Source code for xclim.sdba.nbutils

Numba-accelerated utilities
import numpy as np
from numba import boolean, float32, float64, guvectorize, njit
from xarray import DataArray
from xarray.core import utils

    [(float32[:], float32, float32[:]), (float64[:], float64, float64[:])],
def _vecquantiles(arr, rnk, res):
    if np.isnan(rnk):
        res[0] = np.NaN
        res[0] = np.nanquantile(arr, rnk)

[docs]def vecquantiles(da, rnk, dim): """For when the quantile (rnk) is different for each point. da and rnk must share all dimensions but dim. """ tem = utils.get_temp_dimname(da.dims, "temporal") dims = [dim] if isinstance(dim, str) else dim da = da.stack({tem: dims}) da = da.transpose(*rnk.dims, tem) res = DataArray( _vecquantiles(da.values, rnk.values), dims=rnk.dims, coords=rnk.coords, attrs=da.attrs, ) return res
@njit( [ float32[:, :](float32[:, :], float32[:]), float64[:, :](float64[:, :], float64[:]), float32[:](float32[:], float32[:]), float64[:](float64[:], float64[:]), ], ) def _quantile(arr, q): if arr.ndim == 1: out = np.empty((q.size,), dtype=arr.dtype) out[:] = np.nanquantile(arr, q) else: out = np.empty((arr.shape[0], q.size), dtype=arr.dtype) for index in range(out.shape[0]): out[index] = np.nanquantile(arr[index], q) return out
[docs]def quantile(da, q, dim): """Compute the quantiles from a fixed list "q" """ # We have two cases : # - When all dims are processed : we stack them and use _quantile1d # - When the quantiles are vectorized over some dims, these are also stacked and then _quantile2D is used. # All this stacking is so we can cover all ND+1D cases with one numba function. # Stack the dims and send to the last position # This is in case there are more than one dims = [dim] if isinstance(dim, str) else dim tem = utils.get_temp_dimname(da.dims, "temporal") da = da.stack({tem: dims}) # So we cut in half the definitions to declare in numba # We still use q as the coords so it corresponds to what was done upstream if not hasattr(q, "dtype") or q.dtype != da.dtype: qc = np.array(q, dtype=da.dtype) else: qc = q if len(da.dims) > 1: # There are some extra dims extra = utils.get_temp_dimname(da.dims, "extra") da = da.stack({extra: set(da.dims) - {tem}}) da = da.transpose(..., tem) res = DataArray( _quantile(da.values, qc), dims=(extra, "quantiles"), coords={extra: da[extra], "quantiles": q}, attrs=da.attrs, ).unstack(extra) else: # All dims are processed res = DataArray( _quantile(da.values, qc), dims=("quantiles"), coords={"quantiles": q}, attrs=da.attrs, ) return res
@njit([float32[:, :](float32[:, :]), float64[:, :](float64[:, :])]) def remove_NaNs(x): remove = np.zeros_like(x[0, :], dtype=boolean) for i in range(x.shape[0]): remove = remove | np.isnan(x[i, :]) return x[:, ~remove] @njit([float32(float32[:]), float64(float64[:])], fastmath=True) def _euclidean_norm(v): """Compute the euclidean norm of vector v.""" return np.sqrt(np.sum(v ** 2)) @njit( [float32(float32[:, :], float32[:, :]), float64(float64[:, :], float64[:, :])], fastmath=True, ) def _correlation(X, Y): """Compute a correlation as the mean of pairwise distances between points in X and Y. X is KxN and Y is KxM, the result is the mean of the MxN distances. Similar to scipy.spatial.distance.cdist(X, Y, 'euclidean') """ d = 0 for i in range(X.shape[1]): for j in range(Y.shape[1]): d += _euclidean_norm(X[:, i] - Y[:, j]) return d / (X.shape[1] * Y.shape[1]) @njit([float32(float32[:, :]), float64(float64[:, :])], fastmath=True) def _autocorrelation(X): """Mean of the NxN pairwise distances of points in X of shape KxN. Similar to scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(..., 'euclidean') """ d = 0 for i in range(X.shape[1]): for j in range(i + 1): d += (int(i != j) + 1) * _euclidean_norm(X[:, i] - X[:, j]) return d / X.shape[1] ** 2 @guvectorize( [ (float32[:, :], float32[:, :], float32[:]), (float64[:, :], float64[:, :], float64[:]), ], "(k, n),(k, m)->()", ) def _escore(tgt, sim, out): """E-score based on the Skezely-Rizzo e-distances between clusters. tgt and sim are KxN and KxM, where dimensions are along K and observations along M and N. When N > 0, only this many points of target and sim are used, taken evenly distributed in the series. When std is True, X and Y are standardized according to the nanmean and nanstd (ddof = 1) of X. """ sim = remove_NaNs(sim) tgt = remove_NaNs(tgt) n1 = sim.shape[1] n2 = tgt.shape[1] sXY = _correlation(tgt, sim) sXX = _autocorrelation(tgt) sYY = _autocorrelation(sim) w = n1 * n2 / (n1 + n2) out[0] = w * (sXY + sXY - sXX - sYY) / 2