Source code for xclim.indices._threshold

# noqa: D100
from __future__ import annotations

import warnings

import numpy as np
import xarray

from xclim.core.calendar import get_calendar
from xclim.core.units import (
from xclim.core.utils import DayOfYearStr

from . import run_length as rl
from .generic import compare, domain_count, threshold_count

# Frequencies : YS: year start, QS-DEC: seasons starting in december, MS: month start
# See

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__all__ = [

[docs]@declare_units(sfcWind="[speed]", thresh="[speed]") def calm_days( sfcWind: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "2 m s-1", freq: str = "MS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Calm days. The number of days with average near-surface wind speed below threshold. Parameters ---------- sfcWind : xarray.DataArray Daily windspeed. thresh : str Threshold average near-surface wind speed on which to base evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Number of days with average near-surface wind speed below threshold. Notes ----- Let :math:`WS_{ij}` be the windspeed at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then counted is the number of days where: .. math:: WS_{ij} < Threshold [m s-1] """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, sfcWind) out = threshold_count(sfcWind, "<", thresh, freq) out = to_agg_units(out, sfcWind, "count") return out
[docs]@declare_units(tas="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def cold_spell_days( tas: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "-10 degC", window: int = 5, freq: str = "AS-JUL", ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Cold spell days. The number of days that are part of cold spell events, defined as a sequence of consecutive days with mean daily temperature below a threshold in °C. Parameters ---------- tas : xarray.DataArray Mean daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature below which a cold spell begins. window : int Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold to qualify as a cold spell. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Cold spell days. Notes ----- Let :math:`T_i` be the mean daily temperature on day :math:`i`, the number of cold spell days during period :math:`\phi` is given by .. math:: \sum_{i \in \phi} \prod_{j=i}^{i+5} [T_j < thresh] where :math:`[P]` is 1 if :math:`P` is true, and 0 if false. """ t = convert_units_to(thresh, tas) over = tas < t group = over.resample(time=freq) out =, window=window, dim="time") return to_agg_units(out, tas, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(tas="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def cold_spell_frequency( tas: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "-10 degC", window: int = 5, freq: str = "AS-JUL", ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Cold spell frequency. The number of cold spell events, defined as a sequence of consecutive days with mean daily temperature below a threshold. Parameters ---------- tas : xarray.DataArray Mean daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature below which a cold spell begins. window : int Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold to qualify as a cold spell. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [dimensionless] Cold spell frequency. """ t = convert_units_to(thresh, tas) over = tas < t group = over.resample(time=freq) out =, window=window, dim="time") out.attrs["units"] = "" return out
[docs]@declare_units(snd="[length]", thresh="[length]") def continuous_snow_cover_end( snd: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "2 cm", window: int = 14, freq: str = "AS-JUL" ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""End date of continuous snow cover. First day after the start of the continuous snow cover when snow depth is below `threshold` for at least `window` consecutive days. Warnings -------- The default `freq` is valid for the northern hemisphere. Parameters ---------- snd : xarray.DataArray Surface snow thickness. thresh : str Threshold snow thickness. window : int Minimum number of days with snow depth below threshold. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [dimensionless] First day after the start of the continuous snow cover when the snow depth goes below a threshold for a minimum duration. If there is no such day, return np.nan. References ---------- :cite:cts:`chaumont_elaboration_2017` """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, snd) cond = snd >= thresh out = ( cond.resample(time=freq) .map(rl.season, window=window, dim="time", coord="dayofyear") .end ) out.attrs.update(units="", is_dayofyear=np.int32(1), calendar=get_calendar(snd)) return out
[docs]@declare_units(snd="[length]", thresh="[length]") def continuous_snow_cover_start( snd: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "2 cm", window: int = 14, freq: str = "AS-JUL" ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Start date of continuous snow cover. Day of year when snow depth is above or equal `threshold` for at least `window` consecutive days. Warnings -------- The default `freq` is valid for the northern hemisphere. Parameters ---------- snd : xarray.DataArray Surface snow thickness. thresh : str Threshold snow thickness. window : int Minimum number of days with snow depth above or equal to threshold. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [dimensionless] First day of the year when the snow depth is superior to a threshold for a minimum duration. If there is no such day, return np.nan. References ---------- :cite:cts:`chaumont_elaboration_2017` """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, snd) cond = snd >= thresh out = ( cond.resample(time=freq) .map( rl.season, window=window, dim="time", coord="dayofyear", ) .start ) out.attrs.update(units="", is_dayofyear=np.int32(1), calendar=get_calendar(snd)) return out
[docs]@declare_units(pr="[precipitation]", thresh="[precipitation]") def daily_pr_intensity( pr: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "1 mm/day", freq: str = "YS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Average daily precipitation intensity. Return the average precipitation over wet days. Parameters ---------- pr : xarray.DataArray Daily precipitation. thresh : str Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [precipitation] The average precipitation over wet days for each period Notes ----- Let :math:`\mathbf{p} = p_0, p_1, \ldots, p_n` be the daily precipitation and :math:`thresh` be the precipitation threshold defining wet days. Then the daily precipitation intensity is defined as: .. math:: \frac{\sum_{i=0}^n p_i [p_i \leq thresh]}{\sum_{i=0}^n [p_i \leq thresh]} where :math:`[P]` is 1 if :math:`P` is true, and 0 if false. Examples -------- The following would compute for each grid cell of file `` the average precipitation fallen over days with precipitation >= 5 mm at seasonal frequency, ie DJF, MAM, JJA, SON, DJF, etc.: >>> from xclim.indices import daily_pr_intensity >>> pr = xr.open_dataset(path_to_pr_file).pr >>> daily_int = daily_pr_intensity(pr, thresh="5 mm/day", freq="QS-DEC") """ t = convert_units_to(thresh, pr, "hydro") # Get amount of rain (not rate) pram = rate2amount(pr) # put pram = 0 for non wet-days pram_wd = xarray.where(pr >= t, pram, 0) # sum over wanted period s = pram_wd.resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time") # get number of wetdays over period wd = wetdays(pr, thresh=thresh, freq=freq) out = s / wd out.attrs["units"] = f"{str2pint(pram.units) / str2pint(wd.units):~}" return out
[docs]@declare_units(pr="[precipitation]", thresh="[precipitation]") def dry_days( pr: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "0.2 mm/d", freq: str = "YS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Dry days. The number of days with daily precipitation below threshold. Parameters ---------- pr : xarray.DataArray Daily precipitation. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Number of days with daily precipitation below threshold. Notes ----- Let :math:`PR_{ij}` be the daily precipitation at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then counted is the number of days where: .. math:: \sum PR_{ij} < Threshold [mm/day] """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, pr) out = threshold_count(pr, "<", thresh, freq) out = to_agg_units(out, pr, "count") return out
[docs]@declare_units(pr="[precipitation]", thresh="[precipitation]") def maximum_consecutive_wet_days( pr: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "1 mm/day", freq: str = "YS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Consecutive wet days. Returns the maximum number of consecutive wet days. Parameters ---------- pr : xarray.DataArray Mean daily precipitation flux. thresh : str Threshold precipitation on which to base evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] The maximum number of consecutive wet days. Notes ----- Let :math:`\mathbf{x}=x_0, x_1, \ldots, x_n` be a daily precipitation series and :math:`\mathbf{s}` be the sorted vector of indices :math:`i` where :math:`[p_i > thresh] \neq [p_{i+1} > thresh]`, that is, the days where the precipitation crosses the *wet day* threshold. Then the maximum number of consecutive wet days is given by: .. math:: \max(\mathbf{d}) \quad \mathrm{where} \quad d_j = (s_j - s_{j-1}) [x_{s_j} > 0^\circ C] where :math:`[P]` is 1 if :math:`P` is true, and 0 if false. Note that this formula does not handle sequences at the start and end of the series, but the numerical algorithm does. """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, pr, "hydro") group = (pr > thresh).resample(time=freq) out =, dim="time") out = to_agg_units(out, pr, "count") return out
[docs]@declare_units(tas="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def cooling_degree_days( tas: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "18 degC", freq: str = "YS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Cooling degree days. Sum of degree days above the temperature threshold at which spaces are cooled. Parameters ---------- tas : xarray.DataArray Mean daily temperature. thresh : str Temperature threshold above which air is cooled. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time][temperature] Cooling degree days Notes ----- Let :math:`x_i` be the daily mean temperature at day :math:`i`. Then the cooling degree days above temperature threshold :math:`thresh` over period :math:`\phi` is given by: .. math:: \sum_{i \in \phi} (x_{i}-{thresh} [x_i > thresh] where :math:`[P]` is 1 if :math:`P` is true, and 0 if false. """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tas) out = (tas - thresh).clip(min=0).resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time") out = to_agg_units(out, tas, "delta_prod") return out
[docs]@declare_units(tas="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def freshet_start( tas: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "0 degC", window: int = 5, freq: str = "YS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""First day consistently exceeding threshold temperature. Returns first day of period where a temperature threshold is exceeded over a given number of days. Parameters ---------- tas : xarray.DataArray Mean daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. window : int Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [dimensionless] Day of the year when temperature exceeds threshold over a given number of days for the first time. If there is no such day, return np.nan. Notes ----- Let :math:`x_i` be the daily mean temperature at day of the year :math:`i` for values of :math:`i` going from 1 to 365 or 366. The start date of the freshet is given by the smallest index :math:`i` for which .. math:: \prod_{j=i}^{i+w} [x_j > thresh] is true, where :math:`w` is the number of days the temperature threshold should be exceeded, and :math:`[P]` is 1 if :math:`P` is true, and 0 if false. """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tas) over = tas > thresh out = over.resample(time=freq).map(rl.first_run, window=window, coord="dayofyear") out.attrs.update(units="", is_dayofyear=np.int32(1), calendar=get_calendar(tas)) return out
[docs]@declare_units(tas="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def growing_degree_days( tas: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "4.0 degC", freq: str = "YS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Growing degree-days over threshold temperature value. The sum of degree-days over the threshold temperature. Parameters ---------- tas : xarray.DataArray Mean daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time][temperature] The sum of growing degree-days above a given threshold. Notes ----- Let :math:`TG_{ij}` be the daily mean temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then the growing degree days are: .. math:: GD4_j = \sum_{i=1}^I (TG_{ij}-{4} | TG_{ij} > {4}℃) """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tas) out = (tas - thresh).clip(min=0).resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time") return to_agg_units(out, tas, "delta_prod")
[docs]@declare_units(tas="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def growing_season_start( tas: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "5.0 degC", window: int = 5, freq: str = "YS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Start of the growing season. Day of the year of the start of a sequence of days with mean temperatures consistently above or equal to a threshold, after a period with mean temperatures consistently above the same threshold. Parameters ---------- tas : xarray.DataArray Mean daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. window : int Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [dimensionless] Day of the year when temperature is superior to a threshold over a given number of days for the first time. If there is no such day or if a growing season is not detected, returns np.nan. Notes ----- Let :math:`x_i` be the daily mean temperature at day of the year :math:`i` for values of :math:`i` going from 1 to 365 or 366. The start date of the start of growing season is given by the smallest index :math:`i` for which: .. math:: \prod_{j=i}^{i+w} [x_j >= thresh] is true, where :math:`w` is the number of days the temperature threshold should be met or exceeded, and :math:`[P]` is 1 if :math:`P` is true, and 0 if false. """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tas) over = tas >= thresh out = over.resample(time=freq).map(rl.first_run, window=window, coord="dayofyear") out.attrs.update(units="", is_dayofyear=np.int32(1), calendar=get_calendar(tas)) return out
[docs]@declare_units(tas="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def growing_season_end( tas: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "5.0 degC", mid_date: DayOfYearStr = "07-01", window: int = 5, freq: str = "YS", ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""End of the growing season. Day of the year of the start of a sequence of days with mean temperatures consistently below a threshold, after a period with mean temperatures consistently above the same threshold. Parameters ---------- tas : xarray.DataArray Mean daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. mid_date : str Date of the year after which to look for the end of the season. Should have the format '%m-%d'. window : int Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [dimensionless] Day of the year when temperature is inferior to a threshold over a given number of days for the first time. If there is no such day or if a growing season is not detected, returns np.nan. If the growing season does not end within the time period, returns the last day of the period. """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tas) cond = tas >= thresh out = cond.resample(time=freq).map( rl.run_end_after_date, window=window, date=mid_date, dim="time", coord="dayofyear", ) out.attrs.update(units="", is_dayofyear=np.int32(1), calendar=get_calendar(tas)) return out
[docs]@declare_units(tas="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def growing_season_length( tas: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "5.0 degC", window: int = 6, mid_date: DayOfYearStr = "07-01", freq: str = "YS", ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Growing season length. The number of days between the first occurrence of at least six consecutive days with mean daily temperature over a threshold (default: 5℃) and the first occurrence of at least six consecutive days with mean daily temperature below the same threshold after a certain date. (Usually July 1st in the northern emisphere and January 1st in the southern hemisphere.) Warnings -------- The default `freq` is valid for the northern hemisphere. Parameters ---------- tas : xarray.DataArray Mean daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. window : int Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold to mark the beginning and end of growing season. mid_date : str Date of the year after which to look for the end of the season. Should have the format '%m-%d'. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Growing season length. Notes ----- Let :math:`TG_{ij}` be the mean temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then counted is the number of days between the first occurrence of at least 6 consecutive days with: .. math:: TG_{ij} > 5 ℃ and the first occurrence after 1 July of at least 6 consecutive days with: .. math:: TG_{ij} < 5 ℃ Examples -------- >>> from xclim.indices import growing_season_length >>> tas = xr.open_dataset(path_to_tas_file).tas # For the Northern Hemisphere: >>> gsl_nh = growing_season_length(tas, mid_date="07-01", freq="AS") # If working in the Southern Hemisphere, one can use: >>> gsl_sh = growing_season_length(tas, mid_date="01-01", freq="AS-JUL") """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tas) cond = tas >= thresh out = cond.resample(time=freq).map( rl.season_length, window=window, date=mid_date, dim="time", ) return to_agg_units(out, tas, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(tasmin="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def frost_season_length( tasmin: xarray.DataArray, window: int = 5, mid_date: DayOfYearStr | None = "01-01", thresh: str = "0.0 degC", freq: str = "AS-JUL", ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Frost season length. The number of days between the first occurrence of at least N (def: 5) consecutive days with minimum daily temperature under a threshold (default: 0℃) and the first occurrence of at least N (def 5) consecutive days with minimum daily temperature above the same threshold. A mid-date can be given to limit the earliest day the end of season can take. Warnings -------- The default `freq` is valid for the northern hemisphere. Parameters ---------- tasmin : xarray.DataArray Minimum daily temperature. window : int Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold to mark the beginning and end of frost season. mid_date : str, optional Date the must be included in the season. It is the earliest the end of the season can be. If None, there is no limit. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Frost season length. Notes ----- Let :math:`TN_{ij}` be the minimum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then counted is the number of days between the first occurrence of at least N consecutive days with: .. math:: TN_{ij} > 0 ℃ and the first subsequent occurrence of at least N consecutive days with: .. math:: TN_{ij} < 0 ℃ Examples -------- >>> from xclim.indices import frost_season_length >>> tasmin = xr.open_dataset(path_to_tasmin_file).tasmin # For the Northern Hemisphere: >>> fsl_nh = frost_season_length(tasmin, freq="AS-JUL") # If working in the Southern Hemisphere, one can use: >>> fsl_sh = frost_season_length(tasmin, freq="YS") """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmin) cond = tasmin < thresh out = cond.resample(time=freq).map( rl.season_length, window=window, date=mid_date, dim="time", ) return to_agg_units(out, tasmin, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(tasmin="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def frost_free_season_start( tasmin: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "0.0 degC", window: int = 5, freq: str = "YS", ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Start of the frost free season. Day of the year of the start of a sequence of days with minimum temperatures consistently above or equal to a threshold, after a period with minimum temperatures consistently above the same threshold. Parameters ---------- tasmin : xarray.DataArray Minimum daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. window : int Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [dimensionless] Day of the year when minimum temperature is superior to a threshold over a given number of days for the first time. If there is no such day or if a frost free season is not detected, returns np.nan. Notes ----- Let :math:`x_i` be the daily mean temperature at day of the year :math:`i` for values of :math:`i` going from 1 to 365 or 366. The start date of the start of growing season is given by the smallest index :math:`i` for which: .. math:: \prod_{j=i}^{i+w} [x_j >= thresh] is true, where :math:`w` is the number of days the temperature threshold should be met or exceeded, and :math:`[P]` is 1 if :math:`P` is true, and 0 if false. """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmin) over = tasmin >= thresh out = over.resample(time=freq).map(rl.first_run, window=window, coord="dayofyear") out.attrs.update(units="", is_dayofyear=np.int32(1), calendar=get_calendar(tasmin)) return out
[docs]@declare_units(tasmin="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def frost_free_season_end( tasmin: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "0.0 degC", mid_date: DayOfYearStr = "07-01", window: int = 5, freq: str = "YS", ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""End of the frost free season. Day of the year of the start of a sequence of days with minimum temperatures consistently below a threshold, after a period with minimum temperatures consistently above the same threshold. Parameters ---------- tasmin : xarray.DataArray Minimum daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. mid_date : str Date of the year after which to look for the end of the season. Should have the format '%m-%d'. window : int Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [dimensionless] Day of the year when minimum temperature is inferior to a threshold over a given number of days for the first time. If there is no such day or if a frost free season is not detected, returns np.nan. If the frost free season does not end within the time period, returns the last day of the period. """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmin) cond = tasmin >= thresh out = cond.resample(time=freq).map( rl.run_end_after_date, window=window, date=mid_date, dim="time", coord="dayofyear", ) out.attrs.update(units="", is_dayofyear=np.int32(1), calendar=get_calendar(tasmin)) return out
[docs]@declare_units(tasmin="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def frost_free_season_length( tasmin: xarray.DataArray, window: int = 5, mid_date: DayOfYearStr | None = "07-01", thresh: str = "0.0 degC", freq: str = "YS", ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Frost free season length. The number of days between the first occurrence of at least N (def: 5) consecutive days with minimum daily temperature above a threshold (default: 0℃) and the first occurrence of at least N (def 5) consecutive days with minimum daily temperature below the same threshold. A mid-date can be given to limit the earliest day the end of season can take. Warnings -------- The default `freq` is valid for the northern hemisphere. Parameters ---------- tasmin : xarray.DataArray Minimum daily temperature. window : int Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold to mark the beginning and end of frost free season. mid_date : str, optional Date the must be included in the season. It is the earliest the end of the season can be. If None, there is no limit. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Frost free season length. Notes ----- Let :math:`TN_{ij}` be the minimum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then counted is the number of days between the first occurrence of at least N consecutive days with: .. math:: TN_{ij} >= 0 ℃ and the first subsequent occurrence of at least N consecutive days with: .. math:: TN_{ij} < 0 ℃ Examples -------- >>> from xclim.indices import frost_season_length >>> tasmin = xr.open_dataset(path_to_tasmin_file).tasmin # For the Northern Hemisphere: >>> ffsl_nh = frost_free_season_length(tasmin, freq="YS") # If working in the Southern Hemisphere, one can use: >>> ffsl_sh = frost_free_season_length(tasmin, freq="AS-JUL") """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmin) cond = tasmin >= thresh out = cond.resample(time=freq).map( rl.season_length, window=window, date=mid_date, dim="time", ) return to_agg_units(out, tasmin, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(tas="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def last_spring_frost( tas: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "0 degC", before_date: DayOfYearStr = "07-01", window: int = 1, freq: str = "YS", ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Last day of temperatures inferior to a threshold temperature. Returns last day of period where a temperature is inferior to a threshold over a given number of days and limited to a final calendar date. Parameters ---------- tas : xarray.DataArray Mean daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. before_date : str, Date of the year before which to look for the final frost event. Should have the format '%m-%d'. window : int Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [dimensionless] Day of the year when temperature is inferior to a threshold over a given number of days for the first time. If there is no such day, returns np.nan. """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tas) cond = tas < thresh out = cond.resample(time=freq).map( rl.last_run_before_date, window=window, date=before_date, dim="time", coord="dayofyear", ) out.attrs.update(units="", is_dayofyear=np.int32(1), calendar=get_calendar(tas)) return out
[docs]@declare_units(tasmin="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def first_day_below( tasmin: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "0 degC", after_date: DayOfYearStr = "07-01", window: int = 1, freq: str = "YS", ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""First day of temperatures inferior to a threshold temperature. Returns first day of period where a temperature is inferior to a threshold over a given number of days, limited to a starting calendar date. Warnings -------- The default `freq` is valid for the northern hemisphere. Parameters ---------- tasmin : xarray.DataArray Minimum daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. after_date : str Date of the year after which to look for the first frost event. Should have the format '%m-%d'. window : int Minimum number of days with temperature below threshold needed for evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [dimensionless] Day of the year when minimum temperature is inferior to a threshold over a given number of days for the first time. If there is no such day, returns np.nan. """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmin) cond = tasmin < thresh out = cond.resample(time=freq).map( rl.first_run_after_date, window=window, date=after_date, dim="time", coord="dayofyear", ) out.attrs.update(units="", is_dayofyear=np.int32(1), calendar=get_calendar(tasmin)) return out
[docs]@declare_units(tasmin="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def first_day_above( tasmin: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "0 degC", after_date: DayOfYearStr = "01-01", window: int = 1, freq: str = "YS", ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""First day of temperatures superior to a threshold temperature. Returns first day of period where a temperature is superior to a threshold over a given number of days, limited to a starting calendar date. Warnings -------- The default `freq` is valid for the northern hemisphere. Parameters ---------- tasmin : xarray.DataArray Minimum daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. after_date : str Date of the year after which to look for the first event. Should have the format '%m-%d'. window : int Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold needed for evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [dimensionless] Day of the year when minimum temperature is superior to a threshold over a given number of days for the first time. If there is no such day, returns np.nan. """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmin) cond = tasmin > thresh out = cond.resample(time=freq).map( rl.first_run_after_date, window=window, date=after_date, dim="time", coord="dayofyear", ) out.attrs.update(units="", is_dayofyear=np.int32(1), calendar=get_calendar(tasmin)) return out
[docs]@declare_units(prsn="[precipitation]", thresh="[precipitation]") def first_snowfall( prsn: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "0.5 mm/day", freq: str = "AS-JUL", ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""First day with solid precipitation above a threshold. Returns the first day of a period where the solid precipitation exceeds a threshold. Warnings -------- The default `freq` is valid for the northern hemisphere. Parameters ---------- prsn : xarray.DataArray Solid precipitation flux. thresh : str Threshold precipitation flux on which to base evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [dimensionless] First day of the year when the solid precipitation is superior to a threshold. If there is no such day, returns np.nan. References ---------- :cite:cts:`cbcl_climate_2020`. """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, prsn) cond = prsn >= thresh out = cond.resample(time=freq).map( rl.first_run, window=1, dim="time", coord="dayofyear", ) out.attrs.update(units="", is_dayofyear=np.int32(1), calendar=get_calendar(prsn)) return out
[docs]@declare_units(prsn="[precipitation]", thresh="[precipitation]") def last_snowfall( prsn: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "0.5 mm/day", freq: str = "AS-JUL", ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Last day with solid precipitation above a threshold. Returns the last day of a period where the solid precipitation exceeds a threshold. Warnings -------- The default `freq` is valid for the northern hemisphere. Parameters ---------- prsn : xarray.DataArray Solid precipitation flux. thresh : str Threshold precipitation flux on which to base evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [dimensionless] Last day of the year when the solid precipitation is superior to a threshold. If there is no such day, returns np.nan. References ---------- :cite:cts:`cbcl_climate_2020`. """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, prsn) cond = prsn >= thresh out = cond.resample(time=freq).map( rl.last_run, window=1, dim="time", coord="dayofyear", ) out.attrs["units"] = "" return out
[docs]@declare_units(prsn="[precipitation]", low="[precipitation]", high="[precipitation]") def days_with_snow( prsn: xarray.DataArray, # noqa low: str = "0 kg m-2 s-1", high: str = "1E6 kg m-2 s-1", freq: str = "AS-JUL", ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Days with snow. Return the number of days where snowfall is within low and high thresholds. Parameters ---------- prsn : xr.DataArray Solid precipitation flux. low : float Minimum threshold solid precipitation flux. high : float Maximum threshold solid precipitation flux. freq : str Resampling frequency defining the periods as defined in Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Number of days where snowfall is between low and high thresholds. References ---------- :cite:cts:`matthews_planning_2017` """ low = convert_units_to(low, prsn) high = convert_units_to(high, prsn) out = domain_count(prsn, low, high, freq) return to_agg_units(out, prsn, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(tasmax="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def heat_wave_index( tasmax: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "25.0 degC", window: int = 5, freq: str = "YS", ) -> xarray.DataArray: """Heat wave index. Number of days that are part of a heatwave, defined as five or more consecutive days over 25℃. Parameters ---------- tasmax : xarray.DataArray Maximum daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to designate a heatwave. window : int Minimum number of days with temperature above threshold to qualify as a heatwave. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- DataArray, [time] Heat wave index. """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmax) over = tasmax > thresh group = over.resample(time=freq) out =, window=window, dim="time") return to_agg_units(out, tasmax, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(tas="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def heating_degree_days( tas: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "17.0 degC", freq: str = "YS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Heating degree days. Sum of degree days below the temperature threshold at which spaces are heated. Parameters ---------- tas : xarray.DataArray Mean daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time][temperature] Heating degree days index. Notes ----- This index intentionally differs from its ECA&D :cite:p:`project_team_eca&d_algorithm_2013` equivalent: HD17. In HD17, values below zero are not clipped before the sum. The present definition should provide a better representation of the energy demand for heating buildings to the given threshold. Let :math:`TG_{ij}` be the daily mean temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then the heating degree days are: .. math:: HD17_j = \sum_{i=1}^{I} (17℃ - TG_{ij}) | TG_{ij} < 17℃) """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tas) out = (thresh - tas).clip(0).resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time") return to_agg_units(out, tas, "delta_prod")
[docs]@declare_units(tasmax="[temperature]", thresh_tasmax="[temperature]") def hot_spell_max_length( tasmax: xarray.DataArray, thresh_tasmax: str = "30 degC", window: int = 1, freq: str = "YS", ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Longest hot spell. Longest spell of high temperatures over a given period. The longest series of consecutive days with tasmax ≥ 30 °C. Here, there is no minimum threshold for number of days in a row that must be reached or exceeded to count as a spell. A year with zero +30 °C days will return a longest spell value of zero. Parameters ---------- tasmax : xarray.DataArray Maximum daily temperature. thresh_tasmax : str The maximum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event. window : int Minimum number of days with temperatures above thresholds to qualify as a heatwave. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Maximum length of continuous hot days at the wanted frequency. Notes ----- The thresholds of 22° and 25°C for night temperatures and 30° and 35°C for day temperatures were selected by Health Canada professionals, following a temperature–mortality analysis. These absolute temperature thresholds characterize the occurrence of hot weather events that can result in adverse health outcomes for Canadian communities :cite:p:`casati_regional_2013`. In :cite:t:`robinson_definition_2001`, the parameters would be `thresh_tasmin=27.22, thresh_tasmax=39.44, window=2` (81F, 103F). References ---------- :cite:cts:`casati_regional_2013,robinson_definition_2001` """ thresh_tasmax = convert_units_to(thresh_tasmax, tasmax) cond = tasmax > thresh_tasmax group = cond.resample(time=freq) max_l =, dim="time") out = max_l.where(max_l >= window, 0) return to_agg_units(out, tasmax, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(tasmax="[temperature]", thresh_tasmax="[temperature]") def hot_spell_frequency( tasmax: xarray.DataArray, thresh_tasmax: str = "30 degC", window: int = 3, freq: str = "YS", ) -> xarray.DataArray: """Hot spell frequency. Number of hot spells over a given period. A hot spell is defined as an event where the maximum daily temperature exceeds a specific threshold over a minimum number of days. Parameters ---------- tasmax : xarray.DataArray Maximum daily temperature. thresh_tasmax : str The maximum temperature threshold needed to trigger a heatwave event. window : int Minimum number of days with temperatures above thresholds to qualify as a heatwave. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [dimensionless] Number of heatwave at the wanted frequency Notes ----- The thresholds of 22° and 25°C for night temperatures and 30° and 35°C for day temperatures were selected by Health Canada professionals, following a temperature–mortality analysis. These absolute temperature thresholds characterize the occurrence of hot weather events that can result in adverse health outcomes for Canadian communities :cite:p:`casati_regional_2013`. In :cite:t:`robinson_definition_2001`, the parameters would be `thresh_tasmin=27.22, thresh_tasmax=39.44, window=2` (81F, 103F). References ---------- :cite:cts:`casati_regional_2013,robinson_definition_2001` """ thresh_tasmax = convert_units_to(thresh_tasmax, tasmax) cond = tasmax > thresh_tasmax group = cond.resample(time=freq) out =, window=window, dim="time") out.attrs["units"] = "" return out
[docs]@declare_units(snd="[length]", thresh="[length]") def snow_cover_duration( snd: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "2 cm", freq: str = "AS-JUL" ) -> xarray.DataArray: # noqa: D401 """Number of days with snow depth above a threshold. Number of days where surface snow depth is greater or equal to given threshold. Warnings -------- The default `freq` is valid for the northern hemisphere. Parameters ---------- snd : xarray.DataArray Surface snow thickness. thresh : str Threshold snow thickness. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Number of days where snow depth is greater than or equal to threshold. """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, snd) out = threshold_count(snd, ">=", thresh, freq) return to_agg_units(out, snd, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(tasmin="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def tn_days_above( tasmin: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "20.0 degC", freq: str = "YS", op: str = ">", ): # noqa: D401 """Number of days with tasmin above a threshold (number of tropical nights). Number of days where daily minimum temperature exceeds a threshold. Parameters ---------- tasmin : xarray.DataArray Minimum daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. op : {">", ">=", "gt", "ge"} Comparison operation. Default: ">". Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Number of days where tasmin > threshold. Notes ----- Let :math:`TN_{ij}` be the daily minimum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then counted is the number of days where: .. math:: TN_{ij} > Threshold [℃] """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmin) f = threshold_count(tasmin, op, thresh, freq, constrain=(">", ">=")) return to_agg_units(f, tasmin, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(tasmin="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def tn_days_below( tasmin: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "-10.0 degC", freq: str = "YS", op: str = "<", ) -> xarray.DataArray: # noqa: D401 """Number of days with tasmin below a threshold. Number of days where daily minimum temperature is below a threshold. Parameters ---------- tasmin : xarray.DataArray Minimum daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. op : {"<", "<=", "lt", "le"} Comparison operation. Default: "<". Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Number of days where tasmin < threshold. Notes ----- Let :math:`TN_{ij}` be the daily minimum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then counted is the number of days where: .. math:: TN_{ij} < Threshold [℃] """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmin) f1 = threshold_count(tasmin, op, thresh, freq, constrain=("<", "<=")) return to_agg_units(f1, tasmin, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(tas="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def tg_days_above( tas: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "10.0 degC", freq: str = "YS", op: str = ">", ): # noqa: D401 """Number of days with tas above a threshold. Number of days where daily mean temperature exceeds a threshold. Parameters ---------- tas : xarray.DataArray Mean daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. op : {">", ">=", "gt", "ge"} Comparison operation. Default: ">". Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Number of days where tas > threshold. Notes ----- Let :math:`TG_{ij}` be the daily mean temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then counted is the number of days where: .. math:: TG_{ij} > Threshold [℃] """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tas) f = threshold_count(tas, op, thresh, freq, constrain=(">", ">=")) return to_agg_units(f, tas, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(tas="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def tg_days_below( tas: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "10.0 degC", freq: str = "YS", op: str = "<", ): # noqa: D401 """Number of days with tas below a threshold. Number of days where daily mean temperature is below a threshold. Parameters ---------- tas : xarray.DataArray Mean daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. op : {"<", "<=", "lt", "le"} Comparison operation. Default: "<". Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Number of days where tas < threshold. Notes ----- Let :math:`TG_{ij}` be the daily mean temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then counted is the number of days where: .. math:: TG_{ij} < Threshold [℃] """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tas) f1 = threshold_count(tas, op, thresh, freq, constrain=("<", "<=")) return to_agg_units(f1, tas, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(tasmax="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def tx_days_above( tasmax: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "25.0 degC", freq: str = "YS", op: str = ">", ) -> xarray.DataArray: # noqa: D401 """Number of days with tasmax above a threshold (number of summer days). Number of days where daily maximum temperature exceeds a threshold. Parameters ---------- tasmax : xarray.DataArray Maximum daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. op : {">", ">=", "gt", "ge"} Comparison operation. Default: ">". Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Number of days where tasmax > threshold (number of summer days). Notes ----- Let :math:`TX_{ij}` be the daily maximum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then counted is the number of days where: .. math:: TX_{ij} > Threshold [℃] """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmax) f = threshold_count(tasmax, op, thresh, freq, constrain=(">", ">=")) return to_agg_units(f, tasmax, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(tasmax="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def tx_days_below( tasmax: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "25.0 degC", freq: str = "YS", op: str = "<", ): # noqa: D401 """Number of days with tmax below a threshold. Number of days where daily maximum temperature is below a threshold. Parameters ---------- tasmax : xarray.DataArray Maximum daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. op : {"<", "<=", "lt", "le"} Comparison operation. Default: "<". Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Number of days where tasmin < threshold. Notes ----- Let :math:`TN_{ij}` be the daily minimum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then counted is the number of days where: .. math:: TN_{ij} < Threshold [℃] """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmax) f1 = threshold_count(tasmax, op, thresh, freq, constrain=("<", "<=")) return to_agg_units(f1, tasmax, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(tasmax="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def warm_day_frequency( tasmax: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "30 degC", freq: str = "YS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: """Frequency of extreme warm days. Return the number of days with tasmax > thresh per period Parameters ---------- tasmax : xarray.DataArray Mean daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Number of days with tasmax > threshold per period. Notes ----- Let :math:`TX_{ij}` be the daily maximum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then counted is the number of days where: .. math:: TN_{ij} > Threshold [℃] """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmax) events = threshold_count(tasmax, ">", thresh, freq) return to_agg_units(events, tasmax, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(tasmin="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def warm_night_frequency( tasmin: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "22 degC", freq: str = "YS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: """Frequency of extreme warm nights. Return the number of days with tasmin > thresh per period Parameters ---------- tasmin : xarray.DataArray Minimum daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Number of days with tasmin > threshold per period. """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmin) events = threshold_count(tasmin, ">", thresh, freq) return to_agg_units(events, tasmin, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(pr="[precipitation]", thresh="[precipitation]") def wetdays( pr: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "1.0 mm/day", freq: str = "YS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: """Wet days. Return the total number of days during period with precipitation over threshold. Parameters ---------- pr : xarray.DataArray Daily precipitation. thresh : str Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] The number of wet days for each period [day]. Examples -------- The following would compute for each grid cell of file `` the number days with precipitation over 5 mm at the seasonal frequency, ie DJF, MAM, JJA, SON, DJF, etc.: >>> from xclim.indices import wetdays >>> pr = xr.open_dataset(path_to_pr_file).pr >>> wd = wetdays(pr, thresh="5 mm/day", freq="QS-DEC") """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, pr, "hydro") wd = threshold_count(pr, ">=", thresh, freq) return to_agg_units(wd, pr, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(pr="[precipitation]", thresh="[precipitation]") def wetdays_prop( pr: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "1.0 mm/day", freq: str = "YS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: """Proportion of wet days. Return the proportion of days during period with precipitation over threshold. Parameters ---------- pr : xarray.DataArray Daily precipitation. thresh : str Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] The proportion of wet days for each period [1]. Examples -------- The following would compute for each grid cell of file `` the proportion of days with precipitation over 5 mm at the seasonal frequency, ie DJF, MAM, JJA, SON, DJF, etc.: >>> from xclim.indices import wetdays_prop >>> pr = xr.open_dataset(path_to_pr_file).pr >>> wd = wetdays_prop(pr, thresh="5 mm/day", freq="QS-DEC") """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, pr, "hydro") wd = compare(pr, ">=", thresh) fwd = wd.resample(time=freq).mean(dim="time").assign_attrs(units="1") return fwd
[docs]@declare_units(tasmin="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def maximum_consecutive_frost_days( tasmin: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "0.0 degC", freq: str = "AS-JUL", ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Maximum number of consecutive frost days (Tn < 0℃). The maximum number of consecutive days within the period where the temperature is under a certain threshold (default: 0°C). WARNING: The default freq value is valid for the northern hemisphere. Parameters ---------- tasmin : xarray.DataArray Minimum daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] The maximum number of consecutive frost days (tasmin < threshold per period). Notes ----- Let :math:`\mathbf{t}=t_0, t_1, \ldots, t_n` be a daily minimum temperature series and :math:`thresh` the threshold below which a day is considered a frost day. Let :math:`\mathbf{s}` be the sorted vector of indices :math:`i` where :math:`[t_i < thresh] \neq [t_{i+1} < thresh]`, that is, the days where the temperature crosses the threshold. Then the maximum number of consecutive frost free days is given by .. math:: \max(\mathbf{d}) \quad \mathrm{where} \quad d_j = (s_j - s_{j-1}) [t_{s_j} > thresh] where :math:`[P]` is 1 if :math:`P` is true, and 0 if false. Note that this formula does not handle sequences at the start and end of the series, but the numerical algorithm does. """ t = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmin) group = (tasmin < t).resample(time=freq) out =, dim="time") return to_agg_units(out, tasmin, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(pr="[precipitation]", thresh="[precipitation]") def maximum_consecutive_dry_days( pr: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "1 mm/day", freq: str = "YS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Maximum number of consecutive dry days. Return the maximum number of consecutive days within the period where precipitation is below a certain threshold. Parameters ---------- pr : xarray.DataArray Mean daily precipitation flux. thresh : str Threshold precipitation on which to base evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] The maximum number of consecutive dry days (precipitation < threshold per period). Notes ----- Let :math:`\mathbf{p}=p_0, p_1, \ldots, p_n` be a daily precipitation series and :math:`thresh` the threshold under which a day is considered dry. Then let :math:`\mathbf{s}` be the sorted vector of indices :math:`i` where :math:`[p_i < thresh] \neq [p_{i+1} < thresh]`, that is, the days where the precipitation crosses the threshold. Then the maximum number of consecutive dry days is given by .. math:: \max(\mathbf{d}) \quad \mathrm{where} \quad d_j = (s_j - s_{j-1}) [p_{s_j} > thresh] where :math:`[P]` is 1 if :math:`P` is true, and 0 if false. Note that this formula does not handle sequences at the start and end of the series, but the numerical algorithm does. """ t = convert_units_to(thresh, pr, "hydro") group = (pr < t).resample(time=freq) out =, dim="time") return to_agg_units(out, pr, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(tasmin="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def maximum_consecutive_frost_free_days( tasmin: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "0 degC", freq: str = "YS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Maximum number of consecutive frost free days (Tn >= 0℃). Return the maximum number of consecutive days within the period where the minimum temperature is above or equal to a certain threshold. Parameters ---------- tasmin : xarray.DataArray Minimum daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] The maximum number of consecutive frost free days (tasmin >= threshold per period). Notes ----- Let :math:`\mathbf{t}=t_0, t_1, \ldots, t_n` be a daily minimum temperature series and :math:`thresh` the threshold above or equal to which a day is considered a frost free day. Let :math:`\mathbf{s}` be the sorted vector of indices :math:`i` where :math:`[t_i <= thresh] \neq [t_{i+1} <= thresh]`, that is, the days where the temperature crosses the threshold. Then the maximum number of consecutive frost free days is given by: .. math:: \max(\mathbf{d}) \quad \mathrm{where} \quad d_j = (s_j - s_{j-1}) [t_{s_j} >= thresh] where :math:`[P]` is 1 if :math:`P` is true, and 0 if false. Note that this formula does not handle sequences at the start and end of the series, but the numerical algorithm does. """ t = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmin) group = (tasmin >= t).resample(time=freq) out =, dim="time") return to_agg_units(out, tasmin, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(tasmax="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def maximum_consecutive_tx_days( tasmax: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "25 degC", freq: str = "YS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Maximum number of consecutive days with tasmax above a threshold (summer days). Return the maximum number of consecutive days within the period where the maximum temperature is above a certain threshold. Parameters ---------- tasmax : xarray.DataArray Max daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] The maximum number of days with tasmax > thresh per periods (summer days). Notes ----- Let :math:`\mathbf{t}=t_0, t_1, \ldots, t_n` be a daily maximum temperature series and :math:`thresh` the threshold above which a day is considered a summer day. Let :math:`\mathbf{s}` be the sorted vector of indices :math:`i` where :math:`[t_i < thresh] \neq [t_{i+1} < thresh]`, that is, the days where the temperature crosses the threshold. Then the maximum number of consecutive dry days is given by: .. math:: \max(\mathbf{d}) \quad \mathrm{where} \quad d_j = (s_j - s_{j-1}) [t_{s_j} > thresh] where :math:`[P]` is 1 if :math:`P` is true, and 0 if false. Note that this formula does not handle sequences at the start and end of the series, but the numerical algorithm does. """ t = convert_units_to(thresh, tasmax) group = (tasmax > t).resample(time=freq) out =, dim="time") return to_agg_units(out, tasmax, "count")
[docs]@declare_units(siconc="[]", areacello="[area]", thresh="[]") def sea_ice_area( siconc: xarray.DataArray, areacello: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "15 pct" ) -> xarray.DataArray: """Total sea ice area. Sea ice area measures the total sea ice covered area where sea ice concentration is above a threshold, usually set to 15%. Parameters ---------- siconc : xarray.DataArray Sea ice concentration (area fraction). areacello : xarray.DataArray Grid cell area (usually over the ocean). thresh : str Minimum sea ice concentration for a grid cell to contribute to the sea ice extent. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [length]^2 Sea ice area. Notes ----- To compute sea ice area over a subregion, first mask or subset the input sea ice concentration data. References ---------- "What is the difference between sea ice area and extent?" - :cite:cts:`nsidc_frequently_2008` """ t = convert_units_to(thresh, siconc) factor = convert_units_to("100 pct", siconc) out = >= t, 0), areacello) / factor out.attrs["units"] = areacello.units return out
[docs]@declare_units(siconc="[]", areacello="[area]", thresh="[]") def sea_ice_extent( siconc: xarray.DataArray, areacello: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "15 pct" ) -> xarray.DataArray: """Total sea ice extent. Sea ice extent measures the *ice-covered* area, where a region is considered ice-covered if its sea ice concentration is above a threshold usually set to 15%. Parameters ---------- siconc : xarray.DataArray Sea ice concentration (area fraction). areacello : xarray.DataArray Grid cell area. thresh : str Minimum sea ice concentration for a grid cell to contribute to the sea ice extent. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [length]^2 Sea ice extent. Notes ----- To compute sea ice area over a subregion, first mask or subset the input sea ice concentration data. References ---------- "What is the difference between sea ice area and extent?" - :cite:cts:`nsidc_frequently_2008` """ t = convert_units_to(thresh, siconc) out = >= t, areacello) out.attrs["units"] = areacello.units return out
[docs]@declare_units(sfcWind="[speed]", thresh="[speed]") def windy_days( sfcWind: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "10.8 m s-1", freq: str = "MS" ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Windy days. The number of days with average near-surface wind speed above threshold. Parameters ---------- sfcWind : xarray.DataArray Daily average near-surface wind speed. thresh : str Threshold average near-surface wind speed on which to base evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Number of days with average near-surface wind speed above threshold. Notes ----- Let :math:`WS_{ij}` be the windspeed at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then counted is the number of days where: .. math:: WS_{ij} >= Threshold [m s-1] """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, sfcWind) out = threshold_count(sfcWind, ">=", thresh, freq) out = to_agg_units(out, sfcWind, "count") return out
[docs]@declare_units(tasmin="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]") def tropical_nights( tasmin: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "20.0 degC", freq: str = "YS", ) -> xarray.DataArray: """Tropical nights. The number of days with minimum daily temperature above threshold. Parameters ---------- tasmin : xarray.DataArray Minimum daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base evaluation. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [time] Number of days with minimum daily temperature above threshold. Notes ----- Let :math:`TN_{ij}` be the daily minimum temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`. Then counted is the number of days where: .. math:: TN_{ij} > Threshold [℃] Warnings -------- The `tropical_nights` indice is being deprecated in favour of `tn_days_above` with `thresh="20 degC"` by default. The indicator reflects this change. This indice will be removed in a future version of xclim. """ warnings.warn( "The `tropical_nights` indice is being deprecated in favour of `tn_days_above` with `thresh='20 degC'`. " "This indice will be removed in `xclim>=0.28.0`. Please update your scripts accordingly.", UserWarning, stacklevel=3, ) return tn_days_above(tasmin, thresh=thresh, freq=freq)
[docs]@declare_units(pr="[precipitation]", prc="[precipitation]", thresh="[precipitation]") def rprctot( pr: xarray.DataArray, prc: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "1.0 mm/day", freq: str = "YS", ) -> xarray.DataArray: """Proportion of accumulated precipitation arising from convective processes. Return the proportion of total accumulated precipitation due to convection on days with total precipitation exceeding a specified threshold during the given period. Parameters ---------- pr : xarray.DataArray Daily precipitation. prc : xarray.DataArray Daily convective precipitation. thresh : str Precipitation value over which a day is considered wet. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [dimensionless] The proportion of the total precipitation accounted for by convective precipitation for each period. """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, pr, "hydro") prc = convert_units_to(prc, pr) wd = compare(pr, ">=", thresh) pr_tot = rate2amount(pr).where(wd).resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time") prc_tot = rate2amount(prc).where(wd).resample(time=freq).sum(dim="time") ratio = prc_tot / pr_tot ratio = ratio.assign_attrs(units="") return ratio
[docs]@declare_units(tas="[temperature]", thresh="[temperature]", sum_thresh="K days") def degree_days_exceedance_date( tas: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "0 degC", sum_thresh: str = "25 K days", op: str = ">", after_date: DayOfYearStr = None, freq: str = "YS", ) -> xarray.DataArray: r"""Degree-days exceedance date. Day of year when the sum of degree days exceeds a threshold. Degree days are computed above or below a given temperature threshold. Parameters ---------- tas : xarray.DataArray Mean daily temperature. thresh : str Threshold temperature on which to base degree-days evaluation. sum_thresh : str Threshold of the degree days sum. op : {">", "gt", "<", "lt", ">=", "ge", "<=", "le"} If equivalent to '>', degree days are computed as `tas - thresh` and if equivalent to '<', they are computed as `thresh - tas`. after_date: str, optional Date at which to start the cumulative sum. In "mm-dd" format, defaults to the start of the sampling period. freq : str Resampling frequency. If `after_date` is given, `freq` should be annual. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray, [dimensionless] Degree-days exceedance date. Notes ----- Let :math:`TG_{ij}` be the daily mean temperature at day :math:`i` of period :math:`j`, :math:`T` is the reference threshold and :math:`ST` is the sum threshold. Then, starting at day :math:i_0:, the degree days exceedance date is the first day :math:`k` such that .. math:: \begin{cases} ST < \sum_{i=i_0}^{k} \max(TG_{ij} - T, 0) & \text{if $op$ is '>'} \\ ST < \sum_{i=i_0}^{k} \max(T - TG_{ij}, 0) & \text{if $op$ is '<'} \end{cases} The resulting :math:`k` is expressed as a day of year. Cumulated degree days have numerous applications including plant and insect phenology. See for examples (:cite:t:`wikipedia_contributors_growing_2021`). """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, "K") tas = convert_units_to(tas, "K") sum_thresh = convert_units_to(sum_thresh, "K days") if op in ["<", "<=", "lt", "le"]: c = thresh - tas elif op in [">", ">=", "gt", "ge"]: c = tas - thresh else: raise NotImplementedError(f"op: '{op}'.") def _exceedance_date(grp): strt_idx = rl.index_of_date(grp.time, after_date, max_idxs=1, default=0) if ( strt_idx.size == 0 ): # The date is not within the group. Happens at boundaries. return xarray.full_like(grp.isel(time=0), np.nan, float).drop_vars("time") # type: ignore return rl.first_run_after_date( grp.where(grp.time >= grp.time[strt_idx][0]).cumsum("time") > sum_thresh, window=1, date=None, ) out = c.clip(0).resample(time=freq).map(_exceedance_date) out.attrs.update(units="", is_dayofyear=np.int32(1), calendar=get_calendar(tas)) return out
[docs]@declare_units(snd="[length]", thresh="[length]") def winter_storm( snd: xarray.DataArray, thresh: str = "25 cm", freq: str = "AS-JUL" ) -> xarray.DataArray: """Days with snowfall over threshold. Number of days with snowfall accumulation greater or equal to threshold. Parameters ---------- snd : xarray.DataArray Surface snow depth. thresh : str Threshold on snowfall accumulation require to label an event a `winter storm`. freq : str Resampling frequency. Returns ------- xarray.DataArray Number of days per period identified as winter storms. Notes ----- Snowfall accumulation is estimated by the change in snow depth. """ thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, snd) # Compute daily accumulation acc = snd.diff(dim="time") # Winter storm condition out = threshold_count(acc, ">=", thresh, freq) out.attrs["units"] = to_agg_units(out, snd, "count") return out