Source code for xclim.core.formatting

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# noqa: D205,D400
Formatting utilities for indicators
import datetime as dt
import re
import string
from ast import literal_eval
from fnmatch import fnmatch
from typing import Dict, Mapping, Optional, Sequence, Union

import xarray as xr

from .utils import InputKind

[docs]class AttrFormatter(string.Formatter): """A formatter for frequently used attribute values. See the doc of format_field() for more details. """ def __init__( self, mapping: Mapping[str, Sequence[str]], modifiers: Sequence[str], ) -> None: """Initialize the formatter. Parameters ---------- mapping : Mapping[str, Sequence[str]] A mapping from values to their possible variations. modifiers : Sequence[str] The list of modifiers, must be the as long as the longest value of `mapping`. Cannot include reserved modifier 'r'. """ super().__init__() if "r" in modifiers: raise ValueError("Modifier 'r' is reserved for default raw formatting.") self.modifiers = modifiers self.mapping = mapping
[docs] def format_field(self, value, format_spec): """Format a value given a formatting spec. If `format_spec` is in this Formatter's modifiers, the corresponding variation of value is given. If `format_spec` is 'r' (raw), the value is returned unmodified. If `format_spec` is not specified but `value` is in the mapping, the first variation is returned. Examples -------- Let's say the string "The dog is {adj1}, the goose is {adj2}" is to be translated to french and that we know that possible values of `adj` are `nice` and `evil`. In french, the genre of the noun changes the adjective (cat = chat is masculine, and goose = oie is feminine) so we initialize the formatter as: >>> fmt = AttrFormatter({'nice': ['beau', 'belle'], 'evil' : ['méchant', 'méchante'], 'smart': ['intelligent', 'intelligente']}, ['m', 'f']) >>> fmt.format("Le chien est {adj1:m}, l'oie est {adj2:f}, le gecko est {adj3:r}", adj1='nice', adj2='evil', adj3='smart') "Le chien est beau, l'oie est méchante, le gecko est smart" The base values may be given using unix shell-like patterns: >>> fmt = AttrFormatter({'AS-*': ['annuel', 'annuelle'], 'MS' : ['mensuel', 'mensuelle']}, ['m', 'f']) >>> fmt.format("La moyenne {freq:f} est faite sur un échantillon {src_timestep:m}", freq='AS-JUL', src_timestep='MS') 'La moyenne annuelle est faite sur un échantillon mensuel' """ baseval = self._match_value(value) if baseval is not None and not format_spec: return self.mapping[baseval][0] if format_spec in self.modifiers: if baseval is not None: return self.mapping[baseval][self.modifiers.index(format_spec)] raise ValueError( f"No known mapping for string '{value}' with modifier '{format_spec}'" ) elif format_spec == "r": return super().format_field(value, "") return super().format_field(value, format_spec)
def _match_value(self, value): if isinstance(value, str): for mapval in self.mapping.keys(): if fnmatch(value, mapval): return mapval return None
# Tag mappings between keyword arguments and long-form text. default_formatter = AttrFormatter( { # Arguments to "freq" "YS": ["annual", "years"], "AS-*": ["annual", "years"], "MS": ["monthly", "months"], "QS-*": ["seasonal", "seasons"], # Arguments to "indexer" "DJF": ["winter"], "MAM": ["spring"], "JJA": ["summer"], "SON": ["fall"], "norm": ["Normal"], "m1": ["january"], "m2": ["february"], "m3": ["march"], "m4": ["april"], "m5": ["may"], "m6": ["june"], "m7": ["july"], "m8": ["august"], "m9": ["september"], "m10": ["october"], "m11": ["november"], "m12": ["december"], # Arguments to "op / reducer" "mean": ["average"], "max": ["maximal", "maximum"], "min": ["minimal", "minimum"], "sum": ["total", "sum"], "std": ["standard deviation"], }, ["adj", "noun"], )
[docs]def parse_doc(doc: str) -> Dict[str, str]: """Crude regex parsing reading an indice docstring and extracting information needed in indicator construction. The appropriate docstring syntax is detailed in :ref:`Defining new indices`. Parameters ---------- doc : str The docstring of an indice function. Returns ------- dict A dictionary with all parsed sections. """ if doc is None: return dict() out = dict() sections = re.split(r"(\w+\s?\w+)\n\s+-{3,50}", doc) # obj.__doc__.split('\n\n') intro = sections.pop(0) if intro: intro_content = list(map(str.strip, intro.strip().split("\n\n"))) if len(intro_content) == 1: out["title"] = intro_content[0] elif len(intro_content) >= 2: out["title"], abstract = intro_content[:2] out["abstract"] = " ".join(map(str.strip, abstract.splitlines())) for i in range(0, len(sections), 2): header, content = sections[i : i + 2] if header in ["Notes", "References"]: out[header.lower()] = content.replace("\n ", "\n").strip() elif header == "Parameters": out["parameters"] = _parse_parameters(content) elif header == "Returns": rets = _parse_returns(content) if rets: meta = list(rets.values())[0] if "long_name" in meta: out["long_name"] = meta["long_name"] return out
def _parse_parameters(section): """Parse the parameters section of a docstring into a dictionary mapping the parameter name to its description and, potentially, to its set of choices. The type annotation are not parsed, except for fixed sets of values (listed as "{'a', 'b', 'c'}"). The annotation parsing only accepts strings, numbers, `None` and `nan` (to represent `numpy.nan`). """ curr_key = None params = {} for line in section.split("\n"): if line.startswith(" " * 6): # description s = " " if params[curr_key]["description"] else "" params[curr_key]["description"] += s + line.strip() elif line.startswith(" " * 4) and ":" in line: # param title name, annot = line.split(":", maxsplit=1) curr_key = name.strip() params[curr_key] = {"description": ""} match =".*(\{.*\}).*", annot) if match: try: choices = literal_eval(match.groups()[0]) params[curr_key]["choices"] = choices except ValueError: pass return params def _parse_returns(section): """Parse the returns section of a docstring into a dictionary mapping the parameter name to its description.""" curr_key = None params = {} for line in section.split("\n"): if line.strip(): if line.startswith(" " * 6): # long_name s = " " if params[curr_key]["long_name"] else "" params[curr_key]["long_name"] += s + line.strip() elif line.startswith(" " * 4): # param title annot, *name = reversed(line.split(":", maxsplit=1)) if name: curr_key = name[0].strip() else: curr_key = None params[curr_key] = {"long_name": ""} annot, *unit = annot.split(",", maxsplit=1) if unit: params[curr_key]["units"] = unit[0].strip() return params
[docs]def merge_attributes( attribute: str, *inputs_list: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset], new_line: str = "\n", missing_str: Optional[str] = None, **inputs_kws: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset], ): r""" Merge attributes from several DataArrays or Datasets. If more than one input is given, its name (if available) is prepended as: "<input name> : <input attribute>". Parameters ---------- attribute : str The attribute to merge. inputs_list : Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset] The datasets or variables that were used to produce the new object. Inputs given that way will be prefixed by their `name` attribute if available. new_line : str The character to put between each instance of the attributes. Usually, in CF-conventions, the history attributes uses '\\n' while cell_methods uses ' '. missing_str : str A string that is printed if an input doesn't have the attribute. Defaults to None, in which case the input is simply skipped. inputs_kws : Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset] Mapping from names to the datasets or variables that were used to produce the new object. Inputs given that way will be prefixes by the passed name. Returns ------- str The new attribute made from the combination of the ones from all the inputs. """ inputs = [] for in_ds in inputs_list: inputs.append((getattr(in_ds, "name", None), in_ds)) inputs += list(inputs_kws.items()) merged_attr = "" for in_name, in_ds in inputs: if attribute in in_ds.attrs or missing_str is not None: if in_name is not None and len(inputs) > 1: merged_attr += f"{in_name}: " merged_attr += in_ds.attrs.get( attribute, "" if in_name is None else missing_str ) merged_attr += new_line if len(new_line) > 0: return merged_attr[: -len(new_line)] # Remove the last added new_line return merged_attr
[docs]def update_history( hist_str: str, *inputs_list: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset], new_name: Optional[str] = None, **inputs_kws: Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset], ): """Return an history string with the timestamped message and the combination of the history of all inputs. The new history entry is formatted as "[<timestamp>] <new_name>: <hist_str> - xclim version: <xclim.__version__>." Parameters ---------- hist_str : str The string describing what has been done on the data. new_name : Optional[str] The name of the newly created variable or dataset to prefix hist_msg. *inputs_list : Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset] The datasets or variables that were used to produce the new object. Inputs given that way will be prefixed by their "name" attribute if available. **inputs_kws : Union[xr.DataArray, xr.Dataset] Mapping from names to the datasets or variables that were used to produce the new object. Inputs given that way will be prefixes by the passed name. Returns ------- str The combine history of all inputs starting with `hist_str`. See Also -------- merge_attributes """ from xclim import __version__ # pylint: disable=cyclic-import merged_history = merge_attributes( "history", *inputs_list, new_line="\n", missing_str="", **inputs_kws, ) if len(merged_history) > 0 and not merged_history.endswith("\n"): merged_history += "\n" merged_history += f"[{ %H:%M:%S}] {new_name or ''}: {hist_str} - xclim version: {__version__}." return merged_history
[docs]def prefix_attrs(source, keys, prefix): """Rename some of the keys of a dictionary by adding a prefix. Parameters ---------- source : dict Source dictionary, for example data attributes. keys : sequence Names of keys to prefix. prefix : str Prefix to prepend to keys. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of attributes with some keys prefixed. """ out = {} for key, val in source.items(): if key in keys: out[f"{prefix}{key}"] = val else: out[key] = val return out
[docs]def unprefix_attrs(source, keys, prefix): """Remove prefix from keys in a dictionary. Parameters ---------- source : dict Source dictionary, for example data attributes. keys : sequence Names of original keys for which prefix should be removed. prefix : str Prefix to remove from keys. Returns ------- dict Dictionary of attributes whose keys were prefixed, with prefix removed. """ out = {} n = len(prefix) for key, val in source.items(): k = key[n:] if (k in keys) and key.startswith(prefix): out[k] = val elif key not in out: out[key] = val return out
KIND_ANNOTATION = { InputKind.VARIABLE: "str or DataArray", InputKind.OPTIONAL_VARIABLE: "str or DataArray, optional", InputKind.QUANTITY_STR: "quantity (string with units)", InputKind.FREQ_STR: "offset alias (string)", InputKind.NUMBER: "number", InputKind.NUMBER_SEQUENCE: "number or sequence of numbers", InputKind.STRING: "str", InputKind.DAY_OF_YEAR: "date (string, MM-DD)", InputKind.DATE: "date (string, YYYY-MM-DD)", InputKind.BOOL: "boolean", InputKind.DATASET: "Dataset, optional", InputKind.KWARGS: "", InputKind.OTHER_PARAMETER: "Any", } def _gen_parameters_section(names, parameters, allowed_periods=None): """Generate the "parameters" section of the indicator docstring. Parameters ---------- names : Sequence[str] Names of the input parameters, in order. Usually `Ind._parameters`. parameters : Mapping[str, Any] Parameters dictionary. Usually `Ind.parameters`, As this is missing `ds`, it is added explicitly. """ section = "Parameters\n----------\n" for name in names: if name == "ds": descstr = "Input dataset." defstr = "Default: None." unitstr = "" annotstr = "Dataset, optional" else: param = parameters[name] descstr = param["description"] if param["kind"] == InputKind.FREQ_STR and allowed_periods is not None: descstr += ( f" Restricted to frequencies equivalent to one of {allowed_periods}" ) if param["kind"] == InputKind.VARIABLE: defstr = f"Default : `ds.{param['default']}`. " elif param["kind"] == InputKind.OPTIONAL_VARIABLE: defstr = "" else: defstr = f"Default : {param['default']}. " if "choices" in param: annotstr = str(param["choices"]) else: annotstr = KIND_ANNOTATION[param["kind"]] if param.get("units", False): unitstr = f"[Required units : {param['units']}]" else: unitstr = "" section += f"{name} : {annotstr}\n {descstr}\n {defstr}{unitstr}\n" return section def _gen_returns_section(cfattrs): """Generate the "Returns" section of an indicator's docstring. Parameters ---------- cfattrs : Sequence[Dict[str, Any]] The list of cf attributes, usually Indicator.cf_attrs. """ section = "Returns\n-------\n" for attrs in cfattrs: section += f"{attrs['var_name']} : DataArray\n" section += f" {attrs.get('long_name', '')}" if "standard_name" in attrs: section += f" ({attrs['standard_name']})" if "units" in attrs: section += f" [{attrs['units']}]" section += "\n" for key, attr in attrs.items(): if key not in ["long_name", "standard_name", "units", "var_name"]: if callable(attr): attr = "<Dynamically generated string>" section += f" {key}: {attr}\n" return section
[docs]def generate_indicator_docstring(ind): """Generate an indicator's docstring from keywords. Parameters ---------- ind: Indicator class """ header = f"{ind.title} (realm: {ind.realm})\n\n{ind.abstract}\n" special = f'This indicator will check for missing values according to the method "{ind.missing}".\n' if hasattr(ind.compute, "__module__"): special += f"Based on indice :py:func:`{ind.compute.__module__}.{ind.compute.__name__}`.\n" if hasattr(ind.compute, "_injected"): special += "With injected parameters: " special += ( ", ".join([f"{k}={v}" for k, v in ind.compute._injected.items()]) + ".\n" ) if ind.keywords: special += f"Keywords : {ind.keywords}.\n" parameters = _gen_parameters_section( ind._parameters, ind.parameters, ind.allowed_periods ) returns = _gen_returns_section(ind.cf_attrs) extras = "" for section in ["notes", "references"]: if getattr(ind, section): extras += f"{section.capitalize()}\n{'-' * len(section)}\n{getattr(ind, section)}\n\n" doc = f"{header}\n{special}\n{parameters}\n{returns}\n{extras}" return doc
[docs]def parse_cell_methods(cell_methods: Sequence[Mapping[str, str]]) -> str: """Parse cell methods as YAML reads them into a string.""" methods = [] for cell_method in cell_methods: methods.append("".join([f"{dim}: {meth}" for dim, meth in cell_method.items()])) return " ".join(methods)