Source code for xclim.indices.run_length

# noqa: D205,D400
Run length algorithms submodule

Computation of statistics on runs of True values in boolean arrays.
from __future__ import annotations

from datetime import datetime
from typing import Sequence
from warnings import warn

import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from numba import njit
from xarray.core.utils import get_temp_dimname

from xclim.core.options import OPTIONS, RUN_LENGTH_UFUNC
from xclim.core.utils import DateStr, DayOfYearStr, uses_dask

npts_opt = 9000
Arrays with less than this number of data points per slice will trigger
the use of the ufunc version of run lengths algorithms.

[docs]def use_ufunc( ufunc_1dim: bool | str, da: xr.DataArray, dim: str = "time", freq: str | None = None, index: str = "first", ) -> bool: """Return whether the ufunc version of run length algorithms should be used with this DataArray or not. If ufunc_1dim is 'from_context', the parameter is read from xclim's global (or context) options. If it is 'auto', this returns False for dask-backed array and for arrays with more than :py:const:`npts_opt` points per slice along `dim`. Parameters ---------- ufunc_1dim : {'from_context', 'auto', True, False} The method for handling the ufunc parameters. da : xr.DataArray Input array. dim : str The dimension along which to find runs. freq : str Resampling frequency. index : {'first', 'last'} If 'first' (default), the run length is indexed with the first element in the run. If 'last', with the last element in the run. Returns ------- bool If ufunc_1dim is "auto", returns True if the array is on dask or too large. Otherwise, returns ufunc_1dim. """ if ufunc_1dim is True and freq is not None: raise ValueError( "Resampling after run length operations is not implemented for 1d method" ) if ufunc_1dim == "from_context": ufunc_1dim = OPTIONS[RUN_LENGTH_UFUNC] if ufunc_1dim == "auto": ufunc_1dim = not uses_dask(da) and (da.size // da[dim].size) < npts_opt # If resampling after run length is set up for the computation, the 1d method is not implemented # Unless ufunc_1dim is specifically set to False (in which case we flag an error above), # we simply forbid this possibility. return (index == "first") and (ufunc_1dim) and (freq is None)
[docs]def resample_and_rl( da: xr.DataArray, resample_before_rl: bool, compute, *args, freq: str, dim: str = "time", **kwargs, ) -> xr.DataArray | xr.Dataset: """Wrap run length algorithms to control if resampling occurs before or after the algorithms. If resample_before_rl is 'from_context', the parameter is read from xclim's global (or context) options. Parameters ---------- da: xr.DataArray N-dimensional array (boolean). resample_before_rl : bool Determines whether if input arrays of runs `da` should be separated in period before or after the run length algorithms are applied. compute Run length function to apply args Positional arguments needed in `compute`. dim: str The dimension along which to find runs. freq : str Resampling frequency. kwargs Keyword arguments needed in `compute`. Returns ------- xr.DataArray Output of compute resampled according to frequency {freq}. """ if resample_before_rl: out = da.resample({dim: freq}).map( compute, args=args, freq=None, dim=dim, **kwargs ) else: out = compute(da, *args, dim=dim, freq=freq, **kwargs) return out
[docs]def _cumsum_reset_on_zero( da: xr.DataArray, dim: str = "time", ) -> xr.DataArray: """Compute the cumulative sum for each series of numbers separated by zero. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Input array. dim : str Dimension name along which the cumulative sum is taken. Returns ------- xr.DataArray An array with the partial cumulative sums. """ # Example: da == 100110111 -> cs_s == 100120123 cs = da.cumsum(dim=dim) # cumulative sum e.g. 111233456 cs2 = cs.where(da == 0) # keep only numbers at positions of zeroes e.g. N11NN3NNN cs2[{dim: 0}] = 0 # put a zero in front e.g. 011NN3NNN cs2 = cs2.ffill(dim=dim) # e.g. 011113333 return cs - cs2
[docs]def rle( da: xr.DataArray, dim: str = "time", index: str = "first", ) -> xr.DataArray: """Generate basic run length function. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Input array. dim : str Dimension name. index : {'first', 'last'} If 'first' (default), the run length is indexed with the first element in the run. If 'last', with the last element in the run. Returns ------- xr.DataArray Values are 0 where da is False (out of runs). """ da = da.astype(int) # "first" case: Algorithm is applied on inverted array and output is inverted back if index == "first": da = da[{dim: slice(None, None, -1)}] # Get cumulative sum for each series of 1, e.g. da == 100110111 -> cs_s == 100120123 cs_s = _cumsum_reset_on_zero(da, dim) # Keep total length of each series (and also keep 0's), e.g. 100120123 -> 100N20NN3 # Keep numbers with a 0 to the right and also the last number cs_s = cs_s.where(da.shift({dim: -1}, fill_value=0) == 0) out = cs_s.where(da == 1, 0) # Reinsert 0's at their original place # Inverting back if needed e.g. 100N20NN3 -> 3NN02N001. This is the output of # `rle` for 111011001 with index == "first" if index == "first": out = out[{dim: slice(None, None, -1)}] return out
[docs]def rle_statistics( da: xr.DataArray, reducer: str, window: int, dim: str = "time", freq: str | None = None, ufunc_1dim: str | bool = "from_context", index: str = "first", ) -> xr.DataArray: """Return the length of consecutive run of True values, according to a reducing operator. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray N-dimensional array (boolean). reducer : str Name of the reducing function. window : int Minimal length of consecutive runs to be included in the statistics. dim : str Dimension along which to calculate consecutive run; Default: 'time'. freq : str Resampling frequency. ufunc_1dim : Union[str, bool] Use the 1d 'ufunc' version of this function : default (auto) will attempt to select optimal usage based on number of data points. Using 1D_ufunc=True is typically more efficient for DataArray with a small number of grid points. It can be modified globally through the "run_length_ufunc" global option. index : {'first', 'last'} If 'first' (default), the run length is indexed with the first element in the run. If 'last', with the last element in the run. Returns ------- xr.DataArray, [int] Length of runs of True values along dimension, according to the reducing function (float) If there are no runs (but the data is valid), returns 0. """ ufunc_1dim = use_ufunc(ufunc_1dim, da, dim=dim, index=index, freq=freq) if ufunc_1dim: rl_stat = statistics_run_ufunc(da, reducer, window, dim) else: d = rle(da, dim=dim, index=index) def get_rl_stat(d): rl_stat = getattr(d.where(d >= window), reducer)(dim=dim) rl_stat = xr.where((d.isnull() | (d < window)).all(dim=dim), 0, rl_stat) return rl_stat if freq is None: rl_stat = get_rl_stat(d) else: rl_stat = d.resample({dim: freq}).map(get_rl_stat) return rl_stat
[docs]def longest_run( da: xr.DataArray, dim: str = "time", freq: str | None = None, ufunc_1dim: str | bool = "from_context", index: str = "first", ) -> xr.DataArray: """Return the length of the longest consecutive run of True values. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray N-dimensional array (boolean). dim : str Dimension along which to calculate consecutive run; Default: 'time'. freq : str Resampling frequency. ufunc_1dim : Union[str, bool] Use the 1d 'ufunc' version of this function : default (auto) will attempt to select optimal usage based on number of data points. Using 1D_ufunc=True is typically more efficient for DataArray with a small number of grid points. It can be modified globally through the "run_length_ufunc" global option. index : {'first', 'last'} If 'first', the run length is indexed with the first element in the run. If 'last', with the last element in the run. Returns ------- xr.DataArray, [int] Length of the longest run of True values along dimension (int). """ return rle_statistics( da, reducer="max", window=1, dim=dim, freq=freq, ufunc_1dim=ufunc_1dim, index=index, )
[docs]def windowed_run_events( da: xr.DataArray, window: int, dim: str = "time", freq: str | None = None, ufunc_1dim: str | bool = "from_context", index: str = "first", ) -> xr.DataArray: """Return the number of runs of a minimum length. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Input N-dimensional DataArray (boolean). window : int Minimum run length. When equal to 1, an optimized version of the algorithm is used. dim : str Dimension along which to calculate consecutive run (default: 'time'). freq : str Resampling frequency. ufunc_1dim : Union[str, bool] Use the 1d 'ufunc' version of this function : default (auto) will attempt to select optimal usage based on number of data points. Using 1D_ufunc=True is typically more efficient for DataArray with a small number of grid points. Ignored when `window=1`. It can be modified globally through the "run_length_ufunc" global option. index : {'first', 'last'} If 'first', the run length is indexed with the first element in the run. If 'last', with the last element in the run. Returns ------- xr.DataArray, [int] Number of distinct runs of a minimum length (int). """ ufunc_1dim = use_ufunc(ufunc_1dim, da, dim=dim, index=index, freq=freq) if ufunc_1dim: out = windowed_run_events_ufunc(da, window, dim) else: if window == 1: shift = 1 * (index == "first") + -1 * (index == "last") d = xr.where(da.shift({dim: shift}, fill_value=0) == 0, 1, 0) d = d.where(da == 1, 0) else: d = rle(da, dim=dim, index=index) d = xr.where(d >= window, 1, 0) if freq is not None: d = d.resample({dim: freq}) out = d.sum(dim=dim) return out
[docs]def windowed_run_count( da: xr.DataArray, window: int, dim: str = "time", freq: str | None = None, ufunc_1dim: str | bool = "from_context", index: str = "first", ) -> xr.DataArray: """Return the number of consecutive true values in array for runs at least as long as given duration. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Input N-dimensional DataArray (boolean). window : int Minimum run length. When equal to 1, an optimized version of the algorithm is used. dim : str Dimension along which to calculate consecutive run (default: 'time'). freq : str Resampling frequency. ufunc_1dim : Union[str, bool] Use the 1d 'ufunc' version of this function : default (auto) will attempt to select optimal usage based on number of data points. Using 1D_ufunc=True is typically more efficient for DataArray with a small number of grid points. Ignored when `window=1`. It can be modified globally through the "run_length_ufunc" global option. index : {'first', 'last'} If 'first', the run length is indexed with the first element in the run. If 'last', with the last element in the run. Returns ------- xr.DataArray, [int] Total number of `True` values part of a consecutive runs of at least `window` long. """ ufunc_1dim = use_ufunc(ufunc_1dim, da, dim=dim, index=index) if ufunc_1dim: out = windowed_run_count_ufunc(da, window, dim) elif window == 1 and freq is None: out = da.sum(dim=dim) else: d = rle(da, dim=dim, index=index) d = d.where(d >= window, 0) if freq is not None: d = d.resample({dim: freq}) out = d.sum(dim=dim) return out
[docs]def first_run( da: xr.DataArray, window: int, dim: str = "time", freq: str | None = None, coord: str | bool | None = False, ufunc_1dim: str | bool = "from_context", ) -> xr.DataArray: """Return the index of the first item of the first run of at least a given length. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Input N-dimensional DataArray (boolean). window : int Minimum duration of consecutive run to accumulate values. When equal to 1, an optimized version of the algorithm is used. dim : str Dimension along which to calculate consecutive run (default: 'time'). freq : str Resampling frequency. coord : Optional[str] If not False, the function returns values along `dim` instead of indexes. If `dim` has a datetime dtype, `coord` can also be a str of the name of the DateTimeAccessor object to use (ex: 'dayofyear'). ufunc_1dim : Union[str, bool] Use the 1d 'ufunc' version of this function : default (auto) will attempt to select optimal usage based on number of data points. Using 1D_ufunc=True is typically more efficient for DataArray with a small number of grid points. Ignored when `window=1`. It can be modified globally through the "run_length_ufunc" global option. Returns ------- xr.DataArray Index (or coordinate if `coord` is not False) of first item in first valid run. Returns np.nan if there are no valid runs. """ # transforms indexes to coordinates if needed, and drops obsolete dim def coord_transform(out, da): if coord: crd = da[dim] if isinstance(coord, str): crd = getattr(crd.dt, coord) out = lazy_indexing(crd, out) if dim in out.coords: out = out.drop_vars(dim) return out # general method to get indices (or coords) of first run def get_out(d): dmax_ind = d.argmax(dim=dim) # If `d` has no runs, dmax_ind will be 0: We must replace this with NaN out = dmax_ind.where(dmax_ind != d.argmin(dim=dim)) out = coord_transform(out, d) return out ufunc_1dim = use_ufunc(ufunc_1dim, da, dim=dim, freq=freq) da = da.fillna(0) # We expect a boolean array, but there could be NaNs nonetheless if window == 1: if freq is not None: out = da.resample({dim: freq}).map(get_out) else: out = xr.where(da.any(dim=dim), da.argmax(dim=dim), np.NaN) out = coord_transform(out, da) elif ufunc_1dim: out = first_run_ufunc(x=da, window=window, dim=dim) out = coord_transform(out, da) else: d = rle(da, dim=dim, index="first") d = xr.where(d >= window, 1, 0) if freq is not None: out = d.resample({dim: freq}).map(get_out) else: out = get_out(d) return out
[docs]def last_run( da: xr.DataArray, window: int, dim: str = "time", freq: str | None = None, coord: str | bool | None = False, ufunc_1dim: str | bool = "from_context", ) -> xr.DataArray: """Return the index of the last item of the last run of at least a given length. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Input N-dimensional DataArray (boolean). window : int Minimum duration of consecutive run to accumulate values. When equal to 1, an optimized version of the algorithm is used. dim : str Dimension along which to calculate consecutive run (default: 'time'). freq : str Resampling frequency. coord : Optional[str] If not False, the function returns values along `dim` instead of indexes. If `dim` has a datetime dtype, `coord` can also be a str of the name of the DateTimeAccessor object to use (ex: 'dayofyear'). ufunc_1dim : Union[str, bool] Use the 1d 'ufunc' version of this function : default (auto) will attempt to select optimal usage based on number of data points. Using `1D_ufunc=True` is typically more efficient for a DataArray with a small number of grid points. Ignored when `window=1`. It can be modified globally through the "run_length_ufunc" global option. Returns ------- xr.DataArray Index (or coordinate if `coord` is not False) of last item in last valid run. Returns np.nan if there are no valid runs. """ reversed_da = da.sortby(dim, ascending=False) out = first_run( reversed_da, window=window, dim=dim, freq=freq, coord=coord, ufunc_1dim=ufunc_1dim, ) if not coord: return reversed_da[dim].size - out - 1 return out
# TODO: Add window arg # TODO: Inverse window arg to tolerate holes?
[docs]def run_bounds(mask: xr.DataArray, dim: str = "time", coord: bool | str = True): """Return the start and end dates of boolean runs along a dimension. Parameters ---------- mask : xr.DataArray Boolean array. dim : str Dimension along which to look for runs. coord : bool or str If `True`, return values of the coordinate, if a string, returns values from `dim.dt.<coord>`. If `False`, return indexes. Returns ------- xr.DataArray With ``dim`` reduced to "events" and "bounds". The events dim is as long as needed, padded with NaN or NaT. """ if uses_dask(mask): raise NotImplementedError( "Dask arrays not supported as we can't know the final event number before computing." ) diff = xr.concat( (mask.isel({dim: [0]}).astype(int), mask.astype(int).diff(dim)), dim ) nstarts = (diff == 1).sum(dim).max().item() def _get_indices(arr, *, N): out = np.full((N,), np.nan, dtype=float) inds = np.where(arr)[0] out[: len(inds)] = inds return out starts = xr.apply_ufunc( _get_indices, diff == 1, input_core_dims=[[dim]], output_core_dims=[["events"]], kwargs={"N": nstarts}, vectorize=True, ) ends = xr.apply_ufunc( _get_indices, diff == -1, input_core_dims=[[dim]], output_core_dims=[["events"]], kwargs={"N": nstarts}, vectorize=True, ) if coord: crd = mask[dim] if isinstance(coord, str): crd = getattr(crd.dt, coord) starts = lazy_indexing(crd, starts) ends = lazy_indexing(crd, ends) return xr.concat((starts, ends), "bounds")
[docs]def keep_longest_run( da: xr.DataArray, dim: str = "time", freq: str | None = None ) -> xr.DataArray: """Keep the longest run along a dimension. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Boolean array. dim : str Dimension along which to check for the longest run. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xr.DataArray, [bool] Boolean array similar to da but with only one run, the (first) longest. """ # Get run lengths rls = rle(da, dim) def get_out(rls): out = xr.where( # Construct an integer array and find the max rls[dim].copy(data=np.arange(rls[dim].size)) == rls.argmax(dim), rls + 1, # Add one to the First longest run rls, ) out = out.ffill(dim) == out.max(dim) return out if freq is not None: out = rls.resample({dim: freq}).map(get_out) else: out = get_out(rls) return da.copy(data=out.transpose(*da.dims).data)
[docs]def season( da: xr.DataArray, window: int, date: DayOfYearStr | None = None, dim: str = "time", coord: str | bool | None = False, ) -> xr.Dataset: """Return the bounds of a season (along dim). A "season" is a run of True values that may include breaks under a given length (`window`). The start is computed as the first run of `window` True values, then end as the first subsequent run of `window` False values. If a date is passed, it must be included in the season. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Input N-dimensional DataArray (boolean). window : int Minimum duration of consecutive values to start and end the season. date : DayOfYearStr, optional The date (in MM-DD format) that a run must include to be considered valid. dim : str Dimension along which to calculate consecutive run (default: 'time'). coord : Optional[str] If not False, the function returns values along `dim` instead of indexes. If `dim` has a datetime dtype, `coord` can also be a str of the name of the DateTimeAccessor object to use (ex: 'dayofyear'). Returns ------- xr.Dataset "dim" is reduced to "season_bnds" with 2 elements : season start and season end, both indices of da[dim]. Notes ----- The run can include holes of False or NaN values, so long as they do not exceed the window size. If a date is given, the season start and end are forced to be on each side of this date. This means that even if the "real" season has been over for a long time, this is the date used in the length calculation. Example : Length of the "warm season", where T > 25°C, with date = 1st August. Let's say the temperature is over 25 for all June, but July and august have very cold temperatures. Instead of returning 30 days (June), the function will return 61 days (July + June). """ beg = first_run(da, window=window, dim=dim) # Invert the condition and mask all values after beginning # we fillna(0) as so to differentiate series with no runs and all-nan series not_da = (~da).where(da[dim].copy(data=np.arange(da[dim].size)) >= beg.fillna(0)) # Mask also values after "date" mid_idx = index_of_date(da[dim], date, max_idxs=1, default=0) if mid_idx.size == 0: # The date is not within the group. Happens at boundaries. base = da.isel({dim: 0}) # To have the proper shape beg = xr.full_like(base, np.nan, float).drop_vars(dim) end = xr.full_like(base, np.nan, float).drop_vars(dim) length = xr.full_like(base, np.nan, float).drop_vars(dim) else: if date is not None: # If the beginning was after the mid date, both bounds are NaT. valid_start = beg < mid_idx.squeeze() else: valid_start = True not_da = not_da.where(da[dim] >= da[dim][mid_idx][0]) end = first_run( not_da, window=window, dim=dim, ) # If there was a beginning but no end, season goes to the end of the array no_end = beg.notnull() & end.isnull() # Length length = end - beg # No end: length is actually until the end of the array, so it is missing 1 length = xr.where(no_end, da[dim].size - beg, length) # Where the beginning was before the mid-date, invalid. length = length.where(valid_start) # Where there were data points, but no season : put 0 length length = xr.where(beg.isnull() & end.notnull(), 0, length) # No end: end defaults to the last element (this differs from length, but heh) end = xr.where(no_end, da[dim].size - 1, end) # Where the beginning was before the mid-date beg = beg.where(valid_start) end = end.where(valid_start) if coord: crd = da[dim] if isinstance(coord, str): crd = getattr(crd.dt, coord) coordstr = coord else: coordstr = dim beg = lazy_indexing(crd, beg) end = lazy_indexing(crd, end) else: coordstr = "index" out = xr.Dataset({"start": beg, "end": end, "length": length}) out.start.attrs.update( long_name="Start of the season.", description=f"First {coordstr} of a run of at least {window} steps respecting the condition.", ) out.end.attrs.update( long_name="End of the season.", description=f"First {coordstr} of a run of at least {window} " "steps breaking the condition, starting after `start`.", ) out.length.attrs.update( long_name="Length of the season.", description="Number of steps of the original series in the season, between 'start' and 'end'.", ) return out
[docs]def season_length( da: xr.DataArray, window: int, date: DayOfYearStr | None = None, dim: str = "time", ) -> xr.DataArray: """Return the length of the longest semi-consecutive run of True values (optionally including a given date). A "season" is a run of True values that may include breaks under a given length (`window`). The start is computed as the first run of `window` True values, then end as the first subsequent run of `window` False values. If a date is passed, it must be included in the season. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Input N-dimensional DataArray (boolean). window : int Minimum duration of consecutive values to start and end the season. date : DayOfYearStr, optional The date (in MM-DD format) that a run must include to be considered valid. dim : str Dimension along which to calculate consecutive run (default: 'time'). Returns ------- xr.DataArray, [int] Length of the longest run of True values along a given dimension (inclusive of a given date) without breaks longer than a given length. Notes ----- The run can include holes of False or NaN values, so long as they do not exceed the window size. If a date is given, the season start and end are forced to be on each side of this date. This means that even if the "real" season has been over for a long time, this is the date used in the length calculation. Example : Length of the "warm season", where T > 25°C, with date = 1st August. Let's say the temperature is over 25 for all June, but July and august have very cold temperatures. Instead of returning 30 days (June), the function will return 61 days (July + June). """ seas = season(da, window, date, dim, coord=False) return seas.length
[docs]def run_end_after_date( da: xr.DataArray, window: int, date: DayOfYearStr = "07-01", dim: str = "time", coord: bool | str | None = "dayofyear", ) -> xr.DataArray: """Return the index of the first item after the end of a run after a given date. The run must begin before the date. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Input N-dimensional DataArray (boolean). window : int Minimum duration of consecutive run to accumulate values. date : str The date after which to look for the end of a run. dim : str Dimension along which to calculate consecutive run (default: 'time'). coord : Optional[Union[bool, str]] If not False, the function returns values along `dim` instead of indexes. If `dim` has a datetime dtype, `coord` can also be a str of the name of the DateTimeAccessor object to use (ex: 'dayofyear'). Returns ------- xr.DataArray Index (or coordinate if `coord` is not False) of last item in last valid run. Returns np.nan if there are no valid runs. """ mid_idx = index_of_date(da[dim], date, max_idxs=1, default=0) if mid_idx.size == 0: # The date is not within the group. Happens at boundaries. return xr.full_like(da.isel({dim: 0}), np.nan, float).drop_vars(dim) end = first_run( (~da).where(da[dim] >= da[dim][mid_idx][0]), window=window, dim=dim, coord=coord, ) beg = first_run(da.where(da[dim] < da[dim][mid_idx][0]), window=window, dim=dim) if coord: last = da[dim][-1] if isinstance(coord, str): last = getattr(last.dt, coord) else: last = da[dim].size - 1 end = xr.where(end.isnull() & beg.notnull(), last, end) return end.where(beg.notnull()).drop_vars(dim, errors="ignore")
[docs]def first_run_after_date( da: xr.DataArray, window: int, date: DayOfYearStr | None = "07-01", dim: str = "time", coord: bool | str | None = "dayofyear", ) -> xr.DataArray: """Return the index of the first item of the first run after a given date. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Input N-dimensional DataArray (boolean). window : int Minimum duration of consecutive run to accumulate values. date : DayOfYearStr The date after which to look for the run. dim : str Dimension along which to calculate consecutive run (default: 'time'). coord : Optional[Union[bool, str]] If not False, the function returns values along `dim` instead of indexes. If `dim` has a datetime dtype, `coord` can also be a str of the name of the DateTimeAccessor object to use (ex: 'dayofyear'). Returns ------- xr.DataArray Index (or coordinate if `coord` is not False) of first item in the first valid run. Returns np.nan if there are no valid runs. """ mid_idx = index_of_date(da[dim], date, max_idxs=1, default=0) if mid_idx.size == 0: # The date is not within the group. Happens at boundaries. return xr.full_like(da.isel({dim: 0}), np.nan, float).drop_vars(dim) return first_run( da.where(da[dim] >= da[dim][mid_idx][0]), window=window, dim=dim, coord=coord, )
[docs]def last_run_before_date( da: xr.DataArray, window: int, date: DayOfYearStr = "07-01", dim: str = "time", coord: bool | str | None = "dayofyear", ) -> xr.DataArray: """Return the index of the last item of the last run before a given date. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Input N-dimensional DataArray (boolean). window : int Minimum duration of consecutive run to accumulate values. date : DayOfYearStr The date before which to look for the last event. dim : str Dimension along which to calculate consecutive run (default: 'time'). coord : Optional[Union[bool, str]] If not False, the function returns values along `dim` instead of indexes. If `dim` has a datetime dtype, `coord` can also be a str of the name of the DateTimeAccessor object to use (ex: 'dayofyear'). Returns ------- xr.DataArray Index (or coordinate if `coord` is not False) of last item in last valid run. Returns np.nan if there are no valid runs. """ mid_idx = index_of_date(da[dim], date, default=-1) if mid_idx.size == 0: # The date is not within the group. Happens at boundaries. return xr.full_like(da.isel({dim: 0}), np.nan, float).drop_vars(dim) run = da.where(da[dim] <= da[dim][mid_idx][0]) return last_run(run, window=window, dim=dim, coord=coord)
[docs]@njit def _rle_1d(ia): y = ia[1:] != ia[:-1] # pairwise unequal (string safe) i = np.append(np.nonzero(y)[0], ia.size - 1) # must include last element position rl = np.diff(np.append(-1, i)) # run lengths pos = np.cumsum(np.append(0, rl))[:-1] # positions return ia[i], rl, pos
[docs]def rle_1d( arr: int | float | bool | Sequence[int | float | bool], ) -> tuple[np.array, np.array, np.array]: """Return the length, starting position and value of consecutive identical values. Parameters ---------- arr : Sequence[Union[int, float, bool]] Array of values to be parsed. Returns ------- values : np.array The values taken by arr over each run. run lengths : np.array The length of each run. start position : np.array The starting index of each run. Examples -------- >>> from xclim.indices.run_length import rle_1d >>> a = [1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3] >>> rle_1d(a) (array([1, 2, 3]), array([2, 4, 6]), array([0, 2, 6])) """ ia = np.asarray(arr) n = len(ia) if n == 0: warn("run length array empty") # Returning None makes some other 1d func below fail. return np.array(np.nan), 0, np.array(np.nan) return _rle_1d(ia)
[docs]def first_run_1d(arr: Sequence[int | float], window: int) -> int | np.nan: """Return the index of the first item of a run of at least a given length. Parameters ---------- arr : Sequence[Union[int, float]] Input array. window : int Minimum duration of consecutive run to accumulate values. Returns ------- int or np.nan Index of first item in first valid run. Returns np.nan if there are no valid runs. """ v, rl, pos = rle_1d(arr) ind = np.where(v * rl >= window, pos, np.inf).min() # noqa if np.isinf(ind): return np.nan return ind
[docs]def statistics_run_1d(arr: Sequence[bool], reducer: str, window: int) -> int: """Return statistics on lengths of run of identical values. Parameters ---------- arr : Sequence[bool] Input array (bool) reducer : {'mean', 'sum', 'min', 'max', 'std'} Reducing function name. window : int Minimal length of runs to be included in the statistics Returns ------- int Statistics on length of runs. """ v, rl = rle_1d(arr)[:2] if not np.any(v) or np.all(v * rl < window): return 0 func = getattr(np, f"nan{reducer}") return func(np.where(v * rl >= window, rl, np.NaN))
[docs]def windowed_run_count_1d(arr: Sequence[bool], window: int) -> int: """Return the number of consecutive true values in array for runs at least as long as given duration. Parameters ---------- arr : Sequence[bool] Input array (bool). window : int Minimum duration of consecutive run to accumulate values. Returns ------- int Total number of true values part of a consecutive run at least `window` long. """ v, rl = rle_1d(arr)[:2] return np.where(v * rl >= window, rl, 0).sum()
[docs]def windowed_run_events_1d(arr: Sequence[bool], window: int) -> xr.DataArray: """Return the number of runs of a minimum length. Parameters ---------- arr : Sequence[bool] Input array (bool). window : int Minimum run length. Returns ------- xr.DataArray, [int] Number of distinct runs of a minimum length. """ v, rl, _ = rle_1d(arr) return (v * rl >= window).sum()
[docs]def windowed_run_count_ufunc( x: xr.DataArray | Sequence[bool], window: int, dim: str ) -> xr.DataArray: """Dask-parallel version of windowed_run_count_1d, ie: the number of consecutive true values in array for runs at least as long as given duration. Parameters ---------- x : Sequence[bool] Input array (bool). window : int Minimum duration of consecutive run to accumulate values. dim : str Dimension along which to calculate windowed run. Returns ------- xr.DataArray A function operating along the time dimension of a dask-array. """ return xr.apply_ufunc( windowed_run_count_1d, x, input_core_dims=[[dim]], vectorize=True, dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=[int], keep_attrs=True, kwargs={"window": window}, )
[docs]def windowed_run_events_ufunc( x: xr.DataArray | Sequence[bool], window: int, dim: str ) -> xr.DataArray: """Dask-parallel version of windowed_run_events_1d, ie: the number of runs at least as long as given duration. Parameters ---------- x : Sequence[bool] Input array (bool). window : int Minimum run length. dim : str Dimension along which to calculate windowed run. Returns ------- xr.DataArray A function operating along the time dimension of a dask-array. """ return xr.apply_ufunc( windowed_run_events_1d, x, input_core_dims=[[dim]], vectorize=True, dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=[int], keep_attrs=True, kwargs={"window": window}, )
[docs]def statistics_run_ufunc( x: xr.DataArray | Sequence[bool], reducer: str, window: int, dim: str = "time", ) -> xr.DataArray: """Dask-parallel version of statistics_run_1d, ie: the {reducer} number of consecutive true values in array. Parameters ---------- x : Sequence[bool] Input array (bool) reducer: {'min', 'max', 'mean', 'sum', 'std'} Reducing function name. window : int Minimal length of runs. dim : str The dimension along which the runs are found. Returns ------- xr.DataArray A function operating along the time dimension of a dask-array. """ return xr.apply_ufunc( statistics_run_1d, x, input_core_dims=[[dim]], kwargs={"reducer": reducer, "window": window}, vectorize=True, dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=[float], keep_attrs=True, )
[docs]def first_run_ufunc( x: xr.DataArray | Sequence[bool], window: int, dim: str, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Dask-parallel version of first_run_1d, ie: the first entry in array of consecutive true values. Parameters ---------- x : Union[xr.DataArray, Sequence[bool]] Input array (bool). window : int Minimum run length. dim : str The dimension along which the runs are found. Returns ------- xr.DataArray A function operating along the time dimension of a dask-array. """ ind = xr.apply_ufunc( first_run_1d, x, input_core_dims=[[dim]], vectorize=True, dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=[float], keep_attrs=True, kwargs={"window": window}, ) return ind
[docs]def lazy_indexing( da: xr.DataArray, index: xr.DataArray, dim: str | None = None ) -> xr.DataArray: """Get values of `da` at indices `index` in a NaN-aware and lazy manner. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Input array. If not 1D, `dim` must be given and must not appear in index. index : xr.DataArray N-d integer indices, if da is not 1D, all dimensions of index must be in da dim : str, optional Dimension along which to index, unused if `da` is 1D, should not be present in `index`. Returns ------- xr.DataArray Values of `da` at indices `index`. """ if da.ndim == 1: # Case where da is 1D and index is N-D # Slightly better performance using map_blocks, over an apply_ufunc def _index_from_1d_array(indices, array): return array[indices] idx_ndim = index.ndim if idx_ndim == 0: # The 0-D index case, we add a dummy dimension to help dask dim = get_temp_dimname(da.dims, "x") index = index.expand_dims(dim) invalid = index.isnull() # Which indexes to mask # NaN-indexing doesn't work, so fill with 0 and cast to int index = index.fillna(0).astype(int) # for each chunk of index, take corresponding values from da da2 = da.rename("__placeholder__") out = index.map_blocks(_index_from_1d_array, args=(da2,)).rename( # mask where index was NaN out = out.where(~invalid) if idx_ndim == 0: # 0-D case, drop useless coords and dummy dim out = out.drop_vars(da.dims[0]).squeeze() return out.drop_vars(dim or da.dims[0], errors="ignore") # Case where index.dims is a subset of da.dims. if dim is None: diff_dims = set(da.dims) - set(index.dims) if len(diff_dims) == 0: raise ValueError( "da must have at least one dimension more than index for lazy_indexing." ) if len(diff_dims) > 1: raise ValueError( "If da has more than one dimension more than index, the indexing dim must be given through `dim`" ) dim = diff_dims.pop() def _index_from_nd_array(array, indices): return np.take_along_axis(array, indices[..., np.newaxis], axis=-1)[..., 0] return xr.apply_ufunc( _index_from_nd_array, da, index.astype(int), input_core_dims=[[dim], []], output_core_dims=[[]], dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=[da.dtype], )
[docs]def index_of_date( time: xr.DataArray, date: DateStr | DayOfYearStr | None, max_idxs: int | None = None, default: int = 0, ) -> np.ndarray: """Get the index of a date in a time array. Parameters ---------- time : xr.DataArray An array of datetime values, any calendar. date : DayOfYearStr or DateStr, optional A string in the "yyyy-mm-dd" or "mm-dd" format. If None, returns default. max_idxs : int, optional Maximum number of returned indexes. default : int Index to return if date is None. Raises ------ ValueError If there are most instances of `date` in `time` than `max_idxs`. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray 1D array of integers, indexes of `date` in `time`. """ if date is None: return np.array([default]) try: date = datetime.strptime(date, "%Y-%m-%d") year_cond = time.dt.year == date.year except ValueError: date = datetime.strptime(date, "%m-%d") year_cond = True idxs = np.where( year_cond & (time.dt.month == date.month) & ( == )[0] if max_idxs is not None and idxs.size > max_idxs: raise ValueError( f"More than {max_idxs} instance of date {date} found in the coordinate array." ) return idxs
[docs]def suspicious_run_1d( arr: np.ndarray, window: int = 10, op: str = ">", thresh: float | None = None, ) -> np.ndarray: """Return True where the array contains a run of identical values. Parameters ---------- arr : numpy.ndarray Array of values to be parsed. window : int Minimum run length. op : {">", ">=", "==", "<", "<=", "eq", "gt", "lt", "gteq", "lteq", "ge", "le"} Operator for threshold comparison. Defaults to ">". thresh : float, optional Threshold compared against which values are checked for identical values. Returns ------- numpy.ndarray Whether or not the data points are part of a run of identical values. """ v, rl, pos = rle_1d(arr) sus_runs = rl >= window if thresh is not None: if op in {">", "gt"}: sus_runs = sus_runs & (v > thresh) elif op in {"<", "lt"}: sus_runs = sus_runs & (v < thresh) elif op in {"==", "eq"}: sus_runs = sus_runs & (v == thresh) elif op in {"!=", "ne"}: sus_runs = sus_runs & (v != thresh) elif op in {">=", "gteq", "ge"}: sus_runs = sus_runs & (v >= thresh) elif op in {"<=", "lteq", "le"}: sus_runs = sus_runs & (v <= thresh) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"{op}") out = np.zeros_like(arr, dtype=bool) for st, l in zip(pos[sus_runs], rl[sus_runs]): out[st : st + l] = True return out
[docs]def suspicious_run( arr: xr.DataArray, dim: str = "time", window: int = 10, op: str = ">", thresh: float | None = None, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Return True where the array contains has runs of identical values, vectorized version. In opposition to other run length functions, here the output has the same shape as the input. Parameters ---------- arr : xr.DataArray Array of values to be parsed. dim : str Dimension along which to check for runs (default: "time"). window : int Minimum run length. op : {">", ">=", "==", "<", "<=", "eq", "gt", "lt", "gteq", "lteq"} Operator for threshold comparison, defaults to ">". thresh : float, optional Threshold above which values are checked for identical values. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray """ return xr.apply_ufunc( suspicious_run_1d, arr, input_core_dims=[[dim]], output_core_dims=[[dim]], vectorize=True, dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=[bool], keep_attrs=True, kwargs=dict(window=window, op=op, thresh=thresh), )