Source code for xclim.indices._simple

# noqa: D100
from __future__ import annotations

import xarray

from xclim.core.units import convert_units_to, declare_units, rate2amount, to_agg_units
from xclim.core.utils import Quantified

from .generic import threshold_count

# Frequencies : YS: year start, QS-DEC: seasons starting in december, MS: month start
# See

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__all__ = [

[docs]@declare_units(tas="[temperature]") def tg_max(tas: xarray.DataArray, freq: str = "YS") -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Highest mean temperature. The maximum of daily mean temperature. Parameters ---------- tas : xarray.DataArray Mean daily temperature. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [same units as tas] Maximum of daily minimum temperature. Notes ----- Let :math:`TN_{ij}` be the mean temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then the maximum daily mean temperature for period :math:`j` is: .. math:: TNx_j = max(TN_{ij}) """ return tas.resample(time=freq).max(dim="time").assign_attrs(units=tas.units)
[docs]@declare_units(tas="[temperature]") def tg_mean(tas: xarray.DataArray, freq: str = "YS") -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Mean of daily average temperature. Resample the original daily mean temperature series by taking the mean over each period. Parameters ---------- tas : xarray.DataArray Mean daily temperature. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [same units as tas] The mean daily temperature at the given time frequency Notes ----- Let :math:`TN_i` be the mean daily temperature of day :math:`i`, then for a period :math:`p` starting at day :math:`a` and finishing on day :math:`b`: .. math:: TG_p = \frac{\sum_{i=a}^{b} TN_i}{b - a + 1} Examples -------- The following would compute for each grid cell of file `` the mean temperature at the seasonal frequency, i.e. DJF, MAM, JJA, SON, DJF, etc.: >>> from xclim.indices import tg_mean >>> t = xr.open_dataset(path_to_tas_file).tas >>> tg = tg_mean(t, freq="QS-DEC") """ return tas.resample(time=freq).mean(dim="time").assign_attrs(units=tas.units)
[docs]@declare_units(tas="[temperature]") def tg_min(tas: xarray.DataArray, freq: str = "YS") -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Lowest mean temperature. Minimum of daily mean temperature. Parameters ---------- tas : xarray.DataArray Mean daily temperature. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [same units as tas] Minimum of daily minimum temperature. Notes ----- Let :math:`TG_{ij}` be the mean temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then the minimum daily mean temperature for period :math:`j` is: .. math:: TGn_j = min(TG_{ij}) """ return tas.resample(time=freq).min(dim="time").assign_attrs(units=tas.units)
[docs]@declare_units(tasmin="[temperature]") def tn_max(tasmin: xarray.DataArray, freq: str = "YS") -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Highest minimum temperature. The maximum of daily minimum temperature. Parameters ---------- tasmin : xarray.DataArray Minimum daily temperature. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [same units as tasmin] Maximum of daily minimum temperature. Notes ----- Let :math:`TN_{ij}` be the minimum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then the maximum daily minimum temperature for period :math:`j` is: .. math:: TNx_j = max(TN_{ij}) """ return tasmin.resample(time=freq).max(dim="time").assign_attrs(units=tasmin.units)
[docs]@declare_units(tasmin="[temperature]") def tn_mean(tasmin: xarray.DataArray, freq: str = "YS") -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Mean minimum temperature. Mean of daily minimum temperature. Parameters ---------- tasmin : xarray.DataArray Minimum daily temperature. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [same units as tasmin] Mean of daily minimum temperature. Notes ----- Let :math:`TN_{ij}` be the minimum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then mean values in period :math:`j` are given by: .. math:: TN_{ij} = \frac{ \sum_{i=1}^{I} TN_{ij} }{I} """ return tasmin.resample(time=freq).mean(dim="time").assign_attrs(units=tasmin.units)
[docs]@declare_units(tasmin="[temperature]") def tn_min(tasmin: xarray.DataArray, freq: str = "YS") -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Lowest minimum temperature. Minimum of daily minimum temperature. Parameters ---------- tasmin : xarray.DataArray Minimum daily temperature. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [same units as tasmin] Minimum of daily minimum temperature. Notes ----- Let :math:`TN_{ij}` be the minimum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then the minimum daily minimum temperature for period :math:`j` is: .. math:: TNn_j = min(TN_{ij}) """ return tasmin.resample(time=freq).min(dim="time").assign_attrs(units=tasmin.units)
[docs]@declare_units(tasmax="[temperature]") def tx_max(tasmax: xarray.DataArray, freq: str = "YS") -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Highest max temperature. The maximum value of daily maximum temperature. Parameters ---------- tasmax : xarray.DataArray Maximum daily temperature. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [same units as tasmax] Maximum value of daily maximum temperature. Notes ----- Let :math:`TX_{ij}` be the maximum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then the maximum daily maximum temperature for period :math:`j` is: .. math:: TXx_j = max(TX_{ij}) """ return tasmax.resample(time=freq).max(dim="time").assign_attrs(units=tasmax.units)
[docs]@declare_units(tasmax="[temperature]") def tx_mean(tasmax: xarray.DataArray, freq: str = "YS") -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Mean max temperature. The mean of daily maximum temperature. Parameters ---------- tasmax : xarray.DataArray Maximum daily temperature. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [same units as tasmax] Mean of daily maximum temperature. Notes ----- Let :math:`TX_{ij}` be the maximum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then mean values in period :math:`j` are given by: .. math:: TX_{ij} = \frac{ \sum_{i=1}^{I} TX_{ij} }{I} """ return tasmax.resample(time=freq).mean(dim="time").assign_attrs(units=tasmax.units)
[docs]@declare_units(tasmax="[temperature]") def tx_min(tasmax: xarray.DataArray, freq: str = "YS") -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Lowest max temperature. The minimum of daily maximum temperature. Parameters ---------- tasmax : xarray.DataArray Maximum daily temperature. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [same units as tasmax] Minimum of daily maximum temperature. Notes ----- Let :math:`TX_{ij}` be the maximum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then the minimum daily maximum temperature for period :math:`j` is: .. math:: TXn_j = min(TX_{ij}) """ return tasmax.resample(time=freq).min(dim="time").assign_attrs(units=tasmax.units)
[docs]@declare_units(tasmin="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def frost_days( tasmin: xarray.DataArray, thresh: Quantified = "0 degC", freq: str = "YS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Frost days index. Number of days where daily minimum temperatures are below a threshold temperature. Parameters ---------- tasmin : xarray.DataArray Minimum daily temperature. thresh : Quantified Freezing temperature. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Frost days index. Notes ----- Let :math:`TN_{ij}` be the daily minimum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j` and :math`TT` the threshold. Then counted is the number of days where: .. math:: TN_{ij} < TT """ frz = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmin) out = threshold_count(tasmin, "<", frz, freq) return to_agg_units(out, tasmin, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(tasmax="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def ice_days( tasmax: xarray.DataArray, thresh: Quantified = "0 degC", freq: str = "YS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: # noqa: D401 r"""Number of ice/freezing days. Number of days when daily maximum temperatures are below a threshold. Parameters ---------- tasmax : xarray.DataArray Maximum daily temperature. thresh : Quantified Freezing temperature. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Number of ice/freezing days. Notes ----- Let :math:`TX_{ij}` be the daily maximum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`, and :math`TT` the threshold. Then counted is the number of days where: .. math:: TX_{ij} < TT """ frz = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmax) out = threshold_count(tasmax, "<", frz, freq) return to_agg_units(out, tasmax, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(pr="[precipitation]") def max_1day_precipitation_amount( pr: xarray.DataArray, freq: str = "YS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Highest 1-day precipitation amount for a period (frequency). Resample the original daily total precipitation temperature series by taking the max over each period. Parameters ---------- pr : xarray.DataArray Daily precipitation values. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [same units as pr] The highest 1-period precipitation flux value at the given time frequency. Notes ----- Let :math:`PR_i` be the mean daily precipitation of day `i`, then for a period `j`: .. math:: PRx_{ij} = max(PR_{ij}) Examples -------- The following would compute for each grid cell the highest 1-day total at an annual frequency: >>> from xclim.indices import max_1day_precipitation_amount >>> pr = xr.open_dataset(path_to_pr_file).pr >>> rx1day = max_1day_precipitation_amount(pr, freq="YS") """ return pr.resample(time=freq).max(dim="time").assign_attrs(units=pr.units)
[docs]@declare_units(pr="[precipitation]") def max_n_day_precipitation_amount( pr: xarray.DataArray, window: int = 1, freq: str = "YS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Highest precipitation amount cumulated over a n-day moving window. Calculate the n-day rolling sum of the original daily total precipitation series and determine the maximum value over each period. Parameters ---------- pr : xarray.DataArray Daily precipitation values. window : int Window size in days. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [length] The highest cumulated n-period precipitation value at the given time frequency. Examples -------- The following would compute for each grid cell the highest 5-day total precipitation at an annual frequency: >>> from xclim.indices import max_n_day_precipitation_amount >>> pr = xr.open_dataset(path_to_pr_file).pr >>> out = max_n_day_precipitation_amount(pr, window=5, freq="YS") """ # Rolling sum of the values pram = rate2amount(pr) arr = pram.rolling(time=window).sum(skipna=False) return arr.resample(time=freq).max(dim="time").assign_attrs(units=pram.units)
[docs]@declare_units(pr="[precipitation]") def max_pr_intensity( pr: xarray.DataArray, window: int = 1, freq: str = "YS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Highest precipitation intensity over a n-hour moving window. Calculate the n-hour rolling average of the original hourly total precipitation series and determine the maximum value over each period. Parameters ---------- pr : xarray.DataArray Hourly precipitation values. window : int Window size in hours. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [same units as pr] The highest cumulated n-hour precipitation intensity at the given time frequency. Examples -------- The following would compute the maximum 6-hour precipitation intensity at an annual frequency: >>> from xclim.indices import max_pr_intensity >>> pr = xr.open_dataset(path_to_pr_file).pr >>> out = max_pr_intensity(pr, window=5, freq="YS") """ # Rolling sum of the values arr = pr.rolling(time=window).mean(skipna=False) out = arr.resample(time=freq).max(dim="time") out.attrs["units"] = pr.units return out
[docs]@declare_units(snd="[length]") def snow_depth( snd: xarray.DataArray, freq: str = "YS", ) -> xarray.DataArray: """Mean of daily average snow depth. Resample the original daily mean snow depth series by taking the mean over each period. Parameters ---------- snd : xarray.DataArray Mean daily snow depth. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [same units as snd] The mean daily snow depth at the given time frequency """ return snd.resample(time=freq).mean(dim="time").assign_attrs(units=snd.units)