all") return xr.concat([h, bare], dim="time").assign_coords({dim: index})
[docs] def _model_in_all_scens(da, dimensions=None): """Return data with only simulations that have at least one member in each scenario. Parameters ---------- da: xr.DataArray Input data with dimensions for time, member, model and scenario. dimensions: dict Mapping from original dimension names to standard dimension names: scenario, model, member. Returns ------- xr.DataArray Data for models that have values for all scenarios. Notes ----- In the following example, model `C` would be filtered out from the data because it has no member for `ssp370`. +-------+--------+--------+ | model | members | +-------+-----------------+ | | ssp245 | ssp370 | +=======+========+========+ | A | 1,2,3 | 1,2,3 | +-------+--------+--------+ | B | 1 | 2,3 | +-------+--------+--------+ | C | 1,2,3 | | +-------+--------+--------+ """ if dimensions is None: dimensions = {} da = da.rename(reverse_dict(dimensions)) ok = da.notnull().any("time").any("member").all("scenario") return da.sel(model=ok).rename(dimensions)
[docs] def _single_member(da, dimensions=None): """Return data for a single member per model. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Input data with dimensions for time, member, model and scenario. dimensions: dict Mapping from original dimension names to standard dimension names: scenario, model, member. Returns ------- xr.DataArray Data with only one member per model. Notes ----- In the following example, the original members would be filtered to return only the first member found for each scenario. +-------+--------+--------+----+--------+--------+ | model | member | | Selected | +-------+-----------------+----+-----------------+ | | ssp245 | ssp370 | | ssp245 | ssp370 | +=======+========+========+====+========+========+ | A | 1,2,3 | 1,2,3 | | 1 | 1 | +-------+--------+--------+----+--------+--------+ | B | 1,2 | 2,3 | | 1 | 2 | +-------+--------+--------+----+--------+--------+ """ if dimensions is None: dimensions = {} da = da.rename(reverse_dict(dimensions)) # Stack by simulation specifications - drop simulations with missing values full = da.stack(i=("scenario", "model", "member")).dropna("i", how="any") # Pick first run with data s = full.i.to_series() s[:] = np.arange(len(s)) i = s.unstack().T.min().to_list() out = full.isel(i=i).unstack().squeeze() return out.rename(dimensions)
[docs] def reverse_dict(d): """Reverse dictionary.""" return {v: k for (k, v) in d.items()}