Source code for xclim.core.formatting

# noqa: D205,D400
Formatting utilities for indicators
import datetime as dt
import itertools
import re
import string
from ast import literal_eval
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from inspect import _empty  # noqa
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union

import xarray as xr
from boltons.funcutils import wraps

from .utils import InputKind

[docs]class AttrFormatter(string.Formatter): """A formatter for frequently used attribute values. See the doc of format_field() for more details. """ def __init__( self, mapping: Mapping[str, Sequence[str]], modifiers: Sequence[str], ) -> None: """Initialize the formatter. Parameters ---------- mapping : Mapping[str, Sequence[str]] A mapping from values to their possible variations. modifiers : Sequence[str] The list of modifiers, must be the as long as the longest value of `mapping`. Cannot include reserved modifier 'r'. """ super().__init__() if "r" in modifiers: raise ValueError("Modifier 'r' is reserved for default raw formatting.") self.modifiers = modifiers self.mapping = mapping
[docs] def format_field(self, value, format_spec): """Format a value given a formatting spec. If `format_spec` is in this Formatter's modifiers, the corresponding variation of value is given. If `format_spec` is 'r' (raw), the value is returned unmodified. If `format_spec` is not specified but `value` is in the mapping, the first variation is returned. Examples -------- Let's say the string "The dog is {adj1}, the goose is {adj2}" is to be translated to french and that we know that possible values of `adj` are `nice` and `evil`. In french, the genre of the noun changes the adjective (cat = chat is masculine, and goose = oie is feminine) so we initialize the formatter as: >>> fmt = AttrFormatter({'nice': ['beau', 'belle'], 'evil' : ['méchant', 'méchante'], 'smart': ['intelligent', 'intelligente']}, ['m', 'f']) >>> fmt.format("Le chien est {adj1:m}, l'oie est {adj2:f}, le gecko est {adj3:r}", adj1='nice', adj2='evil', adj3='smart') "Le chien est beau, l'oie est méchante, le gecko est smart" The base values may be given using unix shell-like patterns: >>> fmt = AttrFormatter({'AS-*': ['annuel', 'annuelle'], 'MS' : ['mensuel', 'mensuelle']}, ['m', 'f']) >>> fmt.format("La moyenne {freq:f} est faite sur un échantillon {src_timestep:m}", freq='AS-JUL', src_timestep='MS') 'La moyenne annuelle est faite sur un échantillon mensuel' """ baseval = self._match_value(value) if baseval is not None and not format_spec: return self.mapping[baseval][0] if format_spec in self.modifiers: if baseval is not None: return self.mapping[baseval][self.modifiers.index(format_spec)] raise ValueError( f"No known mapping for string '{value}' with modifier '{format_spec}'" ) elif format_spec == "r": return super().format_field(value, "") return super().format_field(value, format_spec)
def _match_value(self, value): if isinstance(value, str): for mapval in self.mapping.keys(): if fnmatch(value, mapval): return mapval return None
# Tag mappings between keyword arguments and long-form text. default_formatter = AttrFormatter( { # Arguments to "freq" "YS": ["annual", "years"], "AS-*": ["annual", "years"], "MS": ["monthly", "months"], "QS-*": ["seasonal", "seasons"], # Arguments to "indexer" "DJF": ["winter"], "MAM": ["spring"], "JJA": ["summer"], "SON": ["fall"], "norm": ["Normal"], "m1": ["january"], "m2": ["february"], "m3": ["march"], "m4": ["april"], "m5": ["may"], "m6": ["june"], "m7": ["july"], "m8": ["august"], "m9": ["september"], "m10": ["october"], "m11": ["november"], "m12": ["december"], # Arguments to "op / reducer" "mean": ["average"], "max": ["maximal", "maximum"], "min": ["minimal", "minimum"], "sum": ["total", "sum"], "std": ["standard deviation"], }, ["adj", "noun"], )
[docs]def parse_doc(doc: str) -> Dict[str, str]: """Crude regex parsing reading an indice docstring and extracting information needed in indicator construction. The appropriate docstring syntax is detailed in :ref:`Defining new indices`. Parameters ---------- doc : str The docstring of an indice function. Returns ------- dict A dictionary with all parsed sections. """ if doc is None: return dict() out = dict() sections = re.split(r"(\w+\s?\w+)\n\s+-{3,50}", doc) # obj.__doc__.split('\n\n') intro = sections.pop(0) if intro: intro_content = list(map(str.strip, intro.strip().split("\n\n"))) if len(intro_content) == 1: out["title"] = intro_content[0] elif len(intro_content) >= 2: out["title"], abstract = intro_content[:2] out["abstract"] = " ".join(map(str.strip, abstract.splitlines())) for i in range(0, len(sections), 2): header, content = sections[i : i + 2] if header in ["Notes", "References"]: out[header.lower()] = content.replace("\n ", "\n").strip() elif header == "Parameters": out["parameters"] = _parse_parameters(content) elif header == "Returns": rets = _parse_returns(content) if rets: meta = list(rets.values())[0] if "long_name" in meta: out["long_name"] = meta["long_name"] return out
def _parse_parameters(section): """Parse the parameters section of a docstring into a dictionary mapping the parameter name to its description and, potentially, to its set of choices. The type annotation are not parsed, except for fixed sets of values (listed as "{'a', 'b', 'c'}"). The annotation parsing only accepts strings, numbers, `None` and `nan` (to represent `numpy.nan`). """ curr_key = None params = {} for line in section.split("\n"): if line.startswith(" " * 6): # description s = " " if params[curr_key]["description"] else "" params[curr_key]["description"] += s + line.strip() elif line.startswith(" " * 4) and ":" in line: # param title name, annot = line.split(":", maxsplit=1) curr_key = name.strip() params[curr_key] = {"description": ""} match =".*(\{.*\}).*", annot) if match: try: choices = literal_eval(match.groups()[0]) params[curr_key]["choices"] = choices except ValueError: pass return params def _parse_returns(section): """Parse the returns section of a docstring into a dictionary mapping the parameter name to its description.""" curr_key = None params = {} for line in section.split("\n"): if line.strip(): if line.startswith(" " * 6): # long_name s = " " if params[curr_key]["long_name"] else "" params[curr_key]["long_name"] += s + line.strip() elif line.startswith(" " * 4): # param title annot, *name = reversed(line.split(":", maxsplit=1)) if name: curr_key = name[0].strip() else: curr_key = None params[curr_key] = {"long_name": ""} annot, *unit = annot.split(",", maxsplit=1) if unit: params[curr_key]["units"] = unit[0].strip() return params
[docs]def merge_attributes( attribute: str, *inputs_list: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset], new_line: str = "\n", missing_str: Optional[str] = None, **inputs_kws: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset], ): r""" Merge attributes from several DataArrays or Datasets. If more than one input is given, its name (if available) is prepended as: "<input name> : <input attribute>". Parameters ---------- attribute : str The attribute to merge. inputs_list : Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset] The datasets or variables that were used to produce the new object. Inputs given that way will be prefixed by their `name` attribute if available. new_line : str The character to put between each instance of the attributes. Usually, in CF-conventions, the history attributes uses '\\n' while cell_methods uses ' '. missing_str : str A string that is printed if an input doesn't have the attribute. Defaults to None, in which case the input is simply skipped. inputs_kws : Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset] Mapping from names to the datasets or variables that were used to produce the new object. Inputs given that way will be prefixes by the passed name. Returns ------- str The new attribute made from the combination of the ones from all the inputs. """ inputs = [] for in_ds in inputs_list: inputs.append((getattr(in_ds, "name", None), in_ds)) inputs += list(inputs_kws.items()) merged_attr = "" for in_name, in_ds in inputs: if attribute in in_ds.attrs or missing_str is not None: if in_name is not None and len(inputs) > 1: merged_attr += f"{in_name}: " merged_attr += in_ds.attrs.get( attribute, "" if in_name is None else missing_str ) merged_attr += new_line if len(new_line) > 0: return merged_attr[: -len(new_line)] # Remove the last added new_line return merged_attr
[docs]def update_history( hist_str: str, *inputs_list: Sequence[Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]], new_name: Optional[str] = None, **inputs_kws: Mapping[str, Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]], ): """Return a history string with the timestamped message and the combination of the history of all inputs. The new history entry is formatted as "[<timestamp>] <new_name>: <hist_str> - xclim version: <xclim.__version__>." Parameters ---------- hist_str : str The string describing what has been done on the data. new_name : Optional[str] The name of the newly created variable or dataset to prefix hist_msg. inputs_list : Sequence[Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]] The datasets or variables that were used to produce the new object. Inputs given that way will be prefixed by their "name" attribute if available. inputs_kws : Mapping[str, Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset]] Mapping from names to the datasets or variables that were used to produce the new object. Inputs given that way will be prefixes by the passed name. Returns ------- str The combine history of all inputs starting with `hist_str`. See Also -------- merge_attributes """ from xclim import __version__ # pylint: disable=cyclic-import merged_history = merge_attributes( "history", *inputs_list, new_line="\n", missing_str="", **inputs_kws, ) if len(merged_history) > 0 and not merged_history.endswith("\n"): merged_history += "\n" merged_history += f"[{ %H:%M:%S}] {new_name or ''}: {hist_str} - xclim version: {__version__}." return merged_history
[docs]def update_xclim_history(func): """Decorator that auto-generates and fills the history attribute. The history is generated from the signature of the function and added to the first output. """ @wraps(func) def _call_and_add_history(*args, **kwargs): """Call the function and then generate and add the history attr.""" outs = func(*args, **kwargs) if isinstance(outs, tuple): out = outs[0] else: out = outs if not isinstance(out, (xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset)): raise TypeError( f"Decorated `update_xclim_history` received a non-xarray output from {func.__name__}." ) da_list = [arg for arg in args if isinstance(arg, xr.DataArray)] da_dict = { name: arg for name, arg in kwargs.items() if isinstance(arg, xr.DataArray) } attr = update_history( gen_call_string(func.__name__, *args, **kwargs), *da_list,, **da_dict, ) out.attrs["history"] = attr return outs return _call_and_add_history
[docs]def gen_call_string(funcname: str, *args, **kwargs): """Generate a signature string for use in the history attribute. DataArrays and Dataset are replaced with their name, floats, ints and strings are printed directly, all other objects have their type printed between < >. Arguments given through positional arguments are printed positionnally and those given through keywords are printed prefixed by their name. Parameters ---------- funcname : str Name of the function args, kwargs Arguments given to the function. Example ------- >>> A = xr.DataArray([1], dims=('x',), name='A') >>> gen_call_string("func", A, b=2.0, c="3", d=[4, 5, 6]) "func(A, b=2.0, c='3', d=<list>)" """ elements = [] chain = itertools.chain(zip([None] * len(args), args), kwargs.items()) for name, val in chain: if isinstance(val, xr.DataArray): rep = or "<array>" elif isinstance(val, (int, float, str, bool)): rep = repr(val) else: rep = f"<{type(val).__name__}>" if name is not None: rep = f"{name}={rep}" elements.append(rep) return f"{funcname}({', '.join(elements)})"
[docs]def prefix_attrs(source: Dict, keys: Sequence, prefix: str): """Rename some keys of a dictionary by adding a prefix. Parameters ---------- source : dict Source dictionary, for example data attributes. keys : sequence Names of keys to prefix. prefix : str Prefix to prepend to keys. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of attributes with some keys prefixed. """ out = {} for key, val in source.items(): if key in keys: out[f"{prefix}{key}"] = val else: out[key] = val return out
[docs]def unprefix_attrs(source: Dict, keys: Sequence, prefix: str): """Remove prefix from keys in a dictionary. Parameters ---------- source : dict Source dictionary, for example data attributes. keys : sequence Names of original keys for which prefix should be removed. prefix : str Prefix to remove from keys. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of attributes whose keys were prefixed, with prefix removed. """ out = {} n = len(prefix) for key, val in source.items(): k = key[n:] if (k in keys) and key.startswith(prefix): out[k] = val elif key not in out: out[key] = val return out
KIND_ANNOTATION = { InputKind.VARIABLE: "str or DataArray", InputKind.OPTIONAL_VARIABLE: "str or DataArray, optional", InputKind.QUANTITY_STR: "quantity (string with units)", InputKind.FREQ_STR: "offset alias (string)", InputKind.NUMBER: "number", InputKind.NUMBER_SEQUENCE: "number or sequence of numbers", InputKind.STRING: "str", InputKind.DAY_OF_YEAR: "date (string, MM-DD)", InputKind.DATE: "date (string, YYYY-MM-DD)", InputKind.BOOL: "boolean", InputKind.DATASET: "Dataset, optional", InputKind.KWARGS: "", InputKind.OTHER_PARAMETER: "Any", } def _gen_parameters_section(parameters: Mapping, allowed_periods: List[str] = None): """Generate the "parameters" section of the indicator docstring. Parameters ---------- parameters : mapping Parameters dictionary (`Ind.parameters`). allowed_periods : List[str], optional Restrict parameters to specific periods. Default: None. """ section = "Parameters\n----------\n" for name, param in parameters.items(): descstr = param.description if param.kind == InputKind.FREQ_STR and allowed_periods is not None: descstr += ( f" Restricted to frequencies equivalent to one of {allowed_periods}" ) if param.kind == InputKind.VARIABLE: defstr = f"Default : `ds.{param.default}`. " elif param.kind == InputKind.OPTIONAL_VARIABLE: defstr = "" elif param.default is not _empty: defstr = f"Default : {param.default}. " if "choices" in param: annotstr = str(param.choices) else: annotstr = KIND_ANNOTATION[param.kind] if "units" in param and param.units is not None: unitstr = f"[Required units : {param.units}]" else: unitstr = "" section += f"{name} : {annotstr}\n {descstr}\n {defstr}{unitstr}\n" return section def _gen_returns_section(cf_attrs: Sequence[Dict[str, Any]]): """Generate the "Returns" section of an indicator's docstring. Parameters ---------- cf_attrs : Sequence[Dict[str, Any]] The list of attributes, usually Indicator.cf_attrs. """ section = "Returns\n-------\n" for attrs in cf_attrs: section += f"{attrs['var_name']} : DataArray\n" section += f" {attrs.get('long_name', '')}" if "standard_name" in attrs: section += f" ({attrs['standard_name']})" if "units" in attrs: section += f" [{attrs['units']}]" section += "\n" for key, attr in attrs.items(): if key not in ["long_name", "standard_name", "units", "var_name"]: if callable(attr): attr = "<Dynamically generated string>" section += f" {key}: {attr}\n" return section
[docs]def generate_indicator_docstring(ind): """Generate an indicator's docstring from keywords. Parameters ---------- ind: Indicator instance """ header = f"{ind.title} (realm: {ind.realm})\n\n{ind.abstract}\n" special = "" if hasattr(ind, "missing"): # Only ResamplingIndicators special += f'This indicator will check for missing values according to the method "{ind.missing}".\n' if hasattr(ind.compute, "__module__"): special += f"Based on indice :py:func:`~{ind.compute.__module__}.{ind.compute.__name__}`.\n" if ind.injected_parameters: special += "With injected parameters: " special += ", ".join( [f"{k}={v}" for k, v in ind.injected_parameters.items()] ) special += ".\n" if ind.keywords: special += f"Keywords : {ind.keywords}.\n" parameters = _gen_parameters_section( ind.parameters, getattr(ind, "allowed_periods", None) ) returns = _gen_returns_section(ind.cf_attrs) extras = "" for section in ["notes", "references"]: if getattr(ind, section): extras += f"{section.capitalize()}\n{'-' * len(section)}\n{getattr(ind, section)}\n\n" doc = f"{header}\n{special}\n{parameters}\n{returns}\n{extras}" return doc