Source code for

Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System

This submodule defines the :py:func:``, :py:func:`` and
:py:func:`` indices, which are used by the eponym indicators.
Users should read this module's documentation and the one of :py:func:`fire_weather_ufunc`. They should also consult the
information available at :cite:t:`code-natural_resources_canada_data_nodate`.

First adapted from Matlab code `CalcFWITimeSeriesWithStartup.m` from GFWED :cite:p:`fire-wang_updated_2015` made
for using MERRA2 data, which was a translation of FWI.vba of the Canadian Fire Weather Index system. Then, updated and
synchronized with the R code of the cffdrs package. When given the correct parameters, the current code has an error
below 3% when compared with the :cite:t:`fire-field_development_2015` data. The cffdrs R package is different from the
original 1982 implementation, and so is xclim.

Parts of the code and of the documentation in this submodule are directly taken from :cite:t:`code-cantin_canadian_2014`
which was published with the GPLv2 license.

Fire season
Fire weather indexes are iteratively computed, each day's value depending on the previous day indexes.
Additionally and optionally, the codes are "shut down" (set to NaN) in winter. There are a few ways of computing this
shut down and the subsequent spring start-up. The `fire_season` function allows for full control of that,
replicating the `fireSeason` method in the R package. It produces a mask to be given a `season_mask` in the
indicators. However, the `fire_weather_ufunc` and the indicators also accept a `season_method` parameter so the
fire season can be computed inside the iterator. Passing `season_method=None` switches to an "always on" mode
replicating the `fire` method of the R package.

The fire season determination is based on three consecutive daily maximum temperature thresholds
:cite:p:`fire-wotton_length_1993,fire-lawson_weather_2008`. A "GFWED" method is also implemented. There, the 12h
LST temperature is used instead of the daily maximum. The current implementation is slightly different from the
description in :cite:t:`fire-field_development_2015`, but it replicates the Matlab code when `temp_start_thresh` and
`temp_end_thresh` are both set to 6 degC. In xclim, the number of consecutive days, the start and end temperature
thresholds and the snow depth threshold can all be modified.

Additionaly, overwintering of the drought code is also directly implemented in :py:func:`fire_weather_ufunc`.
The last drought_code of the season is kept in "winter" (where the fire season mask is False) and the precipitation
is accumulated until the start of the next season. The first drought code is computed as a function of these instead
of using the default DCStart value. Parameters to :py:func:`_overwintering_drought_code` are listed below.
The code for the overwintering is based on

Finally, a mechanism for dry spring starts is implemented. For now, it is slightly different from what the GFWED, uses,
but seems to agree with the state of the science of the CFS. When activated, the drought code and Duff-moisture codes
are started in spring with a value that is function of the number of days since the last significant precipitation event.
The conventional start value increased by that number of days times a "dry start" factor. Parameters are controlled in
the call of the indices and :py:func:`fire_weather_ufunc`. Overwintering of the drought code overrides this mechanism if
both are activated. GFWED use a more complex approach with an added check on the previous day's snow cover for
determining "dry" points. Moreover, there, the start values are only the multiplication of a factor to the number of dry

The current literature seems to agree that climate-oriented series of the fire weather indexes should be computed
using only the longest fire season of each year and activating the overwintering of the drought code and the "dry
start" for the duff-moisture code. The following example uses reasonable parameters when computing over all of Canada.

.. note::

    Here the example snippets use the _indices_ defined in this very module, but we always recommend using the
    _indicators_ defined in the :py:mod:`xclim.atmos` module.

>>> ds = open_dataset("ERA5/")
>>> ds = ds.assign(
...     hurs=xclim.atmos.relative_humidity_from_dewpoint(ds=ds),
...     tas=xclim.core.units.convert_units_to(ds.tas, "degC"),
...     pr=xclim.core.units.convert_units_to(, "mm/d"),
...     sfcWind=xclim.atmos.wind_speed_from_vector(ds=ds)[0],
... )
>>> season_mask = fire_season(
...     tas=ds.tas,
...     method="WF93",
...     freq="YS",
...     # Parameters below are at their default values, but listed here for explicitness.
...     temp_start_thresh="12 degC",
...     temp_end_thresh="5 degC",
...     temp_condition_days=3,
... )
>>> out_fwi = cffwis_indices(
...     tas=ds.tas,
...     hurs=ds.hurs,
...     sfcWind=ds.sfcWind,
...     season_mask=season_mask,
...     overwintering=True,
...     dry_start="CFS",
...     prec_thresh="1.5 mm/d",
...     dmc_dry_factor=1.2,
...     # Parameters below are at their default values, but listed here for explicitness.
...     carry_over_fraction=0.75,
...     wetting_efficiency_fraction=0.75,
...     dc_start=15,
...     dmc_start=6,
...     ffmc_start=85,
... )

Similarly, the next lines calculate the fire weather indexes, but according to the parameters and options
used in NASA's GFWED datasets. Here, no need to split the fire season mask from the rest of the computation
as _all_ seasons are used, even the very short shoulder seasons.

>>> ds = open_dataset("FWI/")
>>> out_fwi = cffwis_indices(
...     tas=ds.tas,
...     pr=ds.prbc,
...     snd=ds.snow_depth,
...     hurs=ds.rh,
...     sfcWind=ds.sfcwind,
...     season_method="GFWED",
...     overwintering=False,
...     dry_start="GFWED",
...     temp_start_thresh="6 degC",
...     temp_end_thresh="6 degC",
...     # Parameters below are at their default values, but listed here for explicitness.
...     temp_condition_days=3,
...     snow_condition_days=3,
...     dc_start=15,
...     dmc_start=6,
...     ffmc_start=85,
...     dmc_dry_factor=2,
... )
# This file is structured in the following way:
# Section 1: individual codes, numba-accelerated and vectorized functions.
# Section 2: Larger computing functions (the FWI iterator and the fire_season iterator)
# Section 3: Exposed methods and indices.
# Methods starting with a "_" are not usable with xarray objects, whereas the others are.
from __future__ import annotations

from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Sequence

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from numba import jit, vectorize

from xclim.core.units import convert_units_to, declare_units
from xclim.core.utils import Quantified
from xclim.indices import run_length as rl

__all__ = [

default_params = dict(
    temp_start_thresh=(12, "degC"),
    temp_end_thresh=(5, "degC"),
    snow_thresh=(0.01, "m"),
    prec_thresh=(1.0, "mm/d"),
    snow_min_mean_depth=(0.1, "m"),
Default values for numerical parameters of fire_weather_ufunc.

Parameters with units are given as a tuple of default value and units.
A more complete explanation of these parameters is given in the doc of :py:func:`fire_weather_ufunc`.

# SECTION 1 - Codes - Numba accelerated and vectorized functions

# Values taken from GFWED code
DAY_LENGTHS = np.array(
        [11.5, 10.5, 9.2, 7.9, 6.8, 6.2, 6.5, 7.4, 8.7, 10, 11.2, 11.8],
        [10.1, 9.6, 9.1, 8.5, 8.1, 7.8, 7.9, 8.3, 8.9, 9.4, 9.9, 10.2],
        12 * [9],
        [7.9, 8.4, 8.9, 9.5, 9.9, 10.2, 10.1, 9.7, 9.1, 8.6, 8.1, 7.8],
        [6.5, 7.5, 9, 12.8, 13.9, 13.9, 12.4, 10.9, 9.4, 8, 7, 6],

        [6.4, 5.0, 2.4, 0.4, -1.6, -1.6, -1.6, -1.6, -1.6, 0.9, 3.8, 5.8],
        12 * [1.39],
        [-1.6, -1.6, -1.6, 0.9, 3.8, 5.8, 6.4, 5.0, 2.4, 0.4, -1.6, -1.6],

def _day_length(lat: int | float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
    """Return the average day length for a month within latitudinal bounds."""
    if -30 > lat >= -90:
        dl = DAY_LENGTHS[0, :]
    elif -15 > lat >= -30:
        dl = DAY_LENGTHS[1, :]
    elif 15 > lat >= -15:
        return 9
    elif 30 > lat >= 15:
        dl = DAY_LENGTHS[3, :]
    elif 90 >= lat >= 30:
        dl = DAY_LENGTHS[4, :]
    elif lat > 90 or lat < -90:
        raise ValueError("Invalid lat specified.")
        raise ValueError
    return dl[mth - 1]

def _day_length_factor(lat: float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
    """Return the day length factor."""
    if -15 > lat >= -90:
        dlf = DAY_LENGTH_FACTORS[0, :]
    elif 15 > lat >= -15:
        return 1.39
    elif 90 >= lat >= 15:
        dlf = DAY_LENGTH_FACTORS[2, :]
    elif lat > 90 or lat < -90:
        raise ValueError("Invalid lat specified.")
        raise ValueError
    return dlf[mth - 1]

def _fine_fuel_moisture_code(t, p, w, h, ffmc0):  # pragma: no cover
    """Compute the fine fuel moisture code over one time step.

    t : array_like
        Noon temperature [C].
    p : array_like
        Rain fall in open over previous 24 hours, at noon [mm].
    w : array_like
        Noon wind speed [km/h].
    h : array_like
        Noon relative humidity [%].
    ffmc0 : array_like
        Previous value of the fine fuel moisture code.

        Fine fuel moisture code at the current timestep.
    mo = (147.2 * (101.0 - ffmc0)) / (59.5 + ffmc0)  # *Eq.1*#
    if p > 0.5:
        rf = p - 0.5  # *Eq.2*#
        if mo > 150.0:
            mo = (
                + 42.5 * rf * np.exp(-100.0 / (251.0 - mo)) * (1.0 - np.exp(-6.93 / rf))
            ) + (0.0015 * (mo - 150.0) ** 2) * np.sqrt(rf)
            # *Eq.3b*#
        elif mo <= 150.0:
            mo = mo + 42.5 * rf * np.exp(-100.0 / (251.0 - mo)) * (
                1.0 - np.exp(-6.93 / rf)
            # *Eq.3a*#
        mo = min(mo, 250.0)

    ed = (
        0.942 * (h**0.679)
        + (11.0 * np.exp((h - 100.0) / 10.0))
        + 0.18 * (21.1 - t) * (1.0 - 1.0 / np.exp(0.1150 * h))
    )  # *Eq.4*#

    if mo < ed:
        ew = (
            0.618 * (h**0.753)
            + (10.0 * np.exp((h - 100.0) / 10.0))
            + 0.18 * (21.1 - t) * (1.0 - 1.0 / np.exp(0.115 * h))
        )  # *Eq.5*#
        if mo < ew:
            # *Eq.7a*#
            kl = 0.424 * (1.0 - ((100.0 - h) / 100.0) ** 1.7) + (
                0.0694 * np.sqrt(w)
            ) * (1.0 - ((100.0 - h) / 100.0) ** 8)
            kw = kl * (0.581 * np.exp(0.0365 * t))  # *Eq.7b*#
            m = ew - (ew - mo) / 10.0**kw  # *Eq.9*#
        elif mo > ew:
            m = mo
            raise ValueError()
    elif mo == ed:
        m = mo
        kl = 0.424 * (1.0 - (h / 100.0) ** 1.7) + (0.0694 * np.sqrt(w)) * (
            1.0 - (h / 100.0) ** 8
        )  # *Eq.6a*#
        kw = kl * (0.581 * np.exp(0.0365 * t))  # *Eq.6b*#
        m = ed + (mo - ed) / 10.0**kw  # *Eq.8*#

    ffmc = (59.5 * (250.0 - m)) / (147.2 + m)  # *Eq.10*#
    if ffmc > 101.0:
        ffmc = 101.0
    elif ffmc <= 0.0:
        ffmc = 0.0

    return ffmc

def _duff_moisture_code(
    t: np.ndarray,
    p: np.ndarray,
    h: np.ndarray,
    mth: int,
    lat: float,
    dmc0: float,
):  # pragma: no cover
    """Compute the Duff moisture code over one time step.

    t : array_like
        Noon temperature [C].
    p : array_like
        Rain fall in open over previous 24 hours, at noon [mm].
    h : array_like
        Noon relative humidity [%].
    mth : array_like[int]
        Month of the year [1-12].
    lat : float
    dmc0 : float
        Previous value of the Duff moisture code.

        Duff moisture code at the current timestep
    if np.isnan(dmc0):
        return np.nan

    dl = _day_length(lat, mth)

    if t < -1.1:
        rk = 0
        rk = 1.894 * (t + 1.1) * (100.0 - h) * dl * 0.0001  # *Eqs.16 and 17*#

    if p > 1.5:
        ra = p
        rw = 0.92 * ra - 1.27  # *Eq.11*#
        wmi = 20.0 + 280.0 / np.exp(
            0.023 * dmc0
        )  # *Eq.12*#  This line replicates cffdrs (R code from CFS)
        # wmi = 20.0 + np.exp(5.6348 - dmc0 / 43.43)  # *Eq.12*# This line replicates GFWED (Matlab code)
        if dmc0 <= 33.0:
            b = 100.0 / (0.5 + 0.3 * dmc0)  # *Eq.13a*#
            if dmc0 <= 65.0:
                b = 14.0 - 1.3 * np.log(dmc0)  # *Eq.13b*#
                b = 6.2 * np.log(dmc0) - 17.2  # *Eq.13c*#
        wmr = wmi + (1000 * rw) / (48.77 + b * rw)  # *Eq.14*#
        pr = 43.43 * (5.6348 - np.log(wmr - 20.0))  # *Eq.15*# cffdrs R cfs
        # pr = 244.72 - 43.43 * np.log(wmr - 20.0)  # *Eq.15*# GFWED Matlab
    else:  # p <= 1.5
        pr = dmc0

    pr = max(pr, 0.0)
    dmc = pr + rk
    dmc = max(dmc, 0.0)
    return dmc

def _drought_code(
    t: np.ndarray, p: np.ndarray, mth: np.ndarray, lat: float, dc0: float
) -> np.ndarray:  # pragma: no cover
    """Compute the drought code over one time step.

    t : array-like
        Noon temperature [C].
    p : array_like
        Rain fall in open over previous 24 hours, at noon [mm].
    mth : array_like[int]
        Month of the year [1-12].
    lat : float
    dc0 : float
        Previous value of the drought code.

        Drought code at the current timestep
    fl = _day_length_factor(lat, mth)

    if t < -2.8:
        t = -2.8
    pe = (0.36 * (t + 2.8) + fl) / 2  # *Eq.22*#
    pe = max(pe, 0.0)

    if p > 2.8:
        ra = p
        rw = 0.83 * ra - 1.27  # *Eq.18*#  Rd
        smi = 800.0 * np.exp(-dc0 / 400.0)  # *Eq.19*# Qo
        dr = dc0 - 400.0 * np.log(1.0 + ((3.937 * rw) / smi))  # *Eqs. 20 and 21*#
        if dr > 0.0:
            dc = dr + pe
        elif np.isnan(dc0):
            dc = np.NaN
            dc = pe
    else:  # f p <= 2.8:
        dc = dc0 + pe
    return dc

[docs]def initial_spread_index(ws: np.ndarray, ffmc: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """Initialize spread index. Parameters ---------- ws : array_like Noon wind speed [km/h]. ffmc : array_like Fine fuel moisture code. Returns ------- array_like Initial spread index. """ mo = 147.2 * (101.0 - ffmc) / (59.5 + ffmc) # *Eq.1*# ff = 19.1152 * np.exp(mo * -0.1386) * (1.0 + (mo**5.31) / 49300000.0) # *Eq.25*# isi = ff * np.exp(0.05039 * ws) # *Eq.26*# return isi
[docs]def build_up_index(dmc, dc): """Build-up index. Parameters ---------- dmc : array Duff moisture code. dc : array Drought code. Returns ------- array Build up index. """ bui = np.where( dmc <= 0.4 * dc, (0.8 * dc * dmc) / (dmc + 0.4 * dc), # *Eq.27a*# dmc - (1.0 - 0.8 * dc / (dmc + 0.4 * dc)) * (0.92 + (0.0114 * dmc) ** 1.7), ) # *Eq.27b*# return np.clip(bui, 0, None)
# TODO: Does this need to be renamed?
[docs]def fire_weather_index(isi, bui): """Fire weather index. Parameters ---------- isi : array Initial spread index bui : array Build up index. Returns ------- array Build up index. """ fwi = np.where( bui <= 80.0, 0.1 * isi * (0.626 * bui**0.809 + 2.0), # *Eq.28a*# 0.1 * isi * (1000.0 / (25.0 + 108.64 / np.exp(0.023 * bui))), ) # *Eq.28b*# fwi[fwi > 1] = np.exp(2.72 * (0.434 * np.log(fwi[fwi > 1])) ** 0.647) # *Eq.30b*# return fwi
[docs]def daily_severity_rating(fwi: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarry: """Daily severity rating. Parameters ---------- fwi : array_like Fire weather index Returns ------- array_like Daily severity rating. """ return 0.0272 * fwi**1.77
@vectorize def _overwintering_drought_code(DCf, wpr, a, b, minDC): # pragma: no cover """Compute the season-starting drought code based on the previous season's last drought code and the total winter precipitation. Parameters ---------- DCf : ndarray The previous season's last drought code wpr : ndarray The accumulated precipitation since the end of the fire season. a : float The carryover fraction from the previous season. b : float The wetting efficiency fraction. minDC : int The overwintered DC cannot be below this value, usually the normal "dc_start" value. """ if np.isnan(DCf) or np.isnan(wpr): return np.nan Qf = 800 * np.exp(-DCf / 400) Qs = a * Qf + b * (3.94 * wpr) DCs = 400 * np.log(800 / Qs) DCs = max(DCs, minDC) return DCs # SECTION 2 : Iterators def _fire_season( tas: np.ndarray, snd: np.ndarray | None = None, method: str = "WF93", temp_start_thresh: float = default_params["temp_start_thresh"][0], temp_end_thresh: float = default_params["temp_end_thresh"][0], temp_condition_days: int = default_params["temp_condition_days"], snow_condition_days: int = default_params["snow_condition_days"], snow_thresh: float = default_params["snow_thresh"][0], ): """Compute the active fire season mask. Parameters ---------- tas : ndarray Temperature [degC], the time axis on the last position. snd : ndarray, optional Snow depth [m], time axis on the last position, used with method == 'LA08'. method : {"WF93", "LA08", "GFWED"} Which method to use. temp_start_thresh : float Starting temperature threshold. temp_end_thresh : float Ending temperature threshold. temp_condition_days : int The number of days' temperature condition to consider. snow_condition_days : int The number of days' snow condition to consider. snow_thresh : float Numerical parameters of the methods. Returns ------- ndarray [bool] `True` where the fire season is active, same shape as tas. """ season_mask = np.full_like(tas, False, dtype=bool) if method == "WF93": # In WF93, the check is done the N last days, EXCLUDING the current one. start_index = temp_condition_days + 1 elif method in ["LA08", "GFWED"]: # In LA08, the check INCLUDES the current day, start_index = max(temp_condition_days, snow_condition_days) for it in range(start_index, tas.shape[-1]): if method == "WF93": temp = tas[..., it - temp_condition_days : it] # Start up when the last X days were all above a threshold. start_up = np.all(temp > temp_start_thresh, axis=-1) # Shut down when the last X days were all below a threshold shut_down = np.all(temp < temp_end_thresh, axis=-1) elif method == "LA08": snow = snd[..., it - snow_condition_days + 1 : it + 1] temp = tas[..., it - temp_condition_days + 1 : it + 1] # Start up when the last X days including today have no snow on the ground. start_up = np.all(snow <= snow_thresh, axis=-1) # Shut down when today has snow OR the last X days (including today) were all below a threshold. shut_down = (snd[..., it] > snow_thresh) | np.all( temp < temp_end_thresh, axis=-1 ) elif method == "GFWED": msnow = np.mean(snd[..., it - snow_condition_days + 1 : it + 1], axis=-1) mtemp = np.mean(tas[..., it - temp_condition_days + 1 : it + 1], axis=-1) # Start up when the last X days including today have no snow on the ground. start_up = (mtemp > temp_start_thresh) & (msnow < snow_thresh) # Shut down when mean snow OR mean temp are over/under threshold shut_down = (msnow >= snow_thresh) | (mtemp < temp_end_thresh) # Mask is on if the previous days was on OR is there is a start-up, AND if it's not a shut-down, # Aka is off if either the previous day was or it is a shut-down. season_mask[..., it] = (season_mask[..., it - 1] | start_up) & ~shut_down return season_mask def _fire_weather_calc( tas, pr, rh, ws, snd, mth, lat, season_mask, dc0, dmc0, ffmc0, winter_pr, **params ): """Primary function computing all Fire Weather Indexes. DO NOT CALL DIRECTLY, use `fire_weather_ufunc` instead.""" # Dear code reader, sorry. outputs = params["outputs"] ind_prevs = {"DC": dc0.copy(), "DMC": dmc0.copy(), "FFMC": ffmc0.copy()} season_method = params.get("season_method") if season_method is None: # None means "always on" season_mask = np.full_like(tas, True, dtype=bool) # Start with default value ind_prevs["DC"][np.isnan(dc0)] = params["dc_start"] ind_prevs["DMC"][np.isnan(dmc0)] = params["dmc_start"] ind_prevs["FFMC"][np.isnan(ffmc0)] = params["ffmc_start"] elif season_method != "mask": # "mask" means it was passed as an arg. Other values are methods so we compute. season_mask = _fire_season( tas, snd, method=season_method, temp_start_thresh=params["temp_start_thresh"], temp_end_thresh=params["temp_end_thresh"], snow_thresh=params["snow_thresh"], temp_condition_days=params["temp_condition_days"], snow_condition_days=params["snow_condition_days"], ) # Codes are only computed if they are in "outputs" for ind in list(ind_prevs.keys()): if ind not in outputs: ind_prevs.pop(ind) # Outputs as a dict for easier access, but order is important in the return out = OrderedDict() for name in outputs: if name == "winter_pr": # If winter_pr was requested, it should have been given. out[name] = winter_pr.copy() elif name == "season_mask": # If the mask was requested as output, put the one given or computed. out[name] = season_mask else: # Start with NaNs out[name] = np.full_like(tas, np.nan) # Cast the mask as integers, use smallest dtype for memory purposes. (maybe this is not impact on performance?) season_mask = season_mask.astype(np.int16) overwintering = params["overwintering"] dry_start = params["dry_start"] if overwintering and "DC" in ind_prevs: # In overwintering, dc0 is understood as the previous season's last DC code. ow_DC = dc0.copy() ind_prevs["DC"] = np.full_like(dc0, np.nan) if dry_start: ow_DC = dc0.copy() ow_DMC = dmc0.copy() start_up_wet = np.zeros_like( dmc0, dtype=bool ) # Pre allocate to avoid "unboundlocalerror" # Iterate on all days. for it in range(tas.shape[-1]): if season_method is not None: # Not in the always on mode, thus we must care about start-up and shut-downs of the fire season. if it == 0: if params["initial_start_up"]: # As if the previous iteration was all 0s delta = season_mask[..., it] else: # Continue the previous state # Meant for special corner cases when we use the season mask # but some points are already "on" on the first day AND we know previous DC DMC and FFMC. delta = 0 * season_mask[..., it] else: delta = season_mask[..., it] - season_mask[..., it - 1] # In [ME19], there are the 4 cases (in order), no need for the last one, it is implicit. shut_down = delta == -1 winter = (delta == 0) & (season_mask[..., it] == 0) start_up = delta == 1 # active_season = (delta == 0) & (season_mask[it] == 1) if dry_start: # When we use special start values for dry cells, # cells where the current precipitation is significant wetpts = pr[..., it] > params["prec_thresh"] if "SNOW" in dry_start and it >= params["snow_cover_days"]: # This is for the GFWED mode with snow snow_cover_history = snd[ ..., it - params["snow_cover_days"] + 1 : it + 1 ] snow_days = np.count_nonzero( snow_cover_history > params["snow_thresh"], axis=-1 ) # Points where the snow cover is enough to trigger a "wet" start-up. start_up_wet = ( start_up & ( snow_days / params["snow_cover_days"] >= params["snow_min_cover_frac"] ) & ( snow_cover_history.mean(axis=-1) >= params["snow_min_mean_depth"] ) ) if "DC" in ind_prevs: if overwintering: # Store end of season DC. ow_DC[shut_down] = ind_prevs["DC"][shut_down] # Fist day of winter, put current precip. out["winter_pr"][shut_down] = pr[shut_down, it] # Winter, add current precip. out["winter_pr"][winter] = out["winter_pr"][winter] + pr[winter, it] dc0 = ow_DC[start_up] # Where ow_DC was NaN (happens at the start of the first season when no ow_DC was given in input), # put the default start, ind_prevs["DC"][start_up] = np.where( np.isnan(dc0), params["dc_start"], _overwintering_drought_code( dc0, out["winter_pr"][start_up], params["carry_over_fraction"], params["wetting_efficiency_fraction"], params["dc_start"], ), ) # Put NaN to be explicit. ow_DC[start_up] = np.nan out["winter_pr"][start_up] = np.nan elif dry_start: # Dry start-up for DC is overridden by overwintering. ow_DC[shut_down] = params["dc_start"] if "GFWED" in dry_start: # The GFWED includes the current day in the "wet points" check. ow_DC[(start_up | winter) & wetpts] = 0 ow_DC[(start_up | winter) & ~wetpts] = ( ow_DC[(start_up | winter) & ~wetpts] + params["dc_dry_factor"] ) else: # "CFS" ow_DC[winter & wetpts] = params["dc_start"] ow_DC[winter & ~wetpts] = ( ow_DC[winter & ~wetpts] + params["dc_dry_factor"] ) if "SNOW" in dry_start: # Points where we have start-up and where snow cover was enough # We cancel dry dc accumulation and switch to conventional ow_DC[start_up_wet] = params["dc_start"] ind_prevs["DC"][start_up] = ow_DC[start_up] ow_DC[start_up] = np.nan else: ind_prevs["DC"][start_up] = params["dc_start"] ind_prevs["DC"][shut_down] = np.nan if "DMC" in ind_prevs: if dry_start: ow_DMC[shut_down] = params["dmc_start"] if "GFWED" in dry_start: # The GFWED includes the current day in the "wet points" check. ow_DMC[(start_up | winter) & wetpts] = 0 ow_DMC[(start_up | winter) & ~wetpts] = ( ow_DMC[(start_up | winter) & ~wetpts] + params["dmc_dry_factor"] ) else: # "CFS" ow_DMC[winter & wetpts] = params["dmc_start"] ow_DMC[winter & ~wetpts] = ( ow_DMC[winter & ~wetpts] + params["dmc_dry_factor"] ) if "SNOW" in dry_start: # Points where we have start-up and where snow cover was enough # We cancel dry dc accumulation and switch to conventional ow_DMC[start_up_wet] = params["dmc_start"] ind_prevs["DMC"][start_up] = ow_DMC[start_up] ow_DMC[start_up] = np.nan else: ind_prevs["DMC"][start_up] = params["dmc_start"] ind_prevs["DMC"][shut_down] = np.nan if "FFMC" in ind_prevs: ind_prevs["FFMC"][start_up] = params["ffmc_start"] ind_prevs["FFMC"][shut_down] = np.nan # Main computation if "DC" in outputs: out["DC"][..., it] = _drought_code( tas[..., it], pr[..., it], mth[..., it], lat, ind_prevs["DC"] ) if "DMC" in outputs: out["DMC"][..., it] = _duff_moisture_code( tas[..., it], pr[..., it], rh[..., it], mth[..., it], lat, ind_prevs["DMC"], ) if "FFMC" in outputs: out["FFMC"][..., it] = _fine_fuel_moisture_code( tas[..., it], pr[..., it], ws[..., it], rh[..., it], ind_prevs["FFMC"] ) if "ISI" in outputs: out["ISI"][..., it] = initial_spread_index( ws[..., it], out["FFMC"][..., it] ) if "BUI" in outputs: out["BUI"][..., it] = build_up_index( out["DMC"][..., it], out["DC"][..., it] ) if "FWI" in outputs: out["FWI"][..., it] = fire_weather_index( out["ISI"][..., it], out["BUI"][..., it] ) if "DSR" in outputs: out["DSR"][..., it] = daily_severity_rating(out["FWI"][..., it]) # Set the previous values for ind, ind_prev in ind_prevs.items(): ind_prev[...] = out[ind][..., it] if len(outputs) == 1: return out[outputs[0]] return tuple(out.values()) # SECTION 3 - Public methods and indices # TODO: Does this need to be renamed?
[docs]def fire_weather_ufunc( *, tas: xr.DataArray, pr: xr.DataArray, hurs: xr.DataArray | None = None, sfcWind: xr.DataArray | None = None, snd: xr.DataArray | None = None, lat: xr.DataArray | None = None, dc0: xr.DataArray | None = None, dmc0: xr.DataArray | None = None, ffmc0: xr.DataArray | None = None, winter_pr: xr.DataArray | None = None, season_mask: xr.DataArray | None = None, start_dates: str | xr.DataArray | None = None, indexes: Sequence[str] = None, season_method: str | None = None, overwintering: bool = False, dry_start: str | None = None, initial_start_up: bool = True, **params, ): """Fire Weather Indexes computation using xarray's apply_ufunc. No unit handling. Meant to be used by power users only. Please prefer using the :py:indicator:`DC` and :py:indicator:`CFFWIS` indicators or the :py:func:`drought_code` and :py:func:`cffwis_indices` indices defined in the same submodule. Dask arrays must have only one chunk along the "time" dimension. User can control which indexes are computed with the `indexes` argument. Parameters ---------- tas : xr.DataArray Noon surface temperature in °C pr : xr.DataArray Rainfall over previous 24h, at noon in mm/day hurs : xr.DataArray, optional Noon surface relative humidity in %, not needed for DC sfcWind : xr.DataArray, optional Noon surface wind speed in km/h, not needed for DC, DMC or BUI snd : xr.DataArray, optional Noon snow depth in m, only needed if `season_method` is "LA08" lat : xr.DataArray, optional Latitude in °N, not needed for FFMC or ISI dc0 : xr.DataArray, optional Previous DC map, see Notes. Defaults to NaN. dmc0 : xr.DataArray, optional Previous DMC map, see Notes. Defaults to NaN. ffmc0 : xr.DataArray, optional Previous FFMC map, see Notes. Defaults to NaN. winter_pr : xr.DataArray, optional Accumulated precipitation since the end of the last season, until the beginning of the current data, mm/day. Only used if `overwintering` is True, defaults to 0. season_mask : xr.DataArray, optional Boolean mask, True where/when the fire season is active. indexes : Sequence[str], optional Which indexes to compute. If intermediate indexes are needed, they will be added to the list and output. season_method : {None, "WF93", "LA08", "GFWED"} How to compute the start-up and shutdown of the fire season. If "None", no start-ups or shutdowns are computed, similar to the R fire function. Ignored if `season_mask` is given. overwintering : bool Whether to activate DC overwintering or not. If True, either season_method or season_mask must be given. dry_start : {None, 'CFS', 'GFWED'} Whether to activate the DC and DMC "dry start" mechanism and which method to use. See Notes. If overwintering is activated, it overrides this parameter : only DMC is handled through the dry start mechanism. initial_start_up : bool If True (default), grid points where the fire season is active on the first timestep go through a start-up phase for that time step. Otherwise, previous codes must be given as a continuing fire season is assumed for those points. carry_over_fraction : float Carry over fraction. wetting_efficiency_fraction : float Drought code overwintering parameters, see :py:func:`overwintering_drought_code`. temp_start_thresh : float Starting temperature threshold. temp_end_thresh : float Ending temperature threshold. temp_condition_days : int The number of days' temperature condition to consider. snow_thresh : float The snow threshold. snow_condition_days : int Parameters for the fire season determination. See :py:func:`fire_season`. Temperature is in degC, snow in m. The `snow_thresh` parameters is also used when `dry_start` is set to "GFWED", see Notes. dc_start : float DC start. dmc_start : float DMC start. ffmc_start : float Default starting values for the three base codes. prec_thresh : float If the "dry start" is activated, this is the "wet" day precipitation threshold, see Notes. In mm/d. dc_dry_factor : float DC's start-up values for the "dry start" mechanism, see Notes. dmc_dry_factor : float DMC's start-up values for the "dry start" mechanism, see Notes. snow_cover_days : int Snow cover days. snow_min_cover_frac : float Snow minimum cover fraction. snow_min_mean_depth : float Additional parameters for GFWED's version of the "dry start" mechanism. See Notes. Snow depth is in m. Returns ------- dict[str, xarray.DataArray] Dictionary containing the computed indexes as prescribed in `indexes`, including the intermediate ones needed, even if they were not explicitly listed in `indexes`. When overwintering is activated, `winter_pr` is added. If `season_method` is not None and `season_mask` was not given, `season_mask` is computed on-the-fly and added to the output. Notes ----- When overwintering is activated, the argument `dc0` is understood as last season's last DC map and will be used to compute the overwintered DC at the beginning of the next season. If overwintering is not activated and neither is fire season computation (`season_method` and `season_mask` are `None`), `dc0`, `dmc0` and `ffmc0` are understood as the codes on the day before the first day of FWI computation. They will default to their respective start values. This "always on" mode replicates the R "fire" code. If the "dry start" mechanism is set to "CFS" (but there is no overwintering), the arguments `dc0` and `dmc0` are understood as the potential start-up values from last season. With :math:`DC_{start}` the conventional start-up value, :math:`F_{dry-dc}` the `dc_dry_factor` and :math:`N_{dry}` the number of days since the last significant precipitation event, the start-up value :math:`DC_0` is computed as: .. math:: DC_0 = DC_{start} + F_{dry-dc} * N_{dry} The last significant precipitation event is the last day when precipitation was greater or equal to "prec_thresh". The same happens for the DMC, with corresponding parameters. If overwintering is activated, this mechanism is only used for the DMC. Alternatively, `dry_start` can be set to "GFWED". In this mode, the start-up values are computed as: .. math:: DC_0 = F_{dry-dc} * N_{dry} Where the current day is also included in the determination of :math:`N_{dry}` (:math:`DC_0` can thus be 0). Finally, for this "GFWED" mode, if snow cover is provided, a second check is performed: the dry start procedure is skipped and conventional start-up values are used for cells where the snow cover of the last `snow_cover_days` was above `snow_thresh` for at least `snow_cover_days` * `snow_min_cover_frac` days and where the mean snow cover over the same period was greater of equal to `snow_min_mean_depth`. """ indexes = set(indexes or ["DC", "DMC", "FFMC", "ISI", "BUI", "FWI", "DSR"]) if "DSR" in indexes: indexes.update({"FWI"}) if "FWI" in indexes: indexes.update({"ISI", "BUI"}) if "BUI" in indexes: indexes.update({"DC", "DMC"}) if "ISI" in indexes: indexes.update({"FFMC"}) indexes = sorted( list(indexes), key=["DC", "DMC", "FFMC", "ISI", "BUI", "FWI", "DSR"].index, ) # Whether each argument is needed in _fire_weather_calc # Same order as _fire_weather_calc, Assumes the list of indexes is complete. # (name, list of indexes + start_up/shut_down modes, has_time_dim) needed_args = ( (tas, "tas", ["DC", "DMC", "FFMC", "WF93", "LA08"], True), (pr, "pr", ["DC", "DMC", "FFMC"], True), (hurs, "hurs", ["DMC", "FFMC"], True), (sfcWind, "sfcWind", ["FFMC"], True), (snd, "snd", ["LA08"], True), (tas.time.dt.month, "month", ["DC", "DMC"], True), (lat, "lat", ["DC", "DMC"], False), ) # Arg order : tas, pr, hurs, sfcWind, snd, mth, lat, season_mask, dc0, dmc0, ffmc0, winter_pr # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 args = [None] * 12 input_core_dims = [[]] * 12 # Verification of all arguments for i, (arg, name, usedby, has_time_dim) in enumerate(needed_args): if any([ind in indexes + [season_method] for ind in usedby]): if arg is None: raise TypeError( f"Missing input argument {name} for index combination {indexes} with fire season method '{season_method}'" ) args[i] = arg input_core_dims[i] = ["time"] if has_time_dim else [] # For the GFWED dry start mode, we include snow depth is available if snd is not None and dry_start == "GFWED": args[4] = snd input_core_dims[4] = ["time"] dry_start = "GFWED+SNOW" elif dry_start not in [None, "CFS", "GFWED"]: raise ValueError("'dry_start' must be one of None, 'CFS' or 'GFWED'.") # Always pass the previous codes. if dc0 is None: dc0 = xr.full_like(tas.isel(time=0), np.nan) if dmc0 is None: dmc0 = xr.full_like(tas.isel(time=0), np.nan) if ffmc0 is None: ffmc0 = xr.full_like(tas.isel(time=0), np.nan) args[8:11] = [dc0, dmc0, ffmc0] # Output config from the current indexes list outputs = indexes output_dtypes = [tas.dtype] * len(indexes) output_core_dims = len(indexes) * [("time",)] if season_mask is not None: # A mask was passed, ignore passed method and tell the ufunc to use it. args[7] = season_mask input_core_dims[7] = ["time"] season_method = "mask" elif season_method is not None: # Season mask not given and a method chosen : we output the computed mask. outputs.append("season_mask") output_core_dims.append(("time",)) output_dtypes.append(bool) if overwintering: # Overwintering code activated if season_method is None and season_mask is None: raise ValueError( "If overwintering is activated, either `season_method` or `season_mask` must be given." ) # Last winter PR is 0 by default if winter_pr is None: winter_pr = xr.zeros_like(pr.isel(time=0)) args[11] = winter_pr # Activating overwintering will produce an extra output, that has no "time" dimension. outputs.append("winter_pr") output_core_dims.append([]) output_dtypes.append(pr.dtype) # Kwargs from default parameters. take the value when it is a tuple. kwargs = { k: v if not isinstance(v, tuple) else v[0] for k, v in default_params.items() } kwargs.update(**params) kwargs.update( season_method=season_method, overwintering=overwintering, dry_start=dry_start, initial_start_up=initial_start_up, outputs=outputs, ) if tas.ndim == 1: dummy_dim = xr.core.utils.get_temp_dimname(tas.dims, "dummy") # noqa # When arrays only have the 'time' dimension, non-temporal inputs of the wrapped ufunc # become scalars. We add a dummy dimension so that we don't have to deal with that. for i in range(len(args)): if isinstance(args[i], xr.DataArray): args[i] = args[i].expand_dims({dummy_dim: [1]}) das = xr.apply_ufunc( _fire_weather_calc, *args, kwargs=kwargs, input_core_dims=input_core_dims, output_core_dims=output_core_dims, dask="parallelized", dask_gufunc_kwargs={ "meta": tuple(np.array((), dtype=dtype) for dtype in output_dtypes) }, ) if tas.ndim == 1: if len(outputs) == 1: das = das.squeeze(dummy_dim, drop=True) else: das = [da.squeeze(dummy_dim, drop=True) for da in das] if len(outputs) == 1: return {outputs[0]: das} return {name: da for name, da in zip(outputs, das)}
[docs]@declare_units(last_dc="[]", winter_pr="[length]") def overwintering_drought_code( last_dc: xr.DataArray, winter_pr: xr.DataArray, carry_over_fraction: xr.DataArray | float = default_params["carry_over_fraction"], wetting_efficiency_fraction: xr.DataArray | float = default_params["wetting_efficiency_fraction"], min_dc: xr.DataArray | float = default_params["dc_start"], ) -> xr.DataArray: """Compute the season-starting drought code based on the previous season's last drought code and the total winter precipitation. This method replicates the "wDC" method of the "cffdrs R package :cite:p:`cantin_canadian_2014`, with an added control on the "minimum" DC. Parameters ---------- last_dc : xr.DataArray The previous season's last drought code. winter_pr : xr.DataArray The accumulated precipitation since the end of the fire season. carry_over_fraction : xr.DataArray or float Carry-over fraction of last fall’s moisture wetting_efficiency_fraction : xr.DataArray or float Effectiveness of winter precipitation in recharging moisture reserves in spring min_dc : xr.DataArray or float Minimum drought code starting value. Returns ------- wDC : xr.DataArray Overwintered drought code. Notes ----- Details taken from the "cffdrs" R package documentation :cite:p:`drought-cantin_canadian_2014`: Of the three fuel moisture codes (i.e. FFMC, DMC and DC) making up the FWI System, only the DC needs to be considered in terms of its values carrying over from one fire season to the next. In Canada both the FFMC and the DMC are assumed to reach moisture saturation from overwinter precipitation at or before spring melt; this is a reasonable assumption and any error in these assumed starting conditions quickly disappears. If snowfall (or other overwinter precipitation) is not large enough however, the fuel layer tracked by the Drought Code may not fully reach saturation after spring snow melt; because of the long response time in this fuel layer (53 days in standard conditions) a large error in this spring starting condition can affect the DC for a significant portion of the fire season. In areas where overwinter precipitation is 200 mm or more, full moisture recharge occurs and DC overwintering is usually unnecessary. More discussion of overwintering and fuel drying time lag can be found in :cite:t:`drought-lawson_weather_2008` and :cite:t:`drought-van_wagner_drought_1985`. Carry-over fraction of last fall's moisture: - 1.0, Daily DC calculated up to 1 November; continuous snow cover, or freeze-up, whichever comes first - 0.75, Daily DC calculations stopped before any of the above conditions met or the area is subject to occasional winter chinook conditions, leaving the ground bare and subject to moisture depletion - 0.5, Forested areas subject to long periods in fall or winter that favor depletion of soil moisture Effectiveness of winter precipitation in recharging moisture reserves in spring: - 0.9, Poorly drained, boggy sites with deep organic layers - 0.75, Deep ground frost does not occur until late fall, if at all; moderately drained sites that allow infiltration of most of the melting snowpack - 0.5, Chinook-prone areas and areas subject to early and deep ground frost; well-drained soils favoring rapid percolation or topography favoring rapid runoff before melting of ground frost Source: :cite:cts:`drought-lawson_weather_2008` - Table 9. References ---------- :cite:t:`drought-cantin_canadian_2014,drought-field_development_2015,drought-lawson_weather_2008,drought-van_wagner_drought_1985` """ winter_pr = convert_units_to(winter_pr, "mm") wDC = xr.apply_ufunc( # noqa _overwintering_drought_code, last_dc, winter_pr, carry_over_fraction, wetting_efficiency_fraction, min_dc, input_core_dims=[[]] * 5, output_core_dims=[[]], dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=[last_dc.dtype], ) wDC.attrs["units"] = "" return wDC
# TODO: The `noqa` can be removed when this function is no longer public def _convert_parameters(params: dict[str, int | float]) -> dict[str, int | float]: for param, value in params.copy().items(): if param not in default_params: raise ValueError( f"{param} is not a valid parameter for fire weather indices. See list in" ) if isinstance(default_params[param], tuple): params[param] = convert_units_to(value, default_params[param][1]) return params
[docs]@declare_units( tas="[temperature]", pr="[precipitation]", sfcWind="[speed]", hurs="[]", lat="[]", snd="[length]", ffmc0="[]", dmc0="[]", dc0="[]", season_mask="[]", ) def cffwis_indices( tas: xr.DataArray, pr: xr.DataArray, sfcWind: xr.DataArray, hurs: xr.DataArray, lat: xr.DataArray, snd: xr.DataArray | None = None, ffmc0: xr.DataArray | None = None, dmc0: xr.DataArray | None = None, dc0: xr.DataArray | None = None, season_mask: xr.DataArray | None = None, season_method: str | None = None, overwintering: bool = False, dry_start: str | None = None, initial_start_up: bool = True, **params, ): """Canadian Fire Weather Index System indices. Computes the 6 fire weather indexes as defined by the Canadian Forest Service: the Drought Code, the Duff-Moisture Code, the Fine Fuel Moisture Code, the Initial Spread Index, the Build Up Index and the Fire Weather Index. Parameters ---------- tas : xr.DataArray Noon temperature. pr : xr.DataArray Rain fall in open over previous 24 hours, at noon. sfcWind : xr.DataArray Noon wind speed. hurs : xr.DataArray Noon relative humidity. lat : xr.DataArray Latitude coordinate snd : xr.DataArray Noon snow depth, only used if `season_method='LA08'` is passed. ffmc0 : xr.DataArray Initial values of the fine fuel moisture code. dmc0 : xr.DataArray Initial values of the Duff moisture code. dc0 : xr.DataArray Initial values of the drought code. season_mask : xr.DataArray, optional Boolean mask, True where/when the fire season is active. season_method : {None, "WF93", "LA08", "GFWED"} How to compute the start-up and shutdown of the fire season. If "None", no start-ups or shutdowns are computed, similar to the R fire function. Ignored if `season_mask` is given. overwintering : bool Whether to activate DC overwintering or not. If True, either season_method or season_mask must be given. dry_start : {None, 'CFS', 'GFWED'} Whether to activate the DC and DMC "dry start" mechanism or not, see :py:func:`fire_weather_ufunc`. initial_start_up : bool If True (default), gridpoints where the fire season is active on the first timestep go through a start_up phase for that time step. Otherwise, previous codes must be given as a continuing fire season is assumed for those points. params Any other keyword parameters as defined in :py:func:`fire_weather_ufunc` and in :py:data:`default_params`. Returns ------- DC: xr.DataArray, [dimensionless] DMC: xr.DataArray, [dimensionless] FFMC: xr.DataArray, [dimensionless] ISI: xr.DataArray, [dimensionless] BUI: xr.DataArray, [dimensionless] FWI: xr.DataArray, [dimensionless] Notes ----- See :cite:t:`code-natural_resources_canada_data_nodate`, the :py:mod:`` module documentation, and the docstring of :py:func:`fire_weather_ufunc` for more information. This algorithm follows the official R code released by the CFS, which contains revisions from the original 1982 Fortran code. References ---------- :cite:cts:`fire-wang_updated_2015` """ tas = convert_units_to(tas, "C") pr = convert_units_to(pr, "mm/day") sfcWind = convert_units_to(sfcWind, "km/h") hurs = convert_units_to(hurs, "pct") if snd is not None: snd = convert_units_to(snd, "m") out = fire_weather_ufunc( tas=tas, pr=pr, hurs=hurs, sfcWind=sfcWind, lat=lat, dc0=dc0, dmc0=dmc0, ffmc0=ffmc0, snd=snd, indexes=["DC", "DMC", "FFMC", "ISI", "BUI", "FWI"], season_mask=season_mask, season_method=season_method, overwintering=overwintering, dry_start=dry_start, initial_start_up=initial_start_up, **_convert_parameters(params), ) for outd in out.values(): outd.attrs["units"] = "" return out["DC"], out["DMC"], out["FFMC"], out["ISI"], out["BUI"], out["FWI"]
[docs]@declare_units( tas="[temperature]", pr="[precipitation]", lat="[]", snd="[length]", dc0="[]", season_mask="[]", ) def drought_code( tas: xr.DataArray, pr: xr.DataArray, lat: xr.DataArray, snd: xr.DataArray | None = None, dc0: xr.DataArray | None = None, season_mask: xr.DataArray | None = None, season_method: str | None = None, overwintering: bool = False, dry_start: str | None = None, initial_start_up: bool = True, **params, ): r"""Drought code (FWI component). The drought code is part of the Canadian Forest Fire Weather Index System. It is a numeric rating of the average moisture content of organic layers. Parameters ---------- tas : xr.DataArray Noon temperature. pr : xr.DataArray Rain fall in open over previous 24 hours, at noon. lat : xr.DataArray Latitude coordinate snd : xr.DataArray Noon snow depth. dc0 : xr.DataArray Initial values of the drought code. season_mask : xr.DataArray, optional Boolean mask, True where/when the fire season is active. season_method : {None, "WF93", "LA08", "GFWED"} How to compute the start-up and shutdown of the fire season. If "None", no start-ups or shutdowns are computed, similar to the R fire function. Ignored if `season_mask` is given. overwintering : bool Whether to activate DC overwintering or not. If True, either season_method or season_mask must be given. dry_start : {None, "CFS", 'GFWED'} Whether to activate the DC and DMC "dry start" mechanism and which method to use. See :py:func:`fire_weather_ufunc`. initial_start_up : bool If True (default), grid points where the fire season is active on the first timestep go through a start_up phase for that time step. Otherwise, previous codes must be given as a continuing fire season is assumed for those points. params Any other keyword parameters as defined in `` and in :py:data:`default_params`. Returns ------- xr.DataArray, [dimensionless] Drought code Notes ----- See :cite:cts:`code-natural_resources_canada_data_nodate`, the :py:mod:`` module documentation, and the docstring of :py:func:`fire_weather_ufunc` for more information. This algorithm follows the official R code released by the CFS, which contains revisions from the original 1982 Fortran code. References ---------- :cite:cts:`fire-wang_updated_2015` """ tas = convert_units_to(tas, "C") pr = convert_units_to(pr, "mm/day") if snd is not None: snd = convert_units_to(snd, "m") out = fire_weather_ufunc( tas=tas, pr=pr, lat=lat, dc0=dc0, snd=snd, indexes=["DC"], season_mask=season_mask, season_method=season_method, overwintering=overwintering, dry_start=dry_start, initial_start_up=initial_start_up, **_convert_parameters(params), ) out["DC"].attrs["units"] = "" return out["DC"]
[docs]@declare_units( tas="[temperature]", snd="[length]", temp_start_thresh="[temperature]", temp_end_thresh="[temperature]", snow_thresh="[length]", ) def fire_season( tas: xr.DataArray, snd: xr.DataArray | None = None, method: str = "WF93", freq: str | None = None, temp_start_thresh: Quantified = "12 degC", temp_end_thresh: Quantified = "5 degC", temp_condition_days: int = 3, snow_condition_days: int = 3, snow_thresh: Quantified = "0.01 m", ): """Fire season mask. Binary mask of the active fire season, defined by conditions on consecutive daily temperatures and, optionally, snow depths. Parameters ---------- tas : xr.DataArray Daily surface temperature, cffdrs recommends using maximum daily temperature. snd : xr.DataArray, optional Snow depth, used with method == 'LA08'. method : {"WF93", "LA08", "GFWED"} Which method to use. "LA08" and "GFWED" need the snow depth. freq : str, optional If given only the longest fire season for each period defined by this frequency, Every "seasons" are returned if None, including the short shoulder seasons. temp_start_thresh : Quantified Minimal temperature needed to start the season. Must be scalar. temp_end_thresh : Quantified Maximal temperature needed to end the season. Must be scalar. temp_condition_days : int Number of days with temperature above or below the thresholds to trigger a start or an end of the fire season. snow_condition_days : int Parameters for the fire season determination. See :py:func:`fire_season`. Temperature is in degC, snow in m. The `snow_thresh` parameters is also used when `dry_start` is set to "GFWED". snow_thresh : Quantified Minimal snow depth level to end a fire season, only used with method "LA08". Must be scalar. Returns ------- xr.DataArray Fire season mask References ---------- :cite:cts:`fire-wotton_length_1993,fire-lawson_weather_2008` """ # TODO: `map_blocks` as currently implemented, does not mix well with non-scalar thresholds, as they are being passed through kwargs if not all( np.isscalar(v) for v in [temp_start_thresh, temp_end_thresh, snow_thresh] ): raise ValueError("Thresholds must be scalar.") kwargs = dict( method=method, temp_start_thresh=convert_units_to(temp_start_thresh, "degC"), temp_end_thresh=convert_units_to(temp_end_thresh, "degC"), temp_condition_days=temp_condition_days, snow_condition_days=snow_condition_days, snow_thresh=convert_units_to(snow_thresh, "m"), ) def _apply_fire_season(ds, **kwargs): season_mask = ds.tas.copy( data=_fire_season( tas=ds.tas.values, snd=None if kwargs["method"] == "WF93" else ds.snd.values, **kwargs, ) ) season_mask.attrs = {} if freq is not None: time = season_mask.time season_mask = season_mask.resample(time=freq).map(rl.keep_longest_run) season_mask["time"] = time return season_mask ds = convert_units_to(tas, "degC").rename("tas").to_dataset() if snd is not None: ds["snd"] = convert_units_to(snd, "m") ds = ds.unify_chunks() ds = ds.transpose(..., "time") tmpl = xr.full_like(tas, np.nan) out = ds.map_blocks(_apply_fire_season, template=tmpl, kwargs=kwargs) out.attrs["units"] = "" return out