Source code for xclim.indices.generic

Generic Indices Submodule

Helper functions for common generic actions done in the computation of indices.

from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from import Sequence
from typing import Callable

import cftime
import numpy as np
import xarray
import xarray as xr
from xarray.coding.cftime_offsets import _MONTH_ABBREVIATIONS  # noqa

from xclim.core.calendar import (
from xclim.core.units import (
from xclim.core.utils import DayOfYearStr, Quantified, Quantity

from . import run_length as rl

__all__ = [

binary_ops = {">": "gt", "<": "lt", ">=": "ge", "<=": "le", "==": "eq", "!=": "ne"}

[docs] def select_resample_op( da: xr.DataArray, op: str, freq: str = "YS", out_units=None, **indexer ) -> xr.DataArray: """Apply operation over each period that is part of the index selection. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Input data. op : str {'min', 'max', 'mean', 'std', 'var', 'count', 'sum', 'integral', 'argmax', 'argmin'} or func Reduce operation. Can either be a DataArray method or a function that can be applied to a DataArray. freq : str Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in :ref:`timeseries.resampling`. out_units : str, optional Output units to assign. Only necessary if `op` is function not supported by :py:func:`xclim.core.units.to_agg_units`. indexer : {dim: indexer, }, optional Time attribute and values over which to subset the array. For example, use season='DJF' to select winter values, month=1 to select January, or month=[6,7,8] to select summer months. If not indexer is given, all values are considered. Returns ------- xr.DataArray The maximum value for each period. """ da = select_time(da, **indexer) r = da.resample(time=freq) if op in _xclim_ops: op = _xclim_ops[op] if isinstance(op, str): out = getattr(r, op.replace("integral", "sum"))(dim="time", keep_attrs=True) else: with xr.set_options(keep_attrs=True): out = op = op.__name__ if out_units is not None: return out.assign_attrs(units=out_units) return to_agg_units(out, da, op)
def select_rolling_resample_op( da: xr.DataArray, op: str, window: int, window_center: bool = True, window_op: str = "mean", freq: str = "YS", out_units=None, **indexer, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Apply operation over each period that is part of the index selection, using a rolling window before the operation. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Input data. op : str {'min', 'max', 'mean', 'std', 'var', 'count', 'sum', 'integral', 'argmax', 'argmin'} or func Reduce operation. Can either be a DataArray method or a function that can be applied to a DataArray. window : int Size of the rolling window (centered). window_center : bool If True, the window is centered on the date. If False, the window is right-aligned. window_op : str {'min', 'max', 'mean', 'std', 'var', 'count', 'sum', 'integral'} Operation to apply to the rolling window. Default: 'mean'. freq : str Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in :ref:`timeseries.resampling`. Applied after the rolling window. out_units : str, optional Output units to assign. Only necessary if `op` is function not supported by :py:func:`xclim.core.units.to_agg_units`. indexer : {dim: indexer, }, optional Time attribute and values over which to subset the array. For example, use season='DJF' to select winter values, month=1 to select January, or month=[6,7,8] to select summer months. If not indexer is given, all values are considered. Returns ------- xr.DataArray The array for which the operation has been applied over each period. """ rolled = getattr( da.rolling(time=window, center=window_center), window_op.replace("integral", "sum"), )() rolled = to_agg_units(rolled, da, window_op) return select_resample_op(rolled, op=op, freq=freq, out_units=out_units, **indexer)
[docs] def doymax(da: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray: """Return the day of year of the maximum value.""" i = da.argmax(dim="time") out = da.time.dt.dayofyear.isel(time=i, drop=True) return to_agg_units(out, da, "doymax")
[docs] def doymin(da: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray: """Return the day of year of the minimum value.""" i = da.argmin(dim="time") out = da.time.dt.dayofyear.isel(time=i, drop=True) return to_agg_units(out, da, "doymin")
_xclim_ops = {"doymin": doymin, "doymax": doymax}
[docs] def default_freq(**indexer) -> str: """Return the default frequency.""" freq = "YS-JAN" if indexer: group, value = indexer.popitem() if group == "season": month = 12 # The "season" scheme is based on YS-DEC elif group == "month": month = np.take(value, 0) elif group == "doy_bounds": month = cftime.num2date(value[0] - 1, "days since 2004-01-01").month elif group == "date_bounds": month = int(value[0][:2]) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown group `{group}`.") freq = "YS-" + _MONTH_ABBREVIATIONS[month] return freq
[docs] def get_op(op: str, constrain: Sequence[str] | None = None) -> Callable: """Get python's comparing function according to its name of representation and validate allowed usage. Accepted op string are keys and values of xclim.indices.generic.binary_ops. Parameters ---------- op : str Operator. constrain : sequence of str, optional A tuple of allowed operators. """ if op == "gteq": warnings.warn(f"`{op}` is being renamed `ge` for compatibility.") op = "ge" if op == "lteq": warnings.warn(f"`{op}` is being renamed `le` for compatibility.") op = "le" if op in binary_ops.keys(): binary_op = binary_ops[op] elif op in binary_ops.values(): binary_op = op else: raise ValueError(f"Operation `{op}` not recognized.") constraints = list() if isinstance(constrain, (list, tuple, set)): constraints.extend([binary_ops[c] for c in constrain]) constraints.extend(constrain) elif isinstance(constrain, str): constraints.extend([binary_ops[constrain], constrain]) if constrain: if op not in constraints: raise ValueError(f"Operation `{op}` not permitted for indice.") return xr.core.ops.get_op(binary_op) # noqa
[docs] def compare( left: xr.DataArray, op: str, right: float | int | np.ndarray | xr.DataArray, constrain: Sequence[str] | None = None, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Compare a dataArray to a threshold using given operator. Parameters ---------- left : xr.DataArray A DatArray being evaluated against `right`. op : {">", "gt", "<", "lt", ">=", "ge", "<=", "le", "==", "eq", "!=", "ne"} Logical operator. e.g. arr > thresh. right : float, int, np.ndarray, or xr.DataArray A value or array-like being evaluated against left`. constrain : sequence of str, optional Optionally allowed conditions. Returns ------- xr.DataArray Boolean mask of the comparison. """ return get_op(op, constrain)(left, right)
[docs] def threshold_count( da: xr.DataArray, op: str, threshold: float | int | xr.DataArray, freq: str, constrain: Sequence[str] | None = None, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Count number of days where value is above or below threshold. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Input data. op : {">", "<", ">=", "<=", "gt", "lt", "ge", "le"} Logical operator. e.g. arr > thresh. threshold : Union[float, int] Threshold value. freq : str Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in :ref:`timeseries.resampling`. constrain : sequence of str, optional Optionally allowed conditions. Returns ------- xr.DataArray The number of days meeting the constraints for each period. """ if constrain is None: constrain = (">", "<", ">=", "<=") c = compare(da, op, threshold, constrain) * 1 return c.resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time")
[docs] def domain_count( da: xr.DataArray, low: float | int | xr.DataArray, high: float | int | xr.DataArray, freq: str, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Count number of days where value is within low and high thresholds. A value is counted if it is larger than `low`, and smaller or equal to `high`, i.e. in `]low, high]`. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Input data. low : scalar or DataArray Minimum threshold value. high : scalar or DataArray Maximum threshold value. freq : str Resampling frequency defining the periods defined in :ref:`timeseries.resampling`. Returns ------- xr.DataArray The number of days where value is within [low, high] for each period. """ c = compare(da, ">", low) * compare(da, "<=", high) * 1 return c.resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time")
[docs] def get_daily_events( da: xr.DataArray, threshold: float | int | xr.DataArray, op: str, constrain: Sequence[str] | None = None, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Return a 0/1 mask when a condition is True or False. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Input data. threshold : float Threshold value. op : {">", "gt", "<", "lt", ">=", "ge", "<=", "le", "==", "eq", "!=", "ne"} Logical operator. e.g. arr > thresh. constrain : sequence of str, optional Optionally allowed conditions. Notes ----- The function returns: - ``1`` where operator(da, da_value) is ``True`` - ``0`` where operator(da, da_value) is ``False`` - ``nan`` where da is ``nan`` Returns ------- xr.DataArray """ events = compare(da, op, threshold, constrain) * 1 events = events.where(~(np.isnan(da))) events = events.rename("events") return events
[docs] @declare_relative_units(threshold="<low_data>") def count_level_crossings( low_data: xr.DataArray, high_data: xr.DataArray, threshold: Quantified, freq: str, *, op_low: str = "<", op_high: str = ">=", ) -> xr.DataArray: """Calculate the number of times low_data is below threshold while high_data is above threshold. First, the threshold is transformed to the same standard_name and units as the input data, then the thresholding is performed, and finally, the number of occurrences is counted. Parameters ---------- low_data : xr.DataArray Variable that must be under the threshold. high_data : xr.DataArray Variable that must be above the threshold. threshold : Quantified Threshold. freq : str Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in :ref:`timeseries.resampling`. op_low : {"<", "<=", "lt", "le"} Comparison operator for low_data. Default: "<". op_high : {">", ">=", "gt", "ge"} Comparison operator for high_data. Default: ">=". Returns ------- xr.DataArray """ # Convert units to low_data high_data = convert_units_to(high_data, low_data) threshold = convert_units_to(threshold, low_data) lower = compare(low_data, op_low, threshold, constrain=("<", "<=")) higher = compare(high_data, op_high, threshold, constrain=(">", ">=")) out = (lower & higher).resample(time=freq).sum() return to_agg_units(out, low_data, "count", dim="time")
[docs] @declare_relative_units(threshold="<data>") def count_occurrences( data: xr.DataArray, threshold: Quantified, freq: str, op: str, constrain: Sequence[str] | None = None, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Calculate the number of times some condition is met. First, the threshold is transformed to the same standard_name and units as the input data. Then the thresholding is performed as condition(data, threshold), i.e. if condition is `<`, then this counts the number of times `data < threshold`. Finally, count the number of occurrences when condition is met. Parameters ---------- data : xr.DataArray An array. threshold : Quantified Threshold. freq : str Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in :ref:`timeseries.resampling`. op : {">", "gt", "<", "lt", ">=", "ge", "<=", "le", "==", "eq", "!=", "ne"} Logical operator. e.g. arr > thresh. constrain : sequence of str, optional Optionally allowed conditions. Returns ------- xr.DataArray """ threshold = convert_units_to(threshold, data) cond = compare(data, op, threshold, constrain) out = cond.resample(time=freq).sum() return to_agg_units(out, data, "count", dim="time")
[docs] def diurnal_temperature_range( low_data: xr.DataArray, high_data: xr.DataArray, reducer: str, freq: str ) -> xr.DataArray: """Calculate the diurnal temperature range and reduce according to a statistic. Parameters ---------- low_data : xr.DataArray The lowest daily temperature (tasmin). high_data : xr.DataArray The highest daily temperature (tasmax). reducer : {'max', 'min', 'mean', 'sum'} Reducer. freq: str Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in :ref:`timeseries.resampling`. Returns ------- xr.DataArray """ high_data = convert_units_to(high_data, low_data) dtr = high_data - low_data out = getattr(dtr.resample(time=freq), reducer)() u = str2pint(low_data.units) out.attrs["units"] = pint2cfunits(u - u) return out
[docs] @declare_relative_units(threshold="<data>") def first_occurrence( data: xr.DataArray, threshold: Quantified, freq: str, op: str, constrain: Sequence[str] | None = None, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Calculate the first time some condition is met. First, the threshold is transformed to the same standard_name and units as the input data. Then the thresholding is performed as condition(data, threshold), i.e. if condition is <, data < threshold. Finally, locate the first occurrence when condition is met. Parameters ---------- data : xr.DataArray Input data. threshold : Quantified Threshold. freq : str Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in :ref:`timeseries.resampling`. op : {">", "gt", "<", "lt", ">=", "ge", "<=", "le", "==", "eq", "!=", "ne"} Logical operator. e.g. arr > thresh. constrain : sequence of str, optional Optionally allowed conditions. Returns ------- xr.DataArray """ threshold = convert_units_to(threshold, data) cond = compare(data, op, threshold, constrain) out = cond.resample(time=freq).map( rl.first_run, window=1, dim="time", coord="dayofyear", ) out.attrs["units"] = "" return out
[docs] @declare_relative_units(threshold="<data>") def last_occurrence( data: xr.DataArray, threshold: Quantified, freq: str, op: str, constrain: Sequence[str] | None = None, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Calculate the last time some condition is met. First, the threshold is transformed to the same standard_name and units as the input data. Then the thresholding is performed as condition(data, threshold), i.e. if condition is <, data < threshold. Finally, locate the last occurrence when condition is met. Parameters ---------- data : xr.DataArray Input data. threshold : Quantified Threshold. freq : str Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in :ref:`timeseries.resampling`. op : {">", "gt", "<", "lt", ">=", "ge", "<=", "le", "==", "eq", "!=", "ne"} Logical operator. e.g. arr > thresh. constrain : sequence of str, optional Optionally allowed conditions. Returns ------- xr.DataArray """ threshold = convert_units_to(threshold, data) cond = compare(data, op, threshold, constrain) out = cond.resample(time=freq).map( rl.last_run, window=1, dim="time", coord="dayofyear", ) out.attrs["units"] = "" return out
[docs] @declare_relative_units(threshold="<data>") def spell_length( data: xr.DataArray, threshold: Quantified, reducer: str, freq: str, op: str ) -> xr.DataArray: """Calculate statistics on lengths of spells. First, the threshold is transformed to the same standard_name and units as the input data. Then the thresholding is performed as condition(data, threshold), i.e. if condition is <, data < threshold. Then the spells are determined, and finally the statistics according to the specified reducer are calculated. Parameters ---------- data : xr.DataArray Input data. threshold : Quantified Threshold. reducer : {'max', 'min', 'mean', 'sum'} Reducer. freq : str Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in :ref:`timeseries.resampling`. op : {">", "gt", "<", "lt", ">=", "ge", "<=", "le", "==", "eq", "!=", "ne"} Logical operator. e.g. arr > thresh. Returns ------- xr.DataArray """ threshold = convert_units_to( threshold, data, context=infer_context(standard_name=data.attrs.get("standard_name")), ) cond = compare(data, op, threshold) out = cond.resample(time=freq).map( rl.rle_statistics, reducer=reducer, window=1, dim="time", ) return to_agg_units(out, data, "count")
[docs] def statistics(data: xr.DataArray, reducer: str, freq: str) -> xr.DataArray: """Calculate a simple statistic of the data. Parameters ---------- data : xr.DataArray Input data. reducer : {'max', 'min', 'mean', 'sum'} Reducer. freq : str Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in :ref:`timeseries.resampling`. Returns ------- xr.DataArray """ out = getattr(data.resample(time=freq), reducer)() out.attrs["units"] = data.attrs["units"] return out
[docs] @declare_relative_units(threshold="<data>") def thresholded_statistics( data: xr.DataArray, op: str, threshold: Quantified, reducer: str, freq: str, constrain: Sequence[str] | None = None, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Calculate a simple statistic of the data for which some condition is met. First, the threshold is transformed to the same standard_name and units as the input data. Then the thresholding is performed as condition(data, threshold), i.e. if condition is <, data < threshold. Finally, the statistic is calculated for those data values that fulfill the condition. Parameters ---------- data : xr.DataArray Input data. op : {">", "gt", "<", "lt", ">=", "ge", "<=", "le", "==", "eq", "!=", "ne"} Logical operator. e.g. arr > thresh. threshold : Quantified Threshold. reducer : {'max', 'min', 'mean', 'sum'} Reducer. freq : str Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in :ref:`timeseries.resampling`. constrain : sequence of str, optional Optionally allowed conditions. Default: None. Returns ------- xr.DataArray """ threshold = convert_units_to(threshold, data) cond = compare(data, op, threshold, constrain) out = getattr(data.where(cond).resample(time=freq), reducer)() out.attrs["units"] = data.attrs["units"] return out
[docs] @declare_relative_units(threshold="<data>") def temperature_sum( data: xr.DataArray, op: str, threshold: Quantified, freq: str ) -> xr.DataArray: """Calculate the temperature sum above/below a threshold. First, the threshold is transformed to the same standard_name and units as the input data. Then the thresholding is performed as condition(data, threshold), i.e. if condition is <, data < threshold. Finally, the sum is calculated for those data values that fulfill the condition after subtraction of the threshold value. If the sum is for values below the threshold the result is multiplied by -1. Parameters ---------- data : xr.DataArray Input data. op : {">", "gt", "<", "lt", ">=", "ge", "<=", "le"} Logical operator. e.g. arr > thresh. threshold : Quantified Threshold. freq : str Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in :ref:`timeseries.resampling`. Returns ------- xr.DataArray """ threshold = convert_units_to(threshold, data) cond = compare(data, op, threshold, constrain=("<", "<=", ">", ">=")) direction = -1 if op in ["<", "<=", "lt", "le"] else 1 out = (data - threshold).where(cond).resample(time=freq).sum() out = direction * out return to_agg_units(out, data, "integral")
[docs] def interday_diurnal_temperature_range( low_data: xr.DataArray, high_data: xr.DataArray, freq: str ) -> xr.DataArray: """Calculate the average absolute day-to-day difference in diurnal temperature range. Parameters ---------- low_data : xr.DataArray The lowest daily temperature (tasmin). high_data : xr.DataArray The highest daily temperature (tasmax). freq : str Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in :ref:`timeseries.resampling`. Returns ------- xr.DataArray """ high_data = convert_units_to(high_data, low_data) vdtr = abs((high_data - low_data).diff(dim="time")) out = vdtr.resample(time=freq).mean(dim="time") u = str2pint(low_data.units) out.attrs["units"] = pint2cfunits(u - u) return out
[docs] def extreme_temperature_range( low_data: xr.DataArray, high_data: xr.DataArray, freq: str ) -> xr.DataArray: """Calculate the extreme temperature range as the maximum of daily maximum temperature minus the minimum of daily minimum temperature. Parameters ---------- low_data : xr.DataArray The lowest daily temperature (tasmin). high_data : xr.DataArray The highest daily temperature (tasmax). freq : str Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in :ref:`timeseries.resampling`. Returns ------- xr.DataArray """ high_data = convert_units_to(high_data, low_data) out = high_data.resample(time=freq).max() - low_data.resample(time=freq).min() u = str2pint(low_data.units) out.attrs["units"] = pint2cfunits(u - u) return out
[docs] def aggregate_between_dates( data: xr.DataArray, start: xr.DataArray | DayOfYearStr, end: xr.DataArray | DayOfYearStr, op: str = "sum", freq: str | None = None, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Aggregate the data over a period between start and end dates and apply the operator on the aggregated data. Parameters ---------- data : xr.DataArray Data to aggregate between start and end dates. start : xr.DataArray or DayOfYearStr Start dates (as day-of-year) for the aggregation periods. end : xr.DataArray or DayOfYearStr End (as day-of-year) dates for the aggregation periods. op : {'min', 'max', 'sum', 'mean', 'std'} Operator. freq : str, optional Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in :ref:`timeseries.resampling`. Default: `None`. Returns ------- xr.DataArray, [dimensionless] Aggregated data between the start and end dates. If the end date is before the start date, returns np.nan. If there is no start and/or end date, returns np.nan. """ def _get_days(_bound, _group, _base_time): """Get bound in number of days since base_time. Bound can be a days_since array or a DayOfYearStr.""" if isinstance(_bound, str): b_i = rl.index_of_date(_group.time, _bound, max_idxs=1) # noqa if not b_i.size > 0: return None return (_group.time.isel(time=b_i[0]) - _group.time.isel(time=0)).dt.days if _base_time in _bound.time: return _bound.sel(time=_base_time) return None if freq is None: frequencies = [] for bound in [start, end]: try: frequencies.append(xr.infer_freq(bound.time)) except AttributeError: frequencies.append(None) good_freq = set(frequencies) - {None} if len(good_freq) != 1: raise ValueError( f"Non-inferrable resampling frequency or inconsistent frequencies. Got start, end = {frequencies}." " Please consider providing `freq` manually." ) freq = good_freq.pop() cal = get_calendar(data, dim="time") if not isinstance(start, str): start = convert_calendar(start, cal) start.attrs["calendar"] = cal start = doy_to_days_since(start) if not isinstance(end, str): end = convert_calendar(end, cal) end.attrs["calendar"] = cal end = doy_to_days_since(end) out = [] for base_time, indexes in data.resample(time=freq).groups.items(): # get group slice group = data.isel(time=indexes) start_d = _get_days(start, group, base_time) end_d = _get_days(end, group, base_time) # convert bounds for this group if start_d is not None and end_d is not None: days = (group.time - base_time).dt.days days[days < 0] = np.nan masked = group.where((days >= start_d) & (days <= end_d - 1)) res = getattr(masked, op)(dim="time", skipna=True) res = xr.where( ((start_d > end_d) | (start_d.isnull()) | (end_d.isnull())), np.nan, res ) # Re-add the time dimension with the period's base time. res = res.expand_dims(time=[base_time]) out.append(res) else: # Get an array with the good shape, put nans and add the new time. res = (group.isel(time=0) * np.nan).expand_dims(time=[base_time]) out.append(res) continue return xr.concat(out, dim="time")
[docs] @declare_relative_units(threshold="<data>") def cumulative_difference( data: xr.DataArray, threshold: Quantified, op: str, freq: str | None = None ) -> xr.DataArray: """Calculate the cumulative difference below/above a given value threshold. Parameters ---------- data : xr.DataArray Data for which to determine the cumulative difference. threshold : Quantified The value threshold. op : {">", "gt", "<", "lt", ">=", "ge", "<=", "le"} Logical operator. e.g. arr > thresh. freq : str, optional Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in :ref:`timeseries.resampling`. If `None`, no resampling is performed. Default: `None`. Returns ------- xr.DataArray """ threshold = convert_units_to(threshold, data) if op in ["<", "<=", "lt", "le"]: diff = (threshold - data).clip(0) elif op in [">", ">=", "gt", "ge"]: diff = (data - threshold).clip(0) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"Condition not supported: '{op}'.") if freq is not None: diff = diff.resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time") return to_agg_units(diff, data, op="integral")
[docs] @declare_relative_units(threshold="<data>") def first_day_threshold_reached( data: xr.DataArray, *, threshold: Quantified, op: str, after_date: DayOfYearStr, window: int = 1, freq: str = "YS", constrain: Sequence[str] | None = None, ) -> xr.DataArray: r"""First day of values exceeding threshold. Returns first day of period where values reach or exceed a threshold over a given number of days, limited to a starting calendar date. Parameters ---------- data : xarray.DataArray Dataset being evaluated. threshold : str Threshold on which to base evaluation. op : {">", "gt", "<", "lt", ">=", "ge", "<=", "le", "==", "eq", "!=", "ne"} Logical operator. e.g. arr > thresh. after_date : str Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format '%m-%d'. window : int Minimum number of days with values above threshold needed for evaluation. Default: 1. freq : str Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in :ref:`timeseries.resampling`. Default: "YS". constrain : sequence of str, optional Optionally allowed conditions. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [dimensionless] Day of the year when value reaches or exceeds a threshold over a given number of days for the first time. If there is no such day, returns np.nan. """ threshold = convert_units_to(threshold, data) cond = compare(data, op, threshold, constrain=constrain) out: xarray.DataArray = cond.resample(time=freq).map( rl.first_run_after_date, window=window, date=after_date, dim="time", coord="dayofyear", ) out.attrs.update(units="", is_dayofyear=np.int32(1), calendar=get_calendar(data)) return out
def _get_zone_bins( zone_min: Quantity, zone_max: Quantity, zone_step: Quantity, ): """Bin boundary values as defined by zone parameters. Parameters ---------- zone_min : Quantity Left boundary of the first zone zone_max : Quantity Right boundary of the last zone zone_step: Quantity Size of zones Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [units of `zone_step`] Array of values corresponding to each zone: [zone_min, zone_min+step, ..., zone_max] """ units = pint2cfunits(str2pint(zone_step)) mn, mx, step = ( convert_units_to(str2pint(z), units) for z in [zone_min, zone_max, zone_step] ) bins = np.arange(mn, mx + step, step) if (mx - mn) % step != 0: warnings.warn( "`zone_max` - `zone_min` is not an integer multiple of `zone_step`. Last zone will be smaller." ) bins[-1] = mx return xr.DataArray(bins, attrs={"units": units})
[docs] def get_zones( da: xr.DataArray, zone_min: Quantity | None = None, zone_max: Quantity | None = None, zone_step: Quantity | None = None, bins: xr.DataArray | list[Quantity] | None = None, exclude_boundary_zones: bool = True, close_last_zone_right_boundary: bool = True, ) -> xr.DataArray: r"""Divide data into zones and attribute a zone coordinate to each input value. Divide values into zones corresponding to bins of width zone_step beginning at zone_min and ending at zone_max. Bins are inclusive on the left values and exclusive on the right values. Parameters ---------- da : xarray.DataArray Input data zone_min : Quantity | None Left boundary of the first zone zone_max : Quantity | None Right boundary of the last zone zone_step: Quantity | None Size of zones bins : xr.DataArray | list[Quantity] | None Zones to be used, either as a DataArray with appropriate units or a list of Quantity exclude_boundary_zones : Bool Determines whether a zone value is attributed for values in ]`-np.inf`, `zone_min`[ and [`zone_max`, `np.inf`\ [. close_last_zone_right_boundary : Bool Determines if the right boundary of the last zone is closed. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [dimensionless] Zone index for each value in `da`. Zones are returned as an integer range, starting from `0` """ # Check compatibility of arguments zone_params = np.array([zone_min, zone_max, zone_step]) if bins is None: if (zone_params == [None] * len(zone_params)).any(): raise ValueError( "`bins` is `None` as well as some or all of [`zone_min`, `zone_max`, `zone_step`]. " "Expected defined parameters in one of these cases." ) elif set(zone_params) != {None}: warnings.warn( "Expected either `bins` or [`zone_min`, `zone_max`, `zone_step`], got both. " "`bins` will be used." ) # Get zone bins (if necessary) bins = bins if bins is not None else _get_zone_bins(zone_min, zone_max, zone_step) if isinstance(bins, list): bins = sorted([convert_units_to(b, da) for b in bins]) else: bins = convert_units_to(bins, da) def _get_zone(_da): return np.digitize(_da, bins) - 1 zones = xr.apply_ufunc(_get_zone, da, dask="parallelized") if close_last_zone_right_boundary: zones = zones.where(da != bins[-1], _get_zone(bins[-2])) if exclude_boundary_zones: zones = zones.where( (zones != _get_zone(bins[0] - 1)) & (zones != _get_zone(bins[-1])) ) return zones
[docs] def detrend( ds: xr.DataArray | xr.Dataset, dim="time", deg=1 ) -> xr.DataArray | xr.Dataset: """Detrend data along a given dimension computing a polynomial trend of a given order. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset or xr.DataArray The data to detrend. If a Dataset, detrending is done on all data variables. dim : str Dimension along which to compute the trend. deg : int Degree of the polynomial to fit. Returns ------- xr.Dataset or xr.DataArray Same as `ds`, but with its trend removed (subtracted). """ if isinstance(ds, xr.Dataset): return, keep_attrs=False, dim=dim, deg=deg) # is a DataArray # detrend along a single dimension coeff = ds.polyfit(dim=dim, deg=deg) trend = xr.polyval(ds[dim], coeff.polyfit_coefficients) with xr.set_options(keep_attrs=True): return ds - trend