Source code for xclim.testing.helpers

"""Module for loading testing data."""

from __future__ import annotations

import os
import warnings
from pathlib import Path

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import xarray as xr
from dask.diagnostics import Callback

from xclim.core import calendar
from xclim.core.utils import VARIABLES
from xclim.indices import (
from xclim.testing.utils import _default_cache_dir  # noqa
from xclim.testing.utils import get_file as _get_file
from xclim.testing.utils import get_local_testdata as _get_local_testdata
from xclim.testing.utils import open_dataset as _open_dataset

"""Sets the branch of Ouranosinc/xclim-testdata to use when fetching testing datasets.

When running tests locally, this can be set for both `pytest` and `tox` by exporting the variable:

.. code-block:: console

    $ export XCLIM_TESTDATA_BRANCH="my_testing_branch"

or setting the variable at runtime:

.. code-block:: console

    $ env XCLIM_TESTDATA_BRANCH="my_testing_branch" pytest


"""Indicates whether the testing data should be downloaded when running tests.

When running tests multiple times, this flag allows developers to significantly speed up the pytest suite
by preventing sha256sum checks for all downloaded files. Proceed with caution.

This can be set for both `pytest` and `tox` by exporting the variable:

.. code-block:: console


or setting the variable at runtime:

.. code-block:: console



__all__ = [

[docs] def generate_atmos(cache_dir: Path): """Create the `atmosds` synthetic testing dataset.""" with _open_dataset( "ERA5/", cache_dir=cache_dir, branch=TESTDATA_BRANCH, engine="h5netcdf", ) as ds: tn10 = calendar.percentile_doy(ds.tasmin, per=10) t10 = calendar.percentile_doy(ds.tas, per=10) t90 = calendar.percentile_doy(ds.tas, per=90) tx90 = calendar.percentile_doy(ds.tasmax, per=90) rsus = shortwave_upwelling_radiation_from_net_downwelling(ds.rss, ds.rsds) rlus = longwave_upwelling_radiation_from_net_downwelling(ds.rls, ds.rlds) ds = ds.assign( rsus=rsus, rlus=rlus, tn10=tn10, t10=t10, t90=t90, tx90=tx90, ) # Create a file in session scoped temporary directory atmos_file = cache_dir.joinpath("") ds.to_netcdf(atmos_file)
[docs] def populate_testing_data( temp_folder: Path | None = None, branch: str = TESTDATA_BRANCH, _local_cache: Path = _default_cache_dir, ): """Perform `_get_file` or `get_local_dataset` calls to GitHub to download or copy relevant testing data.""" if _local_cache.joinpath(".data_written").exists(): # This flag prevents multiple calls from re-attempting to download testing data in the same pytest run return data_entries = [ "CanESM2_365day/", "ERA5/", "EnsembleReduce/", "EnsembleStats/", "EnsembleStats/", "EnsembleStats/", "EnsembleStats/", "EnsembleStats/", "FWI/", "FWI/", "FWI/", "HadGEM2-CC_360day/", "NRCANdaily/", "NRCANdaily/", "NRCANdaily/", "Raven/", "SpatialAnalogs/", "SpatialAnalogs/", "SpatialAnalogs/", "SpatialAnalogs/", "cmip3/", "cmip5/", "sdba/", "sdba/", "sdba/", "uncertainty_partitioning/", "uncertainty_partitioning/seattle_avg_tas.csv", ] data = dict() for filepattern in data_entries: if temp_folder is None: try: data[filepattern] = _get_file( filepattern, branch=branch, cache_dir=_local_cache ) except FileNotFoundError: continue elif temp_folder: try: data[filepattern] = _get_local_testdata( filepattern, temp_folder=temp_folder, branch=branch, _local_cache=_local_cache, ) except FileNotFoundError: continue return
[docs] def add_example_file_paths( cache_dir: Path, ) -> dict[str, str | list[xr.DataArray]]: """Create a dictionary of relevant datasets to be patched into the xdoctest namespace.""" ns: dict = dict() ns["path_to_ensemble_file"] = "EnsembleReduce/" ns["path_to_pr_file"] = "NRCANdaily/" ns["path_to_sfcWind_file"] = "ERA5/" ns["path_to_tas_file"] = "ERA5/" ns["path_to_tasmax_file"] = "NRCANdaily/" ns["path_to_tasmin_file"] = "NRCANdaily/" # For core.utils.load_module example ns["path_to_example_py"] = ( Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent.parent / "docs" / "notebooks" / "" ) time = xr.cftime_range("1990-01-01", "2049-12-31", freq="D") ns["temperature_datasets"] = [ xr.DataArray( 12 * np.random.random_sample(time.size) + 273, coords={"time": time}, name="tas", dims=("time",), attrs={ "units": "K", "cell_methods": "time: mean within days", "standard_name": "air_temperature", }, ), xr.DataArray( 12 * np.random.random_sample(time.size) + 273, coords={"time": time}, name="tas", dims=("time",), attrs={ "units": "K", "cell_methods": "time: mean within days", "standard_name": "air_temperature", }, ), ] # Give access to this file within xdoctest namespace atmos_file = cache_dir.joinpath("") # Give access to dataset variables by name in xdoctest namespace with _open_dataset( atmos_file, branch=TESTDATA_BRANCH, cache_dir=cache_dir, engine="h5netcdf" ) as ds: for variable in ds.data_vars: ns[f"{variable}_dataset"] = ds.get(variable) return ns
[docs] def test_timeseries( values, variable, start: str = "2000-07-01", units: str | None = None, freq: str = "D", as_dataset: bool = False, cftime: bool = False, ) -> xr.DataArray | xr.Dataset: """Create a generic timeseries object based on pre-defined dictionaries of existing variables.""" if cftime: coords = xr.cftime_range(start, periods=len(values), freq=freq) else: coords = pd.date_range(start, periods=len(values), freq=freq) if variable in VARIABLES: attrs = { a: VARIABLES[variable].get(a, "") for a in ["description", "standard_name", "cell_methods"] } attrs["units"] = VARIABLES[variable]["canonical_units"] else: warnings.warn(f"Variable {variable} not recognised. Attrs will not be filled.") attrs = {} if units is not None: attrs["units"] = units da = xr.DataArray(values, coords=[coords], dims="time", name=variable, attrs=attrs) if as_dataset: return da.to_dataset() else: return da
def _raise_on_compute(dsk: dict): """Raise an AssertionError mentioning the number triggered tasks.""" raise AssertionError( f"Not lazy. Computation was triggered with a graph of {len(dsk)} tasks." ) assert_lazy = Callback(start=_raise_on_compute) """Context manager that raises an AssertionError if any dask computation is triggered."""