Source code for xclim.sdba.measures

# noqa: D205,D400
Measures Submodule
SDBA diagnostic tests are made up of properties and measures. Measures compare adjusted simulations to a reference,
through statistical properties or directly. This framework for the diagnostic tests was inspired by the
`VALUE <>`_ project.

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Sequence

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

from xclim.core.indicator import Indicator, base_registry
from xclim.core.units import convert_units_to, ensure_delta, units2pint
from xclim.core.utils import InputKind

from .base import Grouper
from .utils import _pairwise_spearman

[docs]class StatisticalMeasure(Indicator): """Base indicator class for statistical measures used when validating bias-adjusted outputs. Statistical measures use input data where the time dimension was reduced, usually by the computation of a :py:class:`` instance. They usually take two arrays as input: "sim" and "ref", "sim" being measured against "ref". The two arrays must have identical coordinates on their common dimensions. Statistical measures are generally unit-generic. If the inputs have different units, "sim" is converted to match "ref". """ realm = "generic"
[docs] @classmethod def _ensure_correct_parameters(cls, parameters): inputs = {k for k, p in parameters.items() if p.kind == InputKind.VARIABLE} if not inputs.issuperset({"sim", "ref"}): raise ValueError( f"{cls.__name__} requires 'sim' and 'ref' as inputs. Got {inputs}." ) return super()._ensure_correct_parameters(parameters)
[docs] def _preprocess_and_checks(self, das, params): """Perform parent's checks and also check convert units so that sim matches ref.""" das, params = super()._preprocess_and_checks(das, params) # Convert grouping and check if allowed: sim = das["sim"] ref = das["ref"] # Check if common coordinates are identical. newsim, newref = xr.broadcast(sim, ref) for dim in set(sim.dims).union(ref.dims): if [sim[dim].size, ref[dim].size] != [newsim[dim].size, newref[dim].size]: raise ValueError( f"Common dimension {dim} has different coordinates between ref and sim." ) units_sim = units2pint(sim) units_ref = units2pint(ref) if units_sim != units_ref: das["sim"] = convert_units_to(sim, ref) return das, params
[docs]class StatisticalPropertyMeasure(Indicator): """Base indicator class for statistical properties that include the comparison measure, used when validating bias-adjusted outputs. StatisticalPropertyMeasure objects combine the functionalities of :py:class:`` and :py:class:``. Statistical properties usually reduce the time dimension and sometimes more dimensions (for example in spatial properties), sometimes adding a grouping dimension according to the passed value of `group` (e.g.: group='time.month' means the loss of the time dimension and the addition of a month one). Statistical measures usually take two arrays as input: "sim" and "ref", "sim" being measured against "ref". Statistical property-measures are generally unit-generic. If the inputs have different units, "sim" is converted to match "ref". """ aspect = None """The aspect the statistical property studies: marginal, temporal, multivariate or spatial.""" allowed_groups = None """A list of allowed groupings. A subset of dayofyear, week, month, season or group. The latter stands for no temporal grouping.""" realm = "generic"
[docs] @classmethod def _ensure_correct_parameters(cls, parameters): inputs = {k for k, p in parameters.items() if p.kind == InputKind.VARIABLE} if not inputs.issuperset({"sim", "ref"}): raise ValueError( f"{cls.__name__} requires 'sim' and 'ref' as inputs. Got {inputs}." ) if "group" not in parameters: raise ValueError( f"{cls.__name__} require a 'group' argument, use the base Indicator" " class if your computation doesn't perform any regrouping." ) return super()._ensure_correct_parameters(parameters)
[docs] def _preprocess_and_checks(self, das, params): """Perform parent's checks and also check convert units so that sim matches ref.""" das, params = super()._preprocess_and_checks(das, params) # Convert grouping and check if allowed: if isinstance(params["group"], str): params["group"] = Grouper(params["group"]) if ( self.allowed_groups is not None and params["group"].prop not in self.allowed_groups ): raise ValueError( f"Grouping period {params['group'].prop_name} is not allowed for property " f"{self.identifier} (needs something in " f"{list(map(lambda g: '<dim>.' + g.replace('group', ''), self.allowed_groups))})." ) # Convert grouping and check if allowed: sim = das["sim"] ref = das["ref"] units_sim = units2pint(sim) units_ref = units2pint(ref) if units_sim != units_ref: das["sim"] = convert_units_to(sim, ref) return das, params
[docs] def _postprocess(self, outs, das, params): """Squeeze `group` dim if needed.""" outs = super()._postprocess(outs, das, params) for i in range(len(outs)): if "group" in outs[i].dims: outs[i] = outs[i].squeeze("group", drop=True) return outs
base_registry["StatisticalMeasure"] = StatisticalMeasure base_registry["StatisticalPropertyMeasure"] = StatisticalPropertyMeasure
[docs]def _bias(sim: xr.DataArray, ref: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray: """Bias. The bias is the simulation minus the reference. Parameters ---------- sim : xr.DataArray data from the simulation (one value for each grid-point) ref : xr.DataArray data from the reference (observations) (one value for each grid-point) Returns ------- xr.DataArray, [same as ref] Absolute bias """ out = sim - ref out.attrs["units"] = ensure_delta(ref.attrs["units"]) return out
bias = StatisticalMeasure(identifier="bias", compute=_bias)
[docs]def _relative_bias(sim: xr.DataArray, ref: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray: """Relative Bias. The relative bias is the simulation minus reference, divided by the reference. Parameters ---------- sim : xr.DataArray data from the simulation (one value for each grid-point) ref : xr.DataArray data from the reference (observations) (one value for each grid-point) Returns ------- xr.DataArray, [dimensionless] Relative bias """ out = (sim - ref) / ref return out.assign_attrs(units="")
relative_bias = StatisticalMeasure( identifier="relative_bias", compute=_relative_bias, units="" )
[docs]def _circular_bias(sim: xr.DataArray, ref: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray: """Circular bias. Bias considering circular time series. E.g. The bias between doy 365 and doy 1 is 364, but the circular bias is -1. Parameters ---------- sim : xr.DataArray data from the simulation (one value for each grid-point) ref : xr.DataArray data from the reference (observations) (one value for each grid-point) Returns ------- xr.DataArray, [days] Circular bias """ out = (sim - ref) % 365 out = out.where( out <= 365 / 2, 365 - out ) # when condition false, replace by 2nd arg out = out.where(ref >= sim, out * -1) # when condition false, replace by 2nd arg return out.assign_attrs(units="days")
circular_bias = StatisticalMeasure( identifier="circular_bias", compute=_circular_bias, units="days" )
[docs]def _ratio(sim: xr.DataArray, ref: xr.DataArray) -> xr.DataArray: """Ratio. The ratio is the quotient of the simulation over the reference. Parameters ---------- sim : xr.DataArray data from the simulation (one value for each grid-point) ref : xr.DataArray data from the reference (observations) (one value for each grid-point) Returns ------- xr.DataArray, [dimensionless] Ratio """ out = sim / ref out.attrs["units"] = "" return out
ratio = StatisticalMeasure(identifier="ratio", compute=_ratio, units="")
[docs]def _rmse( sim: xr.DataArray, ref: xr.DataArray, group: str | Grouper = "time" ) -> xr.DataArray: """Root mean square error. The root mean square error on the time dimension between the simulation and the reference. Parameters ---------- sim : xr.DataArray Data from the simulation (a time-series for each grid-point) ref : xr.DataArray Data from the reference (observations) (a time-series for each grid-point) group: str Compute the property and measure for each temporal groups individually. Currently not implemented. Returns ------- xr.DataArray, [same as ref] Root mean square error """ def _rmse(sim, ref): return np.sqrt(np.mean((sim - ref) ** 2, axis=-1)) out = xr.apply_ufunc( _rmse, sim, ref, input_core_dims=[["time"], ["time"]], dask="parallelized", ) return out.assign_attrs(units=ensure_delta(ref.units))
rmse = StatisticalPropertyMeasure( identifier="rmse", aspect="temporal", compute=_rmse, allowed_groups=["group"], cell_methods="time: mean", )
[docs]def _mae( sim: xr.DataArray, ref: xr.DataArray, group: str | Grouper = "time" ) -> xr.DataArray: """Mean absolute error. The mean absolute error on the time dimension between the simulation and the reference. Parameters ---------- sim : xr.DataArray data from the simulation (a time-series for each grid-point) ref : xr.DataArray data from the reference (observations) (a time-series for each grid-point) group : str Compute the property and measure for each temporal groups individually. Currently not implemented. Returns ------- xr.DataArray, [same as ref] Mean absolute error """ def _mae(sim, ref): return np.mean(np.abs(sim - ref), axis=-1) out = xr.apply_ufunc( _mae, sim, ref, input_core_dims=[["time"], ["time"]], dask="parallelized", ) return out.assign_attrs(units=ensure_delta(ref.units))
mae = StatisticalPropertyMeasure( identifier="mae", aspect="temporal", compute=_mae, allowed_groups=["group"], cell_methods="time: mean", )
[docs]def _annual_cycle_correlation( sim: xr.DataArray, ref: xr.DataArray, window: int = 15, group: str | Grouper = "time", ) -> xr.DataArray: """Annual cycle correlation. Pearson correlation coefficient between the smooth day-of-year averaged annual cycles of the simulation and the reference. In the smooth day-of-year averaged annual cycles, each day-of-year is averaged over all years and over a window of days around that day. Parameters ---------- sim : xr.DataArray data from the simulation (a time-series for each grid-point) ref : xr.DataArray data from the reference (observations) (a time-series for each grid-point) window : int Size of window around each day of year around which to take the mean. E.g. If window=31, Jan 1st is averaged over from December 17th to January 16th. group : str Compute the property and measure for each temporal groups individually. Currently not implemented. Returns ------- xr.DataArray, [dimensionless] Annual cycle correlation """ # group by day-of-year and window around each doy grouper_test = Grouper("time.dayofyear", window=window) # for each day, mean over X day window and over all years to create a smooth avg annual cycle sim_annual_cycle = grouper_test.apply("mean", sim) ref_annual_cycle = grouper_test.apply("mean", ref) out = xr.corr(ref_annual_cycle, sim_annual_cycle, dim="dayofyear") return out.assign_attrs(units="")
annual_cycle_correlation = StatisticalPropertyMeasure( identifier="annual_cycle_correlation", aspect="temporal", compute=_annual_cycle_correlation, allowed_groups=["group"], )
[docs]def _scorr( sim: xr.DataArray, ref: xr.DataArray, *, dims: Sequence | None = None, group: str | Grouper = "time", ): """Spatial correllogram. Compute the inter-site correlations of each array, compute the difference in correlations and sum. Taken from Vrac (2018). The spatial and temporal dimensions are reduced. Parameters ---------- sim : xr.DataArray data from the simulation (a time-series for each grid-point) ref : xr.DataArray data from the reference (observations) (a time-series for each grid-point) dims : sequence of strings, optional Name of the spatial dimensions. If None (default), all dimensions except 'time' are used. group : str Compute the property and measure for each temporal groups individually. Currently not implemented. Returns ------- xr.DataArray, [dimensionless] Sum of the inter-site correlation differences. """ if dims is None: dims = [d for d in sim.dims if d != "time"] refcorr = _pairwise_spearman(ref, dims) simcorr = _pairwise_spearman(sim, dims) S_corr = (simcorr - refcorr).sum(["_spatial", "_spatial2"]) return S_corr.assign_attrs(units="")
scorr = StatisticalPropertyMeasure( identifier="Scorr", aspect="spatial", compute=_scorr, allowed_groups=["group"] )