Source code for xclim.indices.stats

"""Statistic-related functions. See the `frequency_analysis` notebook for examples."""

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from import Sequence
from typing import Any

import numpy as np
import scipy.stats
import xarray as xr

from xclim.core.calendar import compare_offsets, resample_doy, select_time
from xclim.core.formatting import prefix_attrs, unprefix_attrs, update_history
from xclim.core.units import convert_units_to
from xclim.core.utils import DateStr, Quantified, uses_dask

from . import generic

__all__ = [

# Fit the parameters.
# This would also be the place to impose constraints on the series minimum length if needed.
def _fitfunc_1d(arr, *, dist, nparams, method, **fitkwargs):
    """Fit distribution parameters."""
    x =  # pylint: disable=no-member

    # Return NaNs if array is empty.
    if len(x) <= 1:
        return np.asarray([np.nan] * nparams)

    # Estimate parameters
    if method in ["ML", "MLE"]:
        args, kwargs = _fit_start(x,, **fitkwargs)
        params =, *args, method="mle", **kwargs, **fitkwargs)
    elif method == "MM":
        params =, method="mm", **fitkwargs)
    elif method == "PWM":
        params = list(dist.lmom_fit(x).values())
    elif method == "APP":
        args, kwargs = _fit_start(x,, **fitkwargs)
        kwargs.setdefault("loc", 0)
        params = list(args) + [kwargs["loc"], kwargs["scale"]]
        raise NotImplementedError(f"Unknown method `{method}`.")

    params = np.asarray(params)

    # Fill with NaNs if one of the parameters is NaN
    if np.isnan(params).any():
        params[:] = np.nan

    return params

[docs] def fit( da: xr.DataArray, dist: str | scipy.stats.rv_continuous = "norm", method: str = "ML", dim: str = "time", **fitkwargs: Any, ) -> xr.DataArray: r"""Fit an array to a univariate distribution along the time dimension. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Time series to be fitted along the time dimension. dist : str or rv_continuous distribution object Name of the univariate distribution, such as beta, expon, genextreme, gamma, gumbel_r, lognorm, norm (see :py:mod:scipy.stats for full list) or the distribution object itself. method : {"ML" or "MLE", "MM", "PWM", "APP"} Fitting method, either maximum likelihood (ML or MLE), method of moments (MM) or approximate method (APP). Can also be the probability weighted moments (PWM), also called L-Moments, if a compatible `dist` object is passed. The PWM method is usually more robust to outliers. dim : str The dimension upon which to perform the indexing (default: "time"). \*\*fitkwargs Other arguments passed directly to :py:func:`_fitstart` and to the distribution's `fit`. Returns ------- xr.DataArray An array of fitted distribution parameters. Notes ----- Coordinates for which all values are NaNs will be dropped before fitting the distribution. If the array still contains NaNs, the distribution parameters will be returned as NaNs. """ method = method.upper() method_name = { "ML": "maximum likelihood", "MM": "method of moments", "MLE": "maximum likelihood", "PWM": "probability weighted moments", "APP": "approximative method", } if method not in method_name: raise ValueError(f"Fitting method not recognized: {method}") # Get the distribution dist = get_dist(dist) if method == "PWM" and not hasattr(dist, "lmom_fit"): raise ValueError( f"The given distribution {dist} does not implement the PWM fitting method. Please pass an instance from the lmoments3 package." ) shape_params = [] if dist.shapes is None else dist.shapes.split(",") dist_params = shape_params + ["loc", "scale"] data = xr.apply_ufunc( _fitfunc_1d, da, input_core_dims=[[dim]], output_core_dims=[["dparams"]], vectorize=True, dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=[float], keep_attrs=True, kwargs=dict( # Don't know how APP should be included, this works for now dist=dist, nparams=len(dist_params), method=method, **fitkwargs, ), dask_gufunc_kwargs={"output_sizes": {"dparams": len(dist_params)}}, ) # Add coordinates for the distribution parameters and transpose to original shape (with dim -> dparams) dims = [d if d != dim else "dparams" for d in da.dims] out = data.assign_coords(dparams=dist_params).transpose(*dims) out.attrs = prefix_attrs( da.attrs, ["standard_name", "long_name", "units", "description"], "original_" ) attrs = dict( long_name=f"{} parameters", description=f"Parameters of the {} distribution", method=method, estimator=method_name[method].capitalize(),, units="", history=update_history( f"Estimate distribution parameters by {method_name[method]} method along dimension {dim}.", new_name="fit", data=da, ), ) out.attrs.update(attrs) return out
[docs] def parametric_quantile( p: xr.DataArray, q: float | Sequence[float], dist: str | scipy.stats.rv_continuous | None = None, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Return the value corresponding to the given distribution parameters and quantile. Parameters ---------- p : xr.DataArray Distribution parameters returned by the `fit` function. The array should have dimension `dparams` storing the distribution parameters, and attribute `scipy_dist`, storing the name of the distribution. q : float or Sequence of float Quantile to compute, which must be between `0` and `1`, inclusive. dist: str, rv_continuous instance, optional The distribution name or instance if the `scipy_dist` attribute is not available on `p`. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray An array of parametric quantiles estimated from the distribution parameters. Notes ----- When all quantiles are above 0.5, the `isf` method is used instead of `ppf` because accuracy is sometimes better. """ q = np.atleast_1d(q) dist = get_dist(dist or p.attrs["scipy_dist"]) # Create a lambda function to facilitate passing arguments to dask. There is probably a better way to do this. if np.all(q > 0.5): def func(x): return dist.isf(1 - q, *x) else: def func(x): return dist.ppf(q, *x) data = xr.apply_ufunc( func, p, input_core_dims=[["dparams"]], output_core_dims=[["quantile"]], vectorize=True, dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=[float], keep_attrs=True, dask_gufunc_kwargs={"output_sizes": {"quantile": len(q)}}, ) # Assign quantile coordinates and transpose to preserve original dimension order dims = [d if d != "dparams" else "quantile" for d in p.dims] out = data.assign_coords(quantile=q).transpose(*dims) out.attrs = unprefix_attrs(p.attrs, ["units", "standard_name"], "original_") attrs = dict( long_name=f"{} quantiles", description=f"Quantiles estimated by the {} distribution", cell_methods="dparams: ppf", history=update_history( "Compute parametric quantiles from distribution parameters", new_name="parametric_quantile", parameters=p, ), ) out.attrs.update(attrs) return out
[docs] def parametric_cdf( p: xr.DataArray, v: float | Sequence[float], dist: str | scipy.stats.rv_continuous | None = None, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Return the cumulative distribution function corresponding to the given distribution parameters and value. Parameters ---------- p : xr.DataArray Distribution parameters returned by the `fit` function. The array should have dimension `dparams` storing the distribution parameters, and attribute `scipy_dist`, storing the name of the distribution. v : float or Sequence of float Value to compute the CDF. dist: str, rv_continuous instance, optional The distribution name or instance is the `scipy_dist` attribute is not available on `p`. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray An array of parametric CDF values estimated from the distribution parameters. """ v = np.atleast_1d(v) dist = get_dist(dist or p.attrs["scipy_dist"]) # Create a lambda function to facilitate passing arguments to dask. There is probably a better way to do this. def func(x): return dist.cdf(v, *x) data = xr.apply_ufunc( func, p, input_core_dims=[["dparams"]], output_core_dims=[["cdf"]], vectorize=True, dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=[float], keep_attrs=True, dask_gufunc_kwargs={"output_sizes": {"cdf": len(v)}}, ) # Assign quantile coordinates and transpose to preserve original dimension order dims = [d if d != "dparams" else "cdf" for d in p.dims] out = data.assign_coords(cdf=v).transpose(*dims) out.attrs = unprefix_attrs(p.attrs, ["units", "standard_name"], "original_") attrs = dict( long_name=f"{} cdf", description=f"CDF estimated by the {} distribution", cell_methods="dparams: cdf", history=update_history( "Compute parametric cdf from distribution parameters", new_name="parametric_cdf", parameters=p, ), ) out.attrs.update(attrs) return out
[docs] def fa( da: xr.DataArray, t: int | Sequence, dist: str | scipy.stats.rv_continuous = "norm", mode: str = "max", method: str = "ML", ) -> xr.DataArray: """Return the value corresponding to the given return period. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Maximized/minimized input data with a `time` dimension. t : int or Sequence of int Return period. The period depends on the resolution of the input data. If the input array's resolution is yearly, then the return period is in years. dist : str or rv_continuous instance Name of the univariate distribution, such as: `beta`, `expon`, `genextreme`, `gamma`, `gumbel_r`, `lognorm`, `norm` Or the distribution instance itself. mode : {'min', 'max} Whether we are looking for a probability of exceedance (max) or a probability of non-exceedance (min). method : {"ML", "MLE", "MOM", "PWM", "APP"} Fitting method, either maximum likelihood (ML or MLE), method of moments (MOM) or approximate method (APP). Also accepts probability weighted moments (PWM), also called L-Moments, if `dist` is an instance from the lmoments3 library. The PWM method is usually more robust to outliers. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray An array of values with a 1/t probability of exceedance (if mode=='max'). See Also -------- scipy.stats : For descriptions of univariate distribution types. """ # Fit the parameters of the distribution p = fit(da, dist, method=method) t = np.atleast_1d(t) if mode in ["max", "high"]: q = 1 - 1.0 / t elif mode in ["min", "low"]: q = 1.0 / t else: raise ValueError(f"Mode `{mode}` should be either 'max' or 'min'.") # Compute the quantiles out = ( parametric_quantile(p, q, dist) .rename({"quantile": "return_period"}) .assign_coords(return_period=t) ) out.attrs["mode"] = mode return out
[docs] def frequency_analysis( da: xr.DataArray, mode: str, t: int | Sequence[int], dist: str | scipy.stats.rv_continuous, window: int = 1, freq: str | None = None, method: str = "ML", **indexer: int | float | str, ) -> xr.DataArray: r"""Return the value corresponding to a return period. Parameters ---------- da : xarray.DataArray Input data. mode : {'min', 'max'} Whether we are looking for a probability of exceedance (high) or a probability of non-exceedance (low). t : int or sequence Return period. The period depends on the resolution of the input data. If the input array's resolution is yearly, then the return period is in years. dist : str or rv_continuous Name of the univariate distribution, e.g. `beta`, `expon`, `genextreme`, `gamma`, `gumbel_r`, `lognorm`, `norm`. Or an instance of the distribution. window : int Averaging window length (days). freq : str, optional Resampling frequency. If None, the frequency is assumed to be 'YS' unless the indexer is season='DJF', in which case `freq` would be set to `YS-DEC`. method : {"ML" or "MLE", "MOM", "PWM", "APP"} Fitting method, either maximum likelihood (ML or MLE), method of moments (MOM) or approximate method (APP). Also accepts probability weighted moments (PWM), also called L-Moments, if `dist` is an instance from the lmoments3 library. The PWM method is usually more robust to outliers. \*\*indexer Time attribute and values over which to subset the array. For example, use season='DJF' to select winter values, month=1 to select January, or month=[6,7,8] to select summer months. If indexer is not provided, all values are considered. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray An array of values with a 1/t probability of exceedance or non-exceedance when mode is high or low respectively. See Also -------- scipy.stats : For descriptions of univariate distribution types. """ # Apply rolling average attrs = da.attrs.copy() if window > 1: da = da.rolling(time=window).mean(skipna=False) da.attrs.update(attrs) # Assign default resampling frequency if not provided freq = freq or generic.default_freq(**indexer) # Extract the time series of min or max over the period sel = generic.select_resample_op(da, op=mode, freq=freq, **indexer) if uses_dask(sel): sel = sel.chunk({"time": -1}) # Frequency analysis return fa(sel, t, dist=dist, mode=mode, method=method)
[docs] def get_dist(dist: str | scipy.stats.rv_continuous): """Return a distribution object from `scipy.stats`.""" if isinstance(dist, scipy.stats.rv_continuous): return dist dc = getattr(scipy.stats, dist, None) if dc is None: e = f"Statistical distribution `{dist}` is not found in scipy.stats." raise ValueError(e) return dc
[docs] def _fit_start(x, dist: str, **fitkwargs: Any) -> tuple[tuple, dict]: r"""Return initial values for distribution parameters. Providing the ML fit method initial values can help the optimizer find the global optimum. Parameters ---------- x : array-like Input data. dist : str Name of the univariate distribution, e.g. `beta`, `expon`, `genextreme`, `gamma`, `gumbel_r`, `lognorm`, `norm`. (see :py:mod:scipy.stats). Only `genextreme` and `weibull_exp` distributions are supported. \*\*fitkwargs Kwargs passed to fit. Returns ------- tuple, dict References ---------- :cite:cts:`coles_introduction_2001,cohen_parameter_2019, thom_1958, cooke_1979, muralidhar_1992` """ x = np.asarray(x) m = x.mean() v = x.var() if dist == "genextreme": s = np.sqrt(6 * v) / np.pi return (0.1,), {"loc": m - 0.57722 * s, "scale": s} if dist == "genpareto" and "floc" in fitkwargs: # Taken from julia' Extremes. Case for when "mu/loc" is known. t = fitkwargs["floc"] if not np.isclose(t, 0): m = (x - t).mean() v = (x - t).var() c = 0.5 * (1 - m**2 / v) scale = (1 - c) * m return (c,), {"scale": scale} if dist in "weibull_min": s = x.std() loc = x.min() - 0.01 * s chat = np.pi / np.sqrt(6) / (np.log(x - loc)).std() scale = ((x - loc) ** chat).mean() ** (1 / chat) return (chat,), {"loc": loc, "scale": scale} if dist in ["gamma"]: if "floc" in fitkwargs: loc0 = fitkwargs["floc"] else: xs = sorted(x) x1, x2, xn = xs[0], xs[1], xs[-1] # muralidhar_1992 would suggest the following, but it seems more unstable # using cooke_1979 for now # n = len(x) # cv = x.std() / x.mean() # p = (0.48265 + 0.32967 * cv) * n ** (-0.2984 * cv) # xp = xs[int(p/100*n)] xp = x2 loc0 = (x1 * xn - xp**2) / (x1 + xn - 2 * xp) loc0 = loc0 if loc0 < x1 else (0.9999 * x1 if x1 > 0 else 1.0001 * x1) x_pos = x - loc0 x_pos = x_pos[x_pos > 0] m = x_pos.mean() log_of_mean = np.log(m) mean_of_logs = np.log(x_pos).mean() A = log_of_mean - mean_of_logs a0 = (1 + np.sqrt(1 + 4 * A / 3)) / (4 * A) scale0 = m / a0 kwargs = {"scale": scale0, "loc": loc0} return (a0,), kwargs if dist in ["fisk"]: if "floc" in fitkwargs: loc0 = fitkwargs["floc"] else: xs = sorted(x) x1, x2, xn = xs[0], xs[1], xs[-1] loc0 = (x1 * xn - x2**2) / (x1 + xn - 2 * x2) loc0 = loc0 if loc0 < x1 else (0.9999 * x1 if x1 > 0 else 1.0001 * x1) x_pos = x - loc0 x_pos = x_pos[x_pos > 0] # method of moments: # LHS is computed analytically with the two-parameters log-logistic distribution # and depends on alpha,beta # RHS is from the sample # <x> = m # <x^2> / <x>^2 = m2/m**2 # solving these equations yields m = x_pos.mean() m2 = (x_pos**2).mean() scale0 = 2 * m**3 / (m2 + m**2) c0 = np.pi * m / np.sqrt(3) / np.sqrt(m2 - m**2) kwargs = {"scale": scale0, "loc": loc0} return (c0,), kwargs return (), {}
def _dist_method_1D( # noqa: N802 *args, dist: str | scipy.stats.rv_continuous, function: str, **kwargs: Any ) -> xr.DataArray: r"""Statistical function for given argument on given distribution initialized with params. See :py:ref:`scipy:scipy.stats.rv_continuous` for all available functions and their arguments. Every method where `"*args"` are the distribution parameters can be wrapped. Parameters ---------- \*args The arguments for the requested scipy function. dist : str The scipy name of the distribution. function : str The name of the function to call. \*\*kwargs Other parameters to pass to the function call. Returns ------- array_like """ dist = get_dist(dist) return getattr(dist, function)(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def dist_method( function: str, fit_params: xr.DataArray, arg: xr.DataArray | None = None, dist: str | scipy.stats.rv_continuous | None = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> xr.DataArray: r"""Vectorized statistical function for given argument on given distribution initialized with params. Methods where `"*args"` are the distribution parameters can be wrapped, except those that reduce dimensions ( e.g. `nnlf`) or create new dimensions (eg: 'rvs' with size != 1, 'stats' with more than one moment, 'interval', 'support'). Parameters ---------- function : str The name of the function to call. fit_params : xr.DataArray Distribution parameters are along `dparams`, in the same order as given by :py:func:`fit`. arg : array_like, optional The first argument for the requested function if different from `fit_params`. dist : str pr rv_continuous, optional The distribution name or instance. Defaults to the `scipy_dist` attribute or `fit_params`. \*\*kwargs Other parameters to pass to the function call. Returns ------- array_like Same shape as arg. See Also -------- scipy:scipy.stats.rv_continuous : for all available functions and their arguments. """ # Typically the data to be transformed arg = [arg] if arg is not None else [] if function == "nnlf": raise ValueError( "This method is not supported because it reduces the dimensionality of the data." ) # We don't need to set `input_core_dims` because we're explicitly splitting the parameters here. args = arg + [fit_params.sel(dparams=dp) for dp in fit_params.dparams.values] return xr.apply_ufunc( _dist_method_1D, *args, kwargs={ "dist": dist or fit_params.attrs["scipy_dist"], "function": function, **kwargs, }, output_dtypes=[float], dask="parallelized", )
def preprocess_standardized_index( da: xr.DataArray, freq: str | None, window: int, **indexer ): r"""Perform resample and roll operations involved in computing a standardized index. da : xarray.DataArray Input array. freq : {D, MS}, optional Resampling frequency. A monthly or daily frequency is expected. Option `None` assumes that desired resampling has already been applied input dataset and will skip the resampling step. window : int Averaging window length relative to the resampling frequency. For example, if `freq="MS"`, i.e. a monthly resampling, the window is an integer number of months. \*\*indexer Indexing parameters to compute the indicator on a temporal subset of the data. It accepts the same arguments as :py:func:`xclim.indices.generic.select_time`. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, str Processed array and time grouping corresponding to the final time frequency (following resampling if applicable). """ # We could allow a more general frequency in this function and move # the constraint {"D", "MS"} in specific indices such as SPI / SPEI. final_freq = freq or xr.infer_freq(da.time) if final_freq: if final_freq == "D": group = "time.dayofyear" elif compare_offsets(final_freq, "==", "MS"): group = "time.month" else: raise ValueError( f"The input (following resampling if applicable) has a frequency `{final_freq}` " "which is not supported for standardized indices." ) else: warnings.warn( "No resampling frequency was specified and a frequency for the dataset could not be identified with ``xr.infer_freq``" ) group = "time.dayofyear" if freq is not None: da = da.resample(time=freq).mean(keep_attrs=True) if uses_dask(da) and len(da.chunks[da.get_axis_num("time")]) > 1: warnings.warn( "The input data is chunked on time dimension and must be fully rechunked to" " run `fit` on groups ." " Beware, this operation can significantly increase the number of tasks dask" " has to handle.", stacklevel=2, ) da = da.chunk({"time": -1}) if window > 1: da = da.rolling(time=window).mean(skipna=False, keep_attrs=True) # The time reduction must be done after the rolling da = select_time(da, **indexer) return da, group def standardized_index_fit_params( da: xr.DataArray, freq: str | None, window: int, dist: str | scipy.stats.rv_continuous, method: str, zero_inflated: bool = False, fitkwargs: dict | None = None, offset: Quantified | None = None, **indexer, ) -> xr.DataArray: r"""Standardized Index fitting parameters. A standardized index measures the deviation of a variable averaged over a rolling temporal window and fitted with a given distribution `dist` with respect to a calibration dataset. The comparison is done by porting back results to a normalized distribution. The fitting parameters of the calibration dataset fitted with `dist` are obtained here. Parameters ---------- da : xarray.DataArray Input array. freq : str, optional Resampling frequency. A monthly or daily frequency is expected. Option `None` assumes that desired resampling has already been applied input dataset and will skip the resampling step. window : int Averaging window length relative to the resampling frequency. For example, if `freq="MS"`, i.e. a monthly resampling, the window is an integer number of months. dist : {'gamma', 'fisk'} or rv_continuous instance Name of the univariate distribution. (see :py:mod:`scipy.stats`). method : {'ML', 'APP', 'PWM'} Name of the fitting method, such as `ML` (maximum likelihood), `APP` (approximate). The approximate method uses a deterministic function that doesn't involve any optimization. zero_inflated : bool If True, the zeroes of `da` are treated separately when fitting a probability density function. fitkwargs : dict, optional Kwargs passed to ```` used to impose values of certains parameters (`floc`, `fscale`). offset: Quantified Distributions bounded by zero (e.g. "gamma", "fisk") can be used for datasets with negative values by using an offset: `da + offset`. This option will be removed in xclim >=0.49.0, ``xclim`` will rely on a proper use three-parameters distributions instead. \*\*indexer Indexing parameters to compute the indicator on a temporal subset of the data. It accepts the same arguments as :py:func:`xclim.indices.generic.select_time`. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray Standardized Index fitting parameters. The time dimension of the initial array is reduced to Notes ----- Supported combinations of `dist` and `method` are: * Gamma ("gamma") : "ML", "APP", "PWM" * Log-logistic ("fisk") : "ML", "APP" * "APP" method only supports two-parameter distributions. Parameter `loc` will be set to 0 (setting `floc=0` in `fitkwargs`). When using the zero inflated option, : A probability density function :math:`\texttt{pdf}_0(X)` is fitted for :math:`X \neq 0` and a supplementary parameter :math:`\pi` takes into account the probability of :math:`X = 0`. The full probability density function is a piecewise function .. math:: \texttt{pdf}(X) = \pi \texttt{ if } X=0 \texttt{ else } (1-\pi) \texttt{pdf}_0(X) """ fitkwargs = fitkwargs or {} if method == "APP": if "floc" not in fitkwargs.keys(): raise ValueError( "The APP method is only supported for two-parameter distributions with `gamma` or `fisk` with `loc` being fixed." "Pass a value for `floc` in `fitkwargs`." ) if offset is not None: warnings.warn( "Inputing an offset will be deprecated in xclim>=0.50.0. To achieve the same effect, pass `- offset` as `fitkwargs['floc']` instead." ) with xr.set_options(keep_attrs=True): da = da + convert_units_to(offset, da, context="hydro") # "WPM" method doesn't seem to work for gamma or pearson3 dist_and_methods = {"gamma": ["ML", "APP", "PWM"], "fisk": ["ML", "APP"]} dist = get_dist(dist) if not in dist_and_methods: raise NotImplementedError(f"The distribution `{}` is not supported.") if method not in dist_and_methods[]: raise NotImplementedError( f"The method `{method}` is not supported for distribution `{}`." ) da, group = preprocess_standardized_index(da, freq, window, **indexer) if zero_inflated: prob_of_zero = da.groupby(group).map( lambda x: (x == 0).sum("time") / x.notnull().sum("time") ) params = ( da.where(da != 0) .groupby(group) .map(fit, dist=dist, method=method, **fitkwargs) ) params["prob_of_zero"] = prob_of_zero else: params = da.groupby(group).map(fit, dist=dist, method=method, **fitkwargs) cal_range = ( da.time.min().dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d").item(), da.time.max().dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d").item(), ) params.attrs = { "calibration_period": cal_range, "freq": freq or "", "window": window, "scipy_dist":, "method": method, "group": group, "units": "", } method, args = ("", []) if indexer == {} else indexer.popitem() params.attrs["time_indexer"] = (method, *args) if offset: params.attrs["offset"] = offset return params def standardized_index( da: xr.DataArray, freq: str | None, window: int | None, dist: str | scipy.stats.rv_continuous | None, method: str | None, zero_inflated: bool | None, fitkwargs: dict | None, cal_start: DateStr | None, cal_end: DateStr | None, params: Quantified | None = None, **indexer, ) -> xr.DataArray: r"""Standardized Index (SI). This computes standardized indices which measure the deviation of variables in the dataset compared to a reference distribution. The reference is a statistical distribution computed with fitting parameters `params` over a given calibration period of the dataset. Those fitting parameters are obtained with ``xclim.standardized_index_fit_params``. Parameters ---------- da : xarray.DataArray Daily input data. freq : str, optional Resampling frequency. A monthly or daily frequency is expected. Option `None` assumes that desired resampling has already been applied input dataset and will skip the resampling step. window : int Averaging window length relative to the resampling frequency. For example, if `freq="MS"`, i.e. a monthly resampling, the window is an integer number of months. dist : str or rv_continuous Name of the univariate distribution. (see :py:mod:`scipy.stats`). method : str Name of the fitting method, such as `ML` (maximum likelihood), `APP` (approximate). The approximate method uses a deterministic function that doesn't involve any optimization. zero_inflated : bool If True, the zeroes of `da` are treated separately. fitkwargs : dict Kwargs passed to ```` used to impose values of certains parameters (`floc`, `fscale`). cal_start : DateStr, optional Start date of the calibration period. A `DateStr` is expected, that is a `str` in format `"YYYY-MM-DD"`. Default option `None` means that the calibration period begins at the start of the input dataset. cal_end : DateStr, optional End date of the calibration period. A `DateStr` is expected, that is a `str` in format `"YYYY-MM-DD"`. Default option `None` means that the calibration period finishes at the end of the input dataset. params : xarray.DataArray Fit parameters. The `params` can be computed using ``xclim.indices.stats.standardized_index_fit_params`` in advance. The output can be given here as input, and it overrides other options. \*\*indexer Indexing parameters to compute the indicator on a temporal subset of the data. It accepts the same arguments as :py:func:`xclim.indices.generic.select_time`. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [unitless] Standardized Precipitation Index. Notes ----- * The standardized index is bounded by ±8.21. 8.21 is the largest standardized index as constrained by the float64 precision in the inversion to the normal distribution. * ``window``, ``dist``, ``method``, ``zero_inflated`` are only optional if ``params`` is given. References ---------- :cite:cts:`mckee_relationship_1993` """ # use input arguments from ``params`` if it is given if params is not None: freq, window, dist, indexer = ( params.attrs[s] for s in ["freq", "window", "scipy_dist", "time_indexer"] ) # Unpack attrs to None and {} if needed freq = None if freq == "" else freq indexer = {} if indexer[0] == "" else {indexer[0]: indexer[1:]} if cal_start or cal_end: warnings.warn( "Expected either `cal_{start|end}` or `params`, got both. The `params` input overrides other inputs." "If `cal_start`, `cal_end`, `freq`, `window`, and/or `dist` were given as input, they will be ignored." ) if "offset" in params.attrs: offset = convert_units_to(params.attrs["offset"], da, context="hydro") with xr.set_options(keep_attrs=True): da = da + offset else: for p in [window, dist, method, zero_inflated]: if p is None: raise ValueError( "If `params` is `None`, `window`, `dist`, `method` and `zero_inflated` must be given." ) # apply resampling and rolling operations da, _ = preprocess_standardized_index(da, freq=freq, window=window, **indexer) if params is None: params = standardized_index_fit_params( da.sel(time=slice(cal_start, cal_end)), freq=None, window=1, dist=dist, method=method, zero_inflated=zero_inflated, fitkwargs=fitkwargs, ) # If params only contains a subset of main dataset time grouping # (e.g. 8/12 months, etc.), it needs to be broadcasted group = params.attrs["group"] template = da.groupby(group).first() paramsd = {k: v for k, v in params.sizes.items() if k != "dparams"} if paramsd != template.sizes: params = params.broadcast_like(template) def reindex_time(da, da_ref, group): if group == "time.dayofyear": da = resample_doy(da, da_ref) elif group == "time.month": da = da.rename(month="time").reindex(time=da_ref.time.dt.month) da["time"] = da_ref.time # I don't think rechunking is necessary here, need to check return da if not uses_dask(da) else da.chunk({"time": -1}) # this should be restricted to some distributions / in some context zero_inflated = "prob_of_zero" in params.coords if zero_inflated: prob_of_zero = reindex_time(params["prob_of_zero"], da, group) mask = da != 0 da = da.where(mask) else: prob_of_zero = 0 params = reindex_time(params, da, group) dist_probs = dist_method("cdf", params, da, dist=dist) if zero_inflated: dist_probs = dist_probs.where(mask, 0) # This assumes that values are greater or equal to 0. # It might be useful to define inflated distribution where # the inflated value is not the lower bound, which would warrant # a generalized implementation. For now, this option shall be used with # standardized_precipitation_index where values are not negative. probs = prob_of_zero + ((1 - prob_of_zero) * dist_probs) params_norm = xr.DataArray( [0, 1], dims=["dparams"], coords=dict(dparams=(["loc", "scale"])), attrs=dict(scipy_dist="norm"), ) si = dist_method("ppf", params_norm, probs) # A cdf value of 0 or 1 gives ±np.inf when inverted to the normal distribution. # The neighbouring values 0.00...1 and 0.99...9 with a float64 give a standardized index of ± 8.21 # We use this index as reference for maximal/minimal standardized values. # Smaller values of standardized index could also be used as bounds. For example, [Guttman, 1999] # notes that precipitation events (over a month/season) generally occur less than 100 times in the US. # Values of standardized index outside the range [-3.09, 3.09] correspond to probabilities smaller than 0.001 # or greater than 0.999, which could be considered non-statistically relevant for this sample size. si = si.clip(-8.21, 8.21) si.attrs = params.attrs si.attrs["freq"] = (freq or xr.infer_freq(si.time)) or "undefined" si.attrs["window"] = window si.attrs["units"] = "" return si