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Command Line Interface

xclim provides the xclim command line executable to perform basic indicator computation easily without having to start up a full Python environment. However, not all indicators listed in Climate Indicators are available through this tool.

Its use is simple; Type the following to see the usage message:

!xclim --help
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length(lat: int | float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length_factor(lat: float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover

  Command line tool to compute indices on netCDF datasets. Indicators are
  referred to by their (case-insensitive) identifier, as in

  -i, --input TEXT         Input files. Can be a netCDF path or a glob
  -o, --output TEXT        Output filepath. A new file will be created
  -v, --verbose            Print details about context and progress.
  -V, --version            Prints xclim's version number and exits
  --dask-nthreads INTEGER  Start a dask.distributed Client with this many
                           threads and 1 worker. If not specified, the local
                           scheduler is used. If specified, '--dask-maxmem'
                           must also be given
  --dask-maxmem TEXT       Memory limit for the dask.distributed Client as a
                           human readable string (ex: 4GB). If specified, '--
                           dask-nthreads' must also be specified.
  --chunks TEXT            Chunks to use when opening the input dataset(s).
                           Given as <dim1>:num,<dim2:num>. Ex:
  --help                   Show this message and exit.

  indices            List indicators.
  info               Give information about INDICATOR.
  dataflags          Run data flag checks for input variables.
  release_notes      Print history for publishing purposes.
  show_version_info  Print versions of dependencies for debugging purposes.

To list all available indicators, use the “indices” subcommand:

!xclim indices
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length(lat: int | float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length_factor(lat: float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
Listing all available indicators for computation.:
anuclim.p12_annualprecip        Annual Precipitation (P12_AnnualPrecip)
anuclim.p14_precipdriestperiod  P14_PrecipDriestPeriod
anuclim.p15_precipseasonality   P15_PrecipSeasonality
anuclim.p1_annmeantemp          Annual Mean Temperature (P1_AnnMeanTemp)
anuclim.p2_meandiurnalrange     Mean Diurnal Range (P2_MeanDiurnalRange)
anuclim.p3_isothermality        P3_Isothermality (P3_Isothermality)
anuclim.p4_tempseasonality      P4_TempSeasonality (P4_TempSeasonality)
                                Max Temperature of Warmest Period
                                Min Temperature of Coldest Period
anuclim.p7_tempannualrange      Temperature Annual Range
base_flow_index                 Base flow index
                                Integral of mean daily temperature above
                                {thresh_tasmin}, with maximum value of
                                {max_daily_degree_days}, multiplied by day-
                                length coefficient and temperature range
                                modifier based on {method} method for days
                                between {start_date} and {end_date} (bedd)
blowing_snow                    Days with snowfall and wind speed at or
                                above given thresholds ({freq}_blowing_snow)
calm_days                       Number of days with surface wind speed below
cdd                             Maximum consecutive days with daily
                                precipitation below {thresh}
cf.cdd                          Maximum consecutive dry days (Precip < 1mm)
cf.cddcoldtt                    Cooling Degree Days (Tmean > {threshold}C)
                                (cddcold{threshold})                          Maximum number of consecutive frost days
                                (Tmin < 0 C) (cfd)
cf.csu                          Maximum number of consecutive summer days
                                (Tmax >25 C) (csu)
cf.ctmgett                      Maximum number of consecutive days with
                                Tmean >= {threshold}C (ctmge{threshold})
cf.ctmgttt                      Maximum number of consecutive days with
                                Tmean > {threshold}C (ctmgt{threshold})
cf.ctmlett                      Maximum number of consecutive days with
                                Tmean <= {threshold}C (ctmle{threshold})
cf.ctmlttt                      Maximum number of consecutive days with
                                Tmean < {threshold}C (ctmlt{threshold})
cf.ctngett                      Maximum number of consecutive days with Tmin
                                >= {threshold}C (ctnge{threshold})
cf.ctngttt                      Maximum number of consecutive days with Tmin
                                > {threshold}C (ctngt{threshold})
cf.ctnlett                      Maximum number of consecutive days with Tmin
                                <= {threshold}C (ctnle{threshold})
cf.ctnlttt                      Maximum number of consecutive days with Tmin
                                < {threshold}C (ctnlt{threshold})
cf.ctxgett                      Maximum number of consecutive days with Tmax
                                >= {threshold}C (ctxge{threshold})
cf.ctxgttt                      Maximum number of consecutive days with Tmax
                                > {threshold}C (ctxgt{threshold})
cf.ctxlett                      Maximum number of consecutive days with Tmax
                                <= {threshold}C (ctxle{threshold})
cf.ctxlttt                      Maximum number of consecutive days with Tmax
                                < {threshold}C (ctxlt{threshold})
cf.cwd                          Maximum consecutive wet days (Precip >= 1mm)
cf.ddgttt                       Degree Days (Tmean > {threshold}C)
cf.ddlttt                       Degree Days (Tmean < {threshold}C)
cf.dtr                          Mean Diurnal Temperature Range (dtr)
cf.etr                          Intra-period extreme temperature range (etr)
cf.fg                           Mean of daily mean wind strength (fg)
cf.fxx                          Maximum value of daily maximum wind gust
                                strength (fxx)
cf.gd4                          Growing degree days (sum of Tmean > 4 C)
cf.gddgrowtt                    Annual Growing Degree Days (Tmean >
                                {threshold}C) (gddgrow{threshold})
cf.hd17                         Heating degree days (sum of Tmean < 17 C)
cf.hddheattt                    Heating Degree Days (Tmean < {threshold}C)
cf.maxdtr                       Maximum Diurnal Temperature Range (maxdtr)
cf.pp                           Mean of daily sea level pressure (pp)
cf.rh                           Mean of daily relative humidity (rh)                           Mean of daily snow depth (sd)
cf.sdii                         Average precipitation during Wet Days (SDII)
                                (sdii)                           Sunshine duration, sum (ss)                           Mean of daily mean temperature (tg)
cf.tmm                          Mean daily mean temperature (tmm)
cf.tmmax                        Maximum daily mean temperature (tmmax)
cf.tmmean                       Mean daily mean temperature (tmmean)
cf.tmmin                        Minimum daily mean temperature (tmmin)
cf.tmn                          Minimum daily mean temperature (tmn)
cf.tmx                          Maximum daily mean temperature (tmx)                           Mean of daily minimum temperature (tn)
cf.tnm                          Mean daily minimum temperature (tnm)
cf.tnmax                        Maximum daily minimum temperature (tnmax)
cf.tnmean                       Mean daily minimum temperature (tnmean)
cf.tnmin                        Minimum daily minimum temperature (tnmin)
cf.tnn                          Minimum daily minimum temperature (tnn)
cf.tnx                          Maximum daily minimum temperature (tnx)
cf.tx                           Mean of daily maximum temperature (tx)
cf.txm                          Mean daily maximum temperature (txm)
cf.txmax                        Maximum daily maximum temperature (txmax)
cf.txmean                       Mean daily maximum temperature (txmean)
cf.txmin                        Minimum daily maximum temperature (txmin)
cf.txn                          Minimum daily maximum temperature (txn)
cf.txx                          Maximum daily maximum temperature (txx)
cf.vdtr                         Mean day-to-day variation in Diurnal
                                Temperature Range (vdtr)
cffwis                          Drought Code, Duff Moisture Code, Fine Fuel
                                Moisture Code, Initial Spread Index, Buildup
                                Index, Fire Weather Index (dc, dmc, ffmc,
                                isi, bui, fwi)
cold_and_dry_days               Number of days where temperature is below
                                {tas_per_thresh}th percentile and
                                precipitation is below {pr_per_thresh}th
cold_and_wet_days               Number of days where temperature is below
                                {tas_per_thresh}th percentile and
                                precipitation is above {pr_per_thresh}th
cold_spell_days                 Total number of days constituting events of
                                at least {window} consecutive days where the
                                mean daily temperature is below {thresh}
cold_spell_duration_index       Total number of days constituting events of
                                at least {window} consecutive days where the
                                daily minimum temperature is below the
                                {tasmin_per_thresh}th percentile
cold_spell_frequency            Total number of series of at least {window}
                                consecutive days where the mean daily
                                temperature is below {thresh}
consecutive_frost_days          Maximum number of consecutive days where
                                minimum daily temperature is below {thresh}
consecutive_frost_free_days     Maximum number of consecutive days with
                                minimum temperature at or above {thresh}
cool_night_index                Mean minimum temperature in late summer
cooling_degree_days             Cumulative sum of temperature degrees for
                                mean daily temperature above {thresh}
corn_heat_units                 Corn heat units (Tmin > {thresh_tasmin} and
                                Tmax > {thresh_tasmax}) (chu)
cwd                             Maximum consecutive days with daily
                                precipitation at or above {thresh}
days_over_precip_doy_thresh     Number of days with daily precipitation flux
                                above the {pr_per_thresh}th percentile of
days_over_precip_thresh         Number of days with precipitation flux above
                                the {pr_per_thresh}th percentile of
days_with_snow                  Number of days with solid precipitation flux
                                between {low} and {high} thresholds
dc                              Drought Code
degree_days_exceedance_date     Day of year when the integral of mean daily
                                temperature {op} {thresh} exceeds
df                              Griffiths Drought Factor
dlyfrzthw                       Number of days where maximum daily
                                temperatures are above {thresh_tasmax} and
                                minimum daily temperatures are at or below
doy_qmax                        Day of the year of the maximum streamflow
                                over {indexer} (q{indexer}_doy_qmax)
doy_qmin                        Day of the year of the minimum streamflow
                                over {indexer} (q{indexer}_doy_qmin)
dry_days                        Number of dry days
dry_spell_frequency             Number of dry periods of {window} day(s) or
                                more, during which the {op} precipitation on
                                a window of {window} day(s) is below
dry_spell_total_length          Number of days in dry periods of {window}
                                day(s) or more, during which the {op}
                                precipitation within windows of {window}
                                day(s) is under {thresh}.
dryness_index                   Growing season humidity
dtr                             Mean diurnal temperature range
dtrmax                          Maximum diurnal temperature range
dtrvar                          Mean diurnal temperature range variability
e_sat                           Saturation vapour pressure ("{method}"
effective_growing_degree_days   Integral of mean daily temperature above
                                {thresh} for days between start and end
                                dates dynamically determined using {method}
                                method (egdd)
etr                             Intra-period extreme temperature range
ffdi                            McArthur Forest Fire Danger Index
fire_season                     Fire season mask
first_day_tg_above              First day of year with a period of at least
                                {window} days of mean temperature above
first_day_tg_below              First day of year with a period of at least
                                {window} days of mean temperature below
first_day_tn_above              First day of year with a period of at least
                                {window} days of minimum temperature above
first_day_tn_below              First day of year with a period of at least
                                {window} days of minimum temperature below
first_day_tx_above              First day of year with a period of at least
                                {window} days of maximum temperature above
first_day_tx_below              First day of year with a period of at least
                                {window} days of maximum temperature below
first_snowfall                  Date of first day where the solid
                                precipitation flux exceeded {thresh}
                                Fraction of precipitation due to days with
                                daily precipitation above {pr_per_thresh}th
                                daily percentile
fraction_over_precip_thresh     Fraction of precipitation due to days with
                                precipitation above {pr_per_thresh}th daily
freezethaw_spell_frequency      Frequency of events where maximum daily
                                temperatures are above {thresh_tasmax} and
                                minimum daily temperatures are at or below
                                {thresh_tasmin} for at least {window}
                                consecutive day(s).
freezethaw_spell_max_length     Maximal length of events where maximum daily
                                temperatures are above {thresh_tasmax} and
                                minimum daily temperatures are at or below
                                {thresh_tasmin} for at least {window}
                                consecutive day(s).
freezethaw_spell_mean_length    Average length of events where maximum daily
                                temperatures are above {thresh_tasmax} and
                                minimum daily temperatures are at or below
                                {thresh_tasmin} for at least {window}
                                consecutive day(s).
freezing_degree_days            Cumulative sum of temperature degrees for
                                mean daily temperature below {thresh}
freshet_start                   First day where temperature threshold of
                                {thresh} is exceeded for at least {window}
frost_days                      Number of days where the daily minimum
                                temperature is below {thresh}
frost_free_season_end           First day, after {mid_date}, following a
                                period of {window} days with minimum daily
                                temperature below {thresh}
frost_free_season_length        Number of days between the first occurrence
                                of at least {window} consecutive days with
                                minimum daily temperature at or above
                                {thresh} and the first occurrence of at
                                least {window} consecutive days with minimum
                                daily temperature below {thresh} after
frost_free_season_start         First day following a period of {window}
                                days with minimum daily temperature at or
                                above {thresh}
frost_season_length             Number of days between the first occurrence
                                of at least {window} consecutive days with
                                minimum daily temperature below {thresh} and
                                the first occurrence of at least {window}
                                consecutive days with minimum daily
                                temperature at or above {thresh} after
growing_degree_days             Cumulative sum of temperature degrees for
                                mean daily temperature above {thresh}
growing_season_end              First day of the first series of {window}
                                days with mean daily temperature below
                                {thresh}, occurring after {mid_date}
growing_season_length           Number of days between the first occurrence
                                of at least {window} consecutive days with
                                mean daily temperature over {thresh} and the
                                first occurrence of at least {window}
                                consecutive days with mean daily temperature
                                below {thresh}, occurring after {mid_date}
growing_season_start            First day of the first series of {window}
                                days with mean daily temperature above or
                                equal to {thresh}
heat_index                      Heat index
heat_wave_frequency             Total number of series of at least {window}
                                consecutive days with daily minimum
                                temperature above {thresh_tasmin} and daily
                                maximum temperature above {thresh_tasmax}
heat_wave_index                 Total number of days constituting events of
                                at least {window} consecutive days with
                                daily maximum temperature above {thresh}
heat_wave_max_length            Longest series of at least {window}
                                consecutive days with daily minimum
                                temperature above {thresh_tasmin} and daily
                                maximum temperature above {thresh_tasmax}
heat_wave_total_length          Total length of events of at least {window}
                                consecutive days with daily minimum
                                temperature above {thresh_tasmin} and daily
                                maximum temperature above {thresh_tasmax}
heating_degree_days             Cumulative sum of temperature degrees for
                                mean daily temperature below {thresh}
high_precip_low_temp            Days with precipitation at or above
                                {pr_thresh} and temperature below
hot_spell_frequency             Total number of series of at least {window}
                                consecutive days with daily maximum
                                temperature above {thresh_tasmax}
hot_spell_max_length            Longest series of at least {window}
                                consecutive days with daily maximum
                                temperature above {thresh_tasmax}
huglin_index                    Integral of mean daily temperature above
                                {thresh} multiplied by day-length
                                coefficient with {method} method for days
                                between {start_date} and {end_date} (hi)
humidex                         Humidex index
hurs                            Relative Humidity ("{method}" method)
hurs_fromdewpoint               Relative humidity ("{method}" method) (hurs)
huss                            Specific Humidity ("{method}" method)
huss_fromdewpoint               Specific humidity ("{method}" method)
icclim.bedd                     Biologically effective growing degree days
                                (Summation of min(max((Tmin + Tmax)/2 -
                                10°C, 0), 9°C), for days between 1 April and
                                30 September)  (BEDD)                       Cold and dry days (CD)
icclim.cdd                      Maximum number of consecutive dry days (RR<1
                                mm) (CDD)                      Maximum number of consecutive frost days
                                (TN<0°C) (CFD)
icclim.csdi                     Cold-spell duration index (CSDI)
icclim.csu                      Maximum number of consecutive summer day
                                (CSU)                       cold and wet days (CW)
icclim.cwd                      Maximum number of consecutive wet days (RR≥1
                                mm) (CWD)
icclim.dtr                      Mean of diurnal temperature range (DTR)
icclim.etr                      Intra-period extreme temperature range (ETR)
icclim.fd                       Frost days (TN<0°C) (FD)
icclim.gd4                      Growing degree days (sum of TG>4°C) (GD4)
icclim.gsl                      Growing season length (GSL)
icclim.hd17                     Heating degree days (sum of17°C - TG) (HD17)
icclim.hi                       Huglin heliothermal index (Summation of
                                ((Tmean + Tmax)/2 - 10°C) * Latitude-based
                                day-length coefficient (`k`), for days
                                between 1 April and 31 October)  (HI)                       Ice days (TX<0°C) (ID)
icclim.prcptot                  Precipitation sum over wet days (PRCPTOT)
icclim.r10mm                    Heavy precipitation days (precipitation≥10
                                mm) (R10mm)
icclim.r20mm                    Very heavy precipitation days
                                (precipitation≥20 mm) (R20mm)
icclim.r75p                     Number of days with precipitation flux above
                                the {pr_per_thresh}th percentile of
                                {pr_per_period} (R75p)
icclim.r75ptot                  Precipitation fraction due to moderate wet
                                days (>75th percentile) (R75pTOT)
icclim.r95p                     Number of days with precipitation flux above
                                the {pr_per_thresh}th percentile of
                                {pr_per_period} (R95p)
icclim.r95ptot                  Precipitation fraction due to very wet days
                                (>95th percentile) (R95pTOT)
icclim.r99p                     Number of days with precipitation flux above
                                the {pr_per_thresh}th percentile of
                                {pr_per_period} (R99p)
icclim.r99ptot                  Precipitation fraction due to extremely wet
                                days (>99th percentile) (R99pTOT)
icclim.rr                       Precipitation sum (RR)
icclim.rr1                      Wet days (RR≥1 mm) (RR1)
icclim.rx1day                   Highest 1-day precipitation amount (RX1day)
icclim.rx5day                   Highest 5-day precipitation amount (RX5day)                       Mean of daily snow depth (SD)
icclim.sd1                      Snow days (SD≥1 cm) (SD1)
icclim.sd50cm                   Snow days (SD≥50 cm) (SD50cm)
icclim.sd5cm                    Snow days (SD≥5 cm) (SD5cm)
icclim.sdii                     Average precipitation during days with daily
                                precipitation over {thresh} (Simple Daily
                                Intensity Index: SDII) (SDII)                       Summer days (TX>25°C) (SU)                       Mean daily mean temperature (TG)
icclim.tg10p                    Days with TG<10th percentile of daily mean
                                temperature (cold days) (TG10p)
icclim.tg90p                    Days with TG>90th percentile of daily mean
                                temperature (warm days) (TG90p)
icclim.tgn                      Minimum daily mean temperature (TGn)
icclim.tgx                      Maximum daily mean temperature (TGx)                       Mean daily minimum temperature (TN)
icclim.tn10p                    Days with TN<10th percentile of daily
                                minimum temperature (cold nights) (TN10p)
icclim.tn90p                    Days with TN>90th percentile of daily
                                minimum temperature (warm nights) (TN90p)
icclim.tnn                      Minimum daily minimum temperature (TNn)
icclim.tnx                      Maximum daily minimum temperature (TNx)                       Tropical nights (TN>20°C) (TR)
icclim.tx                       Mean daily maximum temperature (TX)
icclim.tx10p                    Days with TX<10th percentile of daily
                                maximum temperature (cold day-times) (TX10p)
icclim.tx90p                    Days with TX>90th percentile of daily
                                maximum temperature (warm day-times) (TX90p)
icclim.txn                      Minimum daily maximum temperature (TXn)
icclim.txx                      Maximum daily maximum temperature (TXx)
icclim.vdtr                     Mean absolute day-to-day difference in DTR
icclim.wd                       Warm and dry days (WD)
icclim.wsdi                     Warm-spell duration index (WSDI)
icclim.ww                       Warm and wet days (WW)
ice_days                        Number of days with maximum daily
                                temperature below {thresh}
jetstream_metric_woollings      Latitude of maximum smoothed zonal wind
                                speed, Maximum strength of smoothed zonal
                                wind speed (jetlat, jetstr)
kbdi                            Keetch-Byran Drought Index
last_snowfall                   Date of last day where the solid
                                precipitation flux exceeded {thresh}
last_spring_frost               Last day of minimum daily temperature below
                                a threshold of {thresh} for at least
                                {window} days before a given date
latitude_temperature_index      Mean temperature of warmest month multiplied
                                by the difference of {lat_factor} minus
                                latitude (lti)
liquid_precip_ratio             Fraction of liquid to total precipitation
                                (temperature above {thresh})
liquidprcptot                   Total accumulated precipitation when
                                temperature is above {thresh}
                                Upwelling longwave flux (rlus)
max_n_day_precipitation_amount  maximum {window}-day total precipitation
                                amount (rx{window}day)
max_pr_intensity                Maximum precipitation intensity over rolling
                                {window}h time window
maximum_consecutive_warm_days   Maximum number of consecutive days with
                                maximum daily temperature above {thresh}
mean_radiant_temperature        Mean radiant temperature (mrt)
melt_and_precip_max             Water equivalent maximum from precipitation
                                and snow melt ({freq}_melt_and_precip_max)
potential_evapotranspiration    Potential evapotranspiration ("{method}"
                                method) (evspsblpot)
prcptot                         Total accumulated precipitation
prlp                            Liquid precipitation ("{method}" method with
                                temperature at or above {thresh})
prsn                            Solid precipitation ("{method}" method with
                                temperature at or below {thresh})
rain_frzgr                      Number of rain on frozen ground days (mean
                                daily temperature > 0℃ and precipitation >
rb_flashiness_index             Richards-Baker Flashiness Index (rbi)
rprctot                         Proportion of accumulated precipitation
                                arising from convective processeswith
                                precipitation of at least {thresh}
rx1day                          Maximum 1-day total precipitation
sdii                            Average precipitation during days with daily
                                precipitation over {thresh} (Simple Daily
                                Intensity Index: SDII)
sea_ice_area                    Sum of ice-covered areas where sea ice
                                concentration exceeds {thresh}
sea_ice_extent                  Sum of ocean areas where sea ice
                                concentration exceeds {thresh}
                                Upwelling shortwave flux (rsus)
snd_max_doy                     Day of the year when snow depth reaches its
                                maximum value ({freq}_snd_max_doy)
snd_season_end                  End date of continuous snow depth cover
snd_season_length               Snow cover duration
snd_season_start                Start date of continuous snow depth cover
snd_to_snw                      Approximation of daily snow amount from snow
                                depth and density (snw)
snow_depth                      Mean of daily snow depth
snow_melt_we_max                Maximum snow melt ({freq}_snow_melt_we_max)
snw_max                         Maximum snow amount equivalent
snw_max_doy                     Day of year of maximum daily snow amount
                                equivalent ({freq}_snw_max_doy)
snw_season_end                  End date of continuous snow amount cover
snw_season_length               Snow cover duration
snw_season_start                Start date of continuous snow amount cover
snw_to_snd                      Approximation of daily snow depth from snow
                                amount and density (snd)
solidprcptot                    Total accumulated solid precipitation
spei                            Standardized precipitation
                                evapotranspiration index (SPEI)
spi                             Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI)
tg                              Daily mean temperature
tg10p                           Number of days with mean temperature below
                                the 10th percentile
tg90p                           Number of days with mean temperature above
                                the 90th percentile
tg_days_above                   The number of days with mean temperature
                                above {thresh}
tg_days_below                   The number of days with mean temperature
                                below {thresh}
tg_max                          Maximum daily mean temperature
tg_mean                         Mean daily mean temperature
tg_min                          Minimum daily mean temperature
thawing_degree_days             Cumulative sum of temperature degrees for
                                mean daily temperature above {thresh}
tn10p                           Number of days with minimum temperature
                                below the 10th percentile
tn90p                           Number of days with minimum temperature
                                above the 90th percentile
tn_days_above                   The number of days with minimum temperature
                                above {thresh}
tn_days_below                   The number of days with minimum temperature
                                below {thresh}
tn_max                          Maximum daily minimum temperature
tn_mean                         Mean daily minimum temperature
tn_min                          Minimum daily minimum temperature
tropical_nights                 Number of days with minimum daily
                                temperature above {thresh}
tx10p                           Number of days with maximum temperature
                                below the 10th percentile
tx90p                           Number of days with maximum temperature
                                above the 90th percentile
tx_days_above                   The number of days with maximum temperature
                                above {thresh}
tx_days_below                   The number of days with maximum temperature
                                below {thresh}
tx_max                          Maximum daily maximum temperature
tx_mean                         Mean daily maximum temperature
tx_min                          Minimum daily maximum temperature
tx_tn_days_above                Number of days with daily minimum above
                                {thresh_tasmin} and daily maximum
                                temperatures above {thresh_tasmax}
utci                            Universal Thermal Climate Index (UTCI)
warm_and_dry_days               Number of days where temperature is above
                                {tas_per_thresh}th percentile and
                                precipitation is below {pr_per_thresh}th
warm_and_wet_days               Number of days where temperature above
                                {tas_per_thresh}th percentile and
                                precipitation above {pr_per_thresh}th
warm_spell_duration_index       Number of days with at least {window}
                                consecutive days where the maximum daily
                                temperature is above the
                                {tasmax_per_thresh}th percentile(s)
water_budget                    Water budget
water_budget_from_tas           Water budget ("{method}" method)
wet_prcptot                     Total accumulated precipitation over days
                                where precipitation exceeds {thresh}
wetdays                         Number of days with daily precipitation at
                                or above {thresh}
wetdays_prop                    Proportion of days with precipitation at or
                                above {thresh}
wind_chill                      Wind chill factor
wind_speed_from_vector          Near-surface wind speed, Near-surface wind
                                from direction (sfcWind, sfcWindfromdir)
wind_vector_from_speed          Near-surface eastward wind, Near-surface
                                northward wind (uas, vas)
windy_days                      Number of days with surface wind speed at or
                                above {thresh}
winter_storm                    Days with snowfall at or above a given
                                threshold ({freq}_winter_storm)        {dist} distribution parameters (params)
                                N-year return level
xclim.core.indicator.stats      Daily statistics (stat_{indexer}{op:r})
                                Annual cycle correlation
xclim.sdba.measures.bias        Absolute bias (bias)
                                Circular bias (circular_bias)
xclim.sdba.measures.mae         Mean absolute error (mae)
xclim.sdba.measures.ratio       Ratio (ratio)
                                Relative bias (relative_bias)
xclim.sdba.measures.rmse        Root mean square error (rmse)
xclim.sdba.measures.scorr       Sum of the inter-site correlation
                                differences. (Scorr)
                                Standard deviations of sim, ref and
                                correlation coefficient between both.
                                (taylordiagram)       Lag-{lag} autocorrelation of the variable
                                over a {group.prop} and averaged over all
                                years. (acf)
                                {stat} of the annual cycle.
                                {stat} of the annual cycle.
                                {stat} of the annual cycle.
                                {stat} of the annual cycle.
                                {stat} of the annual cycle.
                                {corr_type} correlation coefficient
                                Decorrelation length. (decorrelation_length)
                                First empirical orthogonal function
                                (first_eof)      Mean of the variable. (mean)
                                Average annual {stat}. (mean_annual_phase)
                                Average annual {stat}. (mean_annual_range)
                                Average annual {stat}.
                                (mean_annual_relative_range)  Quantile {q} of the variable. (quantile)
                                {stat} of the annual cycle.
                                Relative frequency of values {op} {thresh}.
                                {period}-{group.prop_name} {op} return level
                                of the variable. (return_value)  Skewness of the variable. (skewness)
                                Inter-site correlogram as a function of
                                distance. (spatial_correlogram)
                                {stat} of spell length distribution when the
                                variable is {op} the {method} {thresh}.
                                Transition probability of values
                                {initial_op} {thresh} to values {final_op}
                                {thresh}. (transition_probability)     {output} of the interannual linear trend.
                                (trend)       Variance of the variable. (var)

For more information about a specific indicator, you can either use the info sub-command or directly access the --help message of the indicator. The former gives more information about the metadata, while the latter only prints the usage. Note that the module name (atmos, land or seaIce) is mandatory.

!xclim info liquidprcptot
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length(lat: int | float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length_factor(lat: float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
Indicator liquidprcptot:
    identifier : liquidprcptot
    title : Total accumulated liquid precipitation.
    abstract : Total accumulated liquid precipitation. Precipitation
  is considered liquid when the average daily temperature is above 0°C.
    keywords :
    outputs (#1)
      standard_name : lwe_thickness_of_liquid_precipitation_amount
      long_name : Total accumulated precipitation when temperature is
  above 0 degc
      units : mm
      cell_methods : time: sum over days
      description : Annual total liquid precipitation, estimated as
  precipitation when temperature is above 0 degc.
      var_name : liquidprcptot
    notes : Let :math:`PR_i` be the mean daily precipitation of day
  :math:`i`, then for a period :math:`j` starting at day :math:`a` and
  finishing on day :math:`b`:

  .. math::

     PR_{ij} = \sum_{i=a}^{b} PR_i

  If tas and phase are given, the corresponding phase precipitation is
  estimated before computing the accumulation, using one of
  `snowfall_approximation` or `rain_approximation` with the `binary` method.

  --pr VAR_NAME   Mean daily precipitation flux.  [default: pr]
  --tas VAR_NAME  Mean, maximum or minimum daily temperature.  [default: tas]
  --thresh TEXT   Threshold of `tas` over which the precipication is assumed
                  to be liquid rain.  [default: 0 degC]
  --freq TEXT     Resampling frequency.  [default: YS]
  --help          Show this message and exit.

In the usage message, VAR_NAME indicates that the passed argument must match a variable in the input dataset.

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from pandas.plotting import register_matplotlib_converters

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "implicitly registered datetime converter")
%matplotlib inline

time = pd.date_range("2000-01-01", periods=366)
tasmin = xr.DataArray(
    -5 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * time.dayofyear / 365) + 273.15,
    coords={"time": time},
    attrs={"units": "K"},
tasmax = xr.DataArray(
    -5 * np.cos(2 * np.pi * time.dayofyear / 365) + 283.15,
    coords={"time": time},
    attrs={"units": "K"},
pr = xr.DataArray(
    np.clip(10 * np.sin(18 * np.pi * time.dayofyear / 365), 0, None),
    coords={"time": time},
    attrs={"units": "mm/d"},
ds = xr.Dataset({"tasmin": tasmin, "tasmax": tasmax, "pr": pr})

Computing indicators

Let’s say we have the following toy dataset:

import xarray as xr

ds = xr.open_dataset("")
Dimensions:  (time: 366)
  * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2000-01-01 2000-01-02 ... 2000-12-31
Data variables:
    tasmin   (time) float64 ...
    tasmax   (time) float64 ...
    pr       (time) float64 ...
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, (axT, axpr) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))
ds.tasmin.plot(label="tasmin", ax=axT)
ds.tasmax.plot(label="tasmax", ax=axT)
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f5727bf5d20>

To compute an indicator, say the monthly solid precipitation accumulation, we simply call:

!xclim -i -o solidprcptot --pr pr --tas tasmin --freq MS
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length(lat: int | float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length_factor(lat: float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Variable does not have a `cell_methods` attribute.
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Variable does not have a `standard_name` attribute.
  check_valid(vardata, "standard_name", data["standard_name"])
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Variable does not have a `standard_name` attribute.
  cfchecks.check_valid(tas, "standard_name", "air_temperature")
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 100.94 ms

In this example, we decided to use tasmin for the tas variable. We didn’t need to provide the --pr parameter, as our data has the same name.

Finally, more than one indicator can be computed and written to the output dataset by simply chaining the calls:

!xclim -i -o liquidprcptot --tas tasmin --freq MS tropical_nights --thresh "2 degC" --freq MS
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length(lat: int | float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length_factor(lat: float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Variable does not have a `cell_methods` attribute.
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Variable does not have a `standard_name` attribute.
  check_valid(vardata, "standard_name", data["standard_name"])
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Variable does not have a `standard_name` attribute.
  cfchecks.check_valid(tas, "standard_name", "air_temperature")
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Variable does not have a `cell_methods` attribute.
/home/docs/checkouts/ UserWarning: Variable does not have a `standard_name` attribute.
  check_valid(vardata, "standard_name", data["standard_name"])
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 100.91 ms

Let’s see the outputs:

ds1 = xr.open_dataset("")
ds2 = xr.open_dataset("", decode_timedelta=False)

fig, (axPr, axTn) = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(10, 5))
ds1.solidprcptot.plot(ax=axPr, label=ds1.solidprcptot.long_name)
ds2.liquidprcptot.plot(ax=axPr, label=ds2.liquidprcptot.long_name)
ds2.tropical_nights.plot(ax=axTn, marker="o")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7f5725a22c20>

Data Quality Checks

As of version 0.30.0, xclim now also provides a command-line utility for performing data quality control checks on existing NetCDF files.

These checks examine the values of data_variables for suspicious value patterns (e.g. values that repeat for many days) or erroneous values (e.g. humidity percentages outside 0-100, minimum temperatures exceeding maximum temperatures, etc.). The checks (called dataflags) are based on the ECAD ICCLIM quality control checks (

The full list of checks performed for each variable are listed in xclim/core/data/variables.yml.

!xclim dataflags --help
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length(lat: int | float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length_factor(lat: float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
Usage: xclim dataflags [OPTIONS] [VARIABLES]...

  Run quality control checks on input data variables and flag for quality
  control issues or suspicious values.

  -r, --raise-flags  Print an exception in the event that a variable is found
                     to have quality control issues.
  -a, --append       Return the netCDF dataset with the `ecad_qc_flag` array
                     appended as a data_var.
  -d, --dims TEXT    Dimensions upon which aggregation should be performed.
                     Default: "all". Ignored if no variable provided.
  -f, --freq TEXT    Resampling periods frequency used for aggregation.
                     Default: None. Ignored if no variable provided.
  --help             Show this message and exit.

When running the dataflags CLI checks, you must either set an output file (-o or set the checks to raise if there are any failed checks (-r).

By default, when setting an output file, the returned file will only contain the flag value (True if no flags were raised, False otherwise). To append the flag to a copy of the dataset, we use the -a option.

The default behaviour is to raise a flag if any element of the array resolves to True (i.e. aggregated across all dimensions), but we can specify the level of aggregation by dimension with the -d or --dims option.

# Create an output file with just the flag value and no aggregation (dims=None)

!xclim -i -o dataflags -d none

# Need to wait until the file is written

!sleep 2s
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length(lat: int | float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length_factor(lat: float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 101.87 ms

import xarray as xr

ds1 = xr.open_dataset("")
display(ds1.data_vars, ds1.ecad_qc_flag)
Data variables:
    ecad_qc_flag  (time) bool ...
<xarray.DataArray 'ecad_qc_flag' (time: 366)>
[366 values with dtype=bool]
  * time     (time) datetime64[ns] 2000-01-01 2000-01-02 ... 2000-12-31
    comment:  Adheres to ECAD quality control checks.
    history:  [2023-05-09 21:44:34] - xclim version: 0.43.0 - Performed the f...
# Create an output file with values appended to the original dataset.

!xclim -i -o dataflags -a

# Need to wait until the file is written
!sleep 2s
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length(lat: int | float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length_factor(lat: float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 101.71 ms

import xarray as xr

ds2 = xr.open_dataset("")
display(ds2.data_vars, ds2.ecad_qc_flag)
Data variables:
    tasmin        (time) float64 ...
    tasmax        (time) float64 ...
    pr            (time) float64 ...
    ecad_qc_flag  bool ...
<xarray.DataArray 'ecad_qc_flag' ()>
[1 values with dtype=bool]
    comment:  Adheres to ECAD quality control checks.
    history:  [2023-05-09 21:44:58] - xclim version: 0.43.0 - Performed the f...
# Raise an error if any quality control checks fail. Passing example:

!xclim -i dataflags -r
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length(lat: int | float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length_factor(lat: float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
Dataset passes quality control checks!

import xarray as xr

# Create some bad data with minimum temperatures exceeding max temperatures
bad_ds = xr.open_dataset("")

# Swap entire variable arrays
bad_ds["tasmin"].values, bad_ds["tasmax"].values = (
# Raise an error if any quality control checks fail. Failing example:

!xclim -i dataflags -r
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length(lat: int | float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length_factor(lat: float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
Data quality flags indicate suspicious values. Flags raised are:
  - Maximum temperature values found below minimum temperatures.
  - Maximum temperature values found below minimum temperatures.

These checks can also be set to examine a specific variable within a NetCDF file, with more descriptive information for each check performed.

!xclim -i -o dataflags pr
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length(lat: int | float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
/home/docs/checkouts/ NumbaDeprecationWarning: The 'nopython' keyword argument was not supplied to the 'numba.jit' decorator. The implicit default value for this argument is currently False, but it will be changed to True in Numba 0.59.0. See for details.
  def _day_length_factor(lat: float, mth: int):  # pragma: no cover
[########################################] | 100% Completed | 2.00 s

import xarray as xr

ds3 = xr.open_dataset("")
for dv in ds3.data_vars:
Data variables:
    negative_accumulation_values               bool ...
    very_large_precipitation_events            bool ...
    values_eq_5_repeating_for_5_or_more_days   bool ...
    values_eq_1_repeating_for_10_or_more_days  bool ...
<xarray.DataArray 'negative_accumulation_values' ()>
[1 values with dtype=bool]
    description:  Negative values found for pr.
    history:      [2023-05-09 21:46:04] pr: negative_accumulation_values(da=p...
<xarray.DataArray 'very_large_precipitation_events' ()>
[1 values with dtype=bool]
    description:  Precipitation events in excess of 300 mm d-1 for pr.
    history:      [2023-05-09 21:46:04] pr: very_large_precipitation_events(d...
<xarray.DataArray 'values_eq_5_repeating_for_5_or_more_days' ()>
[1 values with dtype=bool]
    description:  Repetitive values at 5.0 for at least 5 days found for pr.
    history:      [2023-05-09 21:46:04] pr: values_op_thresh_repeating_for_n_...
<xarray.DataArray 'values_eq_1_repeating_for_10_or_more_days' ()>
[1 values with dtype=bool]
    description:  Repetitive values at 1.0 for at least 10 days found for pr.
    history:      [2023-05-09 21:46:04] pr: values_op_thresh_repeating_for_n_...