Source code for xclim.sdba.loess

LOESS smoothing
from typing import Callable, Optional, Union
from warnings import warn

import numba
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr

def _gaussian_weighting(x):  # pragma: no cover
    Kernel function for loess with a gaussian shape.

    The span f covers 95% of the gaussian.
    w = np.exp(-(x ** 2) / (2 * (1 / 1.96) ** 2))
    w[x >= 1] = 0
    return w

def _tricube_weighting(x):  # pragma: no cover
    """Kernel function for loess with a tricubic shape."""
    w = (1 - x ** 3) ** 3
    w[x >= 1] = 0
    return w

def _constant_regression(xi, x, y, w):  # pragma: no cover
    return (w * y).sum() / w.sum()

def _linear_regression(xi, x, y, w):  # pragma: no cover
    b = np.array([np.sum(w * y), np.sum(w * y * x)])
    A = np.array([[np.sum(w), np.sum(w * x)], [np.sum(w * x), np.sum(w * x * x)]])
    beta = np.linalg.solve(A, b)
    return beta[0] + beta[1] * xi

def _loess_nb(
):  # pragma: no cover
    """1D Locally weighted regression: fits a nonparametric regression curve to a scatterplot.

    The arrays x and y contain an equal number of elements; each pair (x[i], y[i]) defines
    a data point in the scatterplot. The function returns the estimated (smooth) values of y.

    Users should call `utils.loess_smoothing`. See that function for the main documentation.

    x : np.ndarray
      X-coordinates of the points.
    y : np.ndarray
      Y-coordinates of the points.
    f : float
      Parameter controling the shape of the weight curve. Behavior depends on the weighting function.
    niter : int
      Number of robustness iterations to execute.
    weight_func : numba func
      Numba function giving the weights when passed abs(x - xi) / hi
    dx : float
      The spacing of the x coordinates. If above 0, this enables the optimization for equally spaced x coordinates.
      Must be 0 if spacing is unequal (default).

    Code adapted from
    Cleveland, W. S., 1979. Robust Locally Weighted Regression and Smoothing Scatterplot, Journal of the American Statistical Association 74, 829–836.
    n = x.size
    yest = np.zeros(n)
    delta = np.ones(n)

    # Number of points included in the weights calculation
    if dx == 0:
        # No opt. directly the nearest int
        r = int(np.round(f * n))
        # With unequal spacing, the rth closest point could be up to r points on either size.
        HW = min(r + 2, n)
        R = min(2 * HW, n)
        # Equal spacing, Nearest odd number equal or above f * n
        r = int(2 * (f * n // 2) + 1)
        # half width of the weights
        hw = int((r - 1) / 2)
        # Number of values sent to the weigth func. Just a bit larger than the window.
        R = min(r + 4, n)
        HW = hw + 2

    for iteration in range(niter):
        for i in range(n):
            # We can pass only a subset of the arrays as we already know where the rth closest point will be.
            if i < HW:
                xi = x[:R]
                yi = y[:R]
                di = delta[:R]
            elif i >= n - HW - 1:
                di = delta[n - R :]
                xi = x[n - R :]
                yi = y[n - R :]
                di = delta[i - HW : i + HW + 1]
                xi = x[i - HW : i + HW + 1]
                yi = y[i - HW : i + HW + 1]

            if dx > 0:
                # When x is equally spaced, we don't need to recompute the weights each time.
                # We can also skip the sorting part.
                # However, contrary to a moving mean, the weights change shape near the edges
                if i <= HW or i >= n - HW:
                    # Near the edges and on the first iteration away from them,
                    # compute the weights.
                    diffs = np.abs(xi - x[i])

                    if i < hw:
                        h = (r - i) * dx
                    elif i >= n - hw:
                        h = (i - (n - r) + 1) * dx
                        h = (hw + 1) * dx
                    wi = weight_func(diffs / h)
                w = di * wi
                # The weights computation is repeated niter times
                # The distance of points from the current centre point.
                diffs = np.abs(xi - x[i])
                # h is the distance of the rth closest point.
                h = np.sort(diffs)[r]
                # The weights will be 0 everywhere diffs > h.
                w = di * weight_func(diffs / h)
            yest[i] = reg_func(x[i], xi, yi, w)

        if iteration < niter - 1:
            residuals = y - yest
            s = np.median(np.abs(residuals))
            xres = residuals / (6.0 * s)
            delta = (1 - xres ** 2) ** 2
            delta[np.abs(xres) >= 1] = 0

    return yest

[docs]def loess_smoothing( da: xr.DataArray, dim: str = "time", d: int = 1, f: float = 0.5, niter: int = 2, weights: Union[str, Callable] = "tricube", equal_spacing: Optional[bool] = None, ): r"""Locally weighted regression in 1D: fits a nonparametric regression curve to a scatterplot. Returns a smoothed curve along given dimension. The regression is computed for each point using a subset of neigboring points as given from evaluating the weighting function locally. Follows the procedure of [Cleveland1979]_. Parameters ---------- da: xr.DataArray The data to smooth using the loess approach. dim : str Name of the dimension along which to perform the loess. d : [0, 1] Degree of the local regression. f : float Parameter controlling the shape of the weight curve. Behavior depends on the weighting function, but it usually represents the span of the weighting function in reference to x-coordinates normalized from 0 to 1. niter : int Number of robustness iterations to execute. weights : ["tricube", "gaussian"] or callable Shape of the weighting function, see notes. The user can provide a function or a string: "tricube" : a smooth top-hat like curve. "gaussian" : a gaussian curve, f gives the span for 95% of the values. equal_spacing : bool, optional Whether to use the equal spacing optimization. If None (the default), it is activated only if the x axis is equally-spaced. When activated, `dx = x[1] - x[0]`. Notes ----- As stated in [Cleveland1979]_, the weighting function :math:`W(x)` should respect the following conditions: - :math:`W(x) > 0` for :math:`|x| < 1` - :math:`W(-x) = W(x)` - :math:`W(x)` is nonincreasing for :math:`x \ge 0` - :math:`W(x) = 0` for :math:`|x| \ge 0` If a callable is provided, it should only accept the 1D `np.ndarray` :math:`x` which is an absolute value function going from 1 to 0 to 1 around :math:`x_i`, for all values where :math:`x - x_i < h_i` with :math:`h_i` the distance of the rth nearest neighbor of :math:`x_i`, :math:`r = f * size(x)`. References ---------- .. [Cleveland1979] Cleveland, W. S., 1979. Robust Locally Weighted Regression and Smoothing Scatterplot, Journal of the American Statistical Association 74, 829–836. Code adapted from """ x = da[dim] x = ((x - x[0]) / (x[-1] - x[0])).astype(float) weight_func = {"tricube": _tricube_weighting, "gaussian": _gaussian_weighting}.get( weights, weights ) reg_func = {0: _constant_regression, 1: _linear_regression}[d] diffx = np.diff(da[dim]) if np.all(diffx == diffx[0]): if equal_spacing is None: equal_spacing = True elif equal_spacing: warn( "The equal spacing optimization was requested, but the x axis is not equally spaced. Strange results might occur." ) if equal_spacing: dx = float(x[1] - x[0]) else: dx = 0 return xr.apply_ufunc( _loess_nb, x, da, input_core_dims=[[dim], [dim]], output_core_dims=[[dim]], vectorize=True, kwargs={ "f": f, "weight_func": weight_func, "niter": niter, "reg_func": reg_func, "dx": dx, }, dask="parallelized", output_dtypes=[float], )