Source code for xclim.sdba.processing

# pylint: disable=missing-kwoa
Pre- and Post-Processing Submodule
from __future__ import annotations

import warnings
from import Sequence

import dask.array as dsk
import numpy as np
import xarray as xr
from xarray.core.utils import get_temp_dimname

from xclim.core.calendar import (
from xclim.core.formatting import update_xclim_history
from xclim.core.units import convert_units_to, infer_context, units
from xclim.core.utils import uses_dask

from ._processing import _adapt_freq, _normalize, _reordering
from .base import Grouper
from .nbutils import _escore
from .utils import ADDITIVE, copy_all_attrs

[docs] @update_xclim_history def adapt_freq( ref: xr.DataArray, sim: xr.DataArray, *, group: Grouper | str, thresh: str = "0 mm d-1", ) -> tuple[xr.DataArray, xr.DataArray, xr.DataArray]: r""" Adapt frequency of values under thresh of `sim`, in order to match ref. This is useful when the dry-day frequency in the simulations is higher than in the references. This function will create new non-null values for `sim`/`hist`, so that adjustment factors are less wet-biased. Based on :cite:t:`sdba-themesl_empirical-statistical_2012`. Parameters ---------- ref : xr.Dataset Target/reference data, usually observed data, with a "time" dimension. sim : xr.Dataset Simulated data, with a "time" dimension. group : str or Grouper Grouping information, see base.Grouper thresh : str Threshold below which values are considered zero, a quantity with units. Returns ------- sim_adj : xr.DataArray Simulated data with the same frequency of values under threshold than ref. Adjustment is made group-wise. pth : xr.DataArray For each group, the smallest value of sim that was not frequency-adjusted. All values smaller were either left as zero values or given a random value between thresh and pth. NaN where frequency adaptation wasn't needed. dP0 : xr.DataArray For each group, the percentage of values that were corrected in sim. Notes ----- With :math:`P_0^r` the frequency of values under threshold :math:`T_0` in the reference (ref) and :math:`P_0^s` the same for the simulated values, :math:`\\Delta P_0 = \\frac{P_0^s - P_0^r}{P_0^s}`, when positive, represents the proportion of values under :math:`T_0` that need to be corrected. The correction replaces a proportion :math:`\\Delta P_0` of the values under :math:`T_0` in sim by a uniform random number between :math:`T_0` and :math:`P_{th}`, where :math:`P_{th} = F_{ref}^{-1}( F_{sim}( T_0 ) )` and `F(x)` is the empirical cumulative distribution function (CDF). References ---------- :cite:cts:`sdba-themesl_empirical-statistical_2012` """ with units.context(infer_context(ref.attrs.get("standard_name"))): sim = convert_units_to(sim, ref) thresh = convert_units_to(thresh, ref) out = _adapt_freq(xr.Dataset(dict(sim=sim, ref=ref)), group=group, thresh=thresh) # Set some metadata copy_all_attrs(out, sim) out.sim_ad.attrs.update(sim.attrs) out.sim_ad.attrs.update( references="Themeßl et al. (2012), Empirical-statistical downscaling and error correction of regional climate " "models and its impact on the climate change signal, Climatic Change, DOI 10.1007/s10584-011-0224-4." ) out.pth.attrs.update( long_name="Smallest value of the timeseries not corrected by frequency adaptation.", units=sim.units, ) out.dP0.attrs.update( long_name=f"Proportion of values smaller than {thresh} in the timeseries corrected by frequency adaptation", ) return out.sim_ad, out.pth, out.dP0
[docs] def jitter_under_thresh(x: xr.DataArray, thresh: str) -> xr.DataArray: """Replace values smaller than threshold by a uniform random noise. Warnings -------- Not to be confused with R's jitter, which adds uniform noise instead of replacing values. Parameters ---------- x : xr.DataArray Values. thresh : str Threshold under which to add uniform random noise to values, a quantity with units. Returns ------- xr.DataArray Notes ----- If thresh is high, this will change the mean value of x. """ return jitter(x, lower=thresh, upper=None, minimum=None, maximum=None)
[docs] def jitter_over_thresh(x: xr.DataArray, thresh: str, upper_bnd: str) -> xr.DataArray: """Replace values greater than threshold by a uniform random noise. Warnings -------- Not to be confused with R's jitter, which adds uniform noise instead of replacing values. Parameters ---------- x : xr.DataArray Values. thresh : str Threshold over which to add uniform random noise to values, a quantity with units. upper_bnd : str Maximum possible value for the random noise, a quantity with units. Returns ------- xr.DataArray Notes ----- If thresh is low, this will change the mean value of x. """ return jitter(x, lower=None, upper=thresh, minimum=None, maximum=upper_bnd)
[docs] @update_xclim_history def jitter( x: xr.DataArray, lower: str | None = None, upper: str | None = None, minimum: str | None = None, maximum: str | None = None, ) -> xr.DataArray: """Replace values under a threshold and values above another by a uniform random noise. Warnings -------- Not to be confused with R's `jitter`, which adds uniform noise instead of replacing values. Parameters ---------- x : xr.DataArray Values. lower : str, optional Threshold under which to add uniform random noise to values, a quantity with units. If None, no jittering is performed on the lower end. upper : str, optional Threshold over which to add uniform random noise to values, a quantity with units. If None, no jittering is performed on the upper end. minimum : str, optional Lower limit (excluded) for the lower end random noise, a quantity with units. If None but `lower` is not None, 0 is used. maximum : str, optional Upper limit (excluded) for the upper end random noise, a quantity with units. If `upper` is not None, it must be given. Returns ------- xr.DataArray Same as `x` but values < lower are replaced by a uniform noise in range (minimum, lower) and values >= upper are replaced by a uniform noise in range [upper, maximum). The two noise distributions are independent. """ with units.context(infer_context(x.attrs.get("standard_name"))): out = x notnull = x.notnull() if lower is not None: lower = convert_units_to(lower, x) minimum = convert_units_to(minimum, x) if minimum is not None else 0 minimum = minimum + np.finfo(x.dtype).eps if uses_dask(x): jitter = dsk.random.uniform( low=minimum, high=lower, size=x.shape, chunks=x.chunks ) else: jitter = np.random.uniform(low=minimum, high=lower, size=x.shape) out = out.where(~((x < lower) & notnull), jitter.astype(x.dtype)) if upper is not None: if maximum is None: raise ValueError("If 'upper' is given, so must 'maximum'.") upper = convert_units_to(upper, x) maximum = convert_units_to(maximum, x) if uses_dask(x): jitter = dsk.random.uniform( low=upper, high=maximum, size=x.shape, chunks=x.chunks ) else: jitter = np.random.uniform(low=upper, high=maximum, size=x.shape) out = out.where(~((x >= upper) & notnull), jitter.astype(x.dtype)) copy_all_attrs(out, x) # copy attrs and same units return out
[docs] @update_xclim_history def normalize( data: xr.DataArray, norm: xr.DataArray | None = None, *, group: Grouper | str, kind: str = ADDITIVE, ) -> tuple[xr.DataArray, xr.DataArray]: """Normalize an array by removing its mean. Normalization if performed group-wise and according to `kind`. Parameters ---------- data : xr.DataArray The variable to normalize. norm : xr.DataArray, optional If present, it is used instead of computing the norm again. group : str or Grouper Grouping information. See :py:class:`xclim.sdba.base.Grouper` for details.. kind : {'+', '*'} If `kind` is "+", the mean is subtracted from the mean and if it is '*', it is divided from the data. Returns ------- xr.DataArray Groupwise anomaly. norm : xr.DataArray Mean over each group. """ ds = xr.Dataset(dict(data=data)) if norm is not None: norm = convert_units_to( norm, data, context=infer_context(data.attrs.get("standard_name")) ) ds = ds.assign(norm=norm) out = _normalize(ds, group=group, kind=kind) copy_all_attrs(out, ds) out.norm.attrs["units"] = data.attrs["units"] return, out.norm
[docs] def uniform_noise_like( da: xr.DataArray, low: float = 1e-6, high: float = 1e-3 ) -> xr.DataArray: """Return a uniform noise array of the same shape as da. Noise is uniformly distributed between low and high. Alternative method to `jitter_under_thresh` for avoiding zeroes. """ if uses_dask(da): mod = dsk kw = {"chunks": da.chunks} else: mod = np kw = {} return da.copy( data=(high - low) * mod.random.random_sample(size=da.shape, **kw) + low )
[docs] @update_xclim_history def standardize( da: xr.DataArray, mean: xr.DataArray | None = None, std: xr.DataArray | None = None, dim: str = "time", ) -> tuple[xr.DataArray | xr.Dataset, xr.DataArray, xr.DataArray]: """Standardize a DataArray by centering its mean and scaling it by its standard deviation. Either of both of mean and std can be provided if need be. Returns ------- out : xr.DataArray or xr.Dataset Standardized data. mean : xr.DataArray Mean. std : xr.DataArray Standard Deviation. """ if mean is None: mean = da.mean(dim, keep_attrs=True) if std is None: std = da.std(dim, keep_attrs=True) out = (da - mean) / std copy_all_attrs(out, da) return out, mean, std
[docs] @update_xclim_history def unstandardize(da: xr.DataArray, mean: xr.DataArray, std: xr.DataArray): """Rescale a standardized array by performing the inverse operation of `standardize`.""" out = (std * da) + mean copy_all_attrs(out, da) return out
[docs] @update_xclim_history def reordering(ref: xr.DataArray, sim: xr.DataArray, group: str = "time") -> xr.Dataset: """Reorders data in `sim` following the order of ref. The rank structure of `ref` is used to reorder the elements of `sim` along dimension "time", optionally doing the operation group-wise. Parameters ---------- sim : xr.DataArray Array to reorder. ref : xr.DataArray Array whose rank order sim should replicate. group : str Grouping information. See :py:class:`xclim.sdba.base.Grouper` for details. Returns ------- xr.Dataset sim reordered according to ref's rank order. References ---------- :cite:cts:`sdba-cannon_multivariate_2018` """ ds = xr.Dataset({"sim": sim, "ref": ref}) out = _reordering(ds, group=group).reordered copy_all_attrs(out, sim) return out
[docs] @update_xclim_history def escore( tgt: xr.DataArray, sim: xr.DataArray, dims: Sequence[str] = ("variables", "time"), N: int = 0, # noqa scale: bool = False, ) -> xr.DataArray: r"""Energy score, or energy dissimilarity metric, based on :cite:t:`sdba-szekely_testing_2004` and :cite:t:`sdba-cannon_multivariate_2018`. Parameters ---------- tgt: xr.DataArray Target observations. sim: xr.DataArray Candidate observations. Must have the same dimensions as `tgt`. dims: sequence of 2 strings The name of the dimensions along which the variables and observation points are listed. `tgt` and `sim` can have different length along the second one, but must be equal along the first one. The result will keep all other dimensions. N : int If larger than 0, the number of observations to use in the score computation. The points are taken evenly distributed along `obs_dim`. scale : bool Whether to scale the data before computing the score. If True, both arrays as scaled according to the mean and standard deviation of `tgt` along `obs_dim`. (std computed with `ddof=1` and both statistics excluding NaN values). Returns ------- xr.DataArray e-score with dimensions not in `dims`. Notes ----- Explanation adapted from the "energy" R package documentation. The e-distance between two clusters :math:`C_i`, :math:`C_j` (tgt and sim) of size :math:`n_i,n_j` proposed by :cite:t:`sdba-szekely_testing_2004` is defined by: .. math:: e(C_i,C_j) = \frac{1}{2}\frac{n_i n_j}{n_i + n_j} \left[2 M_{ij} − M_{ii} − M_{jj}\right] where .. math:: M_{ij} = \frac{1}{n_i n_j} \sum_{p = 1}^{n_i} \sum_{q = 1}^{n_j} \left\Vert X_{ip} − X{jq} \right\Vert. :math:`\Vert\cdot\Vert` denotes Euclidean norm, :math:`X_{ip}` denotes the p-th observation in the i-th cluster. The input scaling and the factor :math:`\frac{1}{2}` in the first equation are additions of :cite:t:`sdba-cannon_multivariate_2018` to the metric. With that factor, the test becomes identical to the one defined by :cite:t:`sdba-baringhaus_new_2004`. This version is tested against values taken from Alex Cannon's MBC R package :cite:p:`sdba-cannon_mbc_2020`. References ---------- :cite:cts:`sdba-baringhaus_new_2004,sdba-cannon_multivariate_2018,sdba-cannon_mbc_2020,sdba-szekely_testing_2004` """ pts_dim, obs_dim = dims if N > 0: # If N non-zero we only take around N points, evenly distributed sim_step = int(np.ceil(sim[obs_dim].size / N)) sim = sim.isel({obs_dim: slice(None, None, sim_step)}) tgt_step = int(np.ceil(tgt[obs_dim].size / N)) tgt = tgt.isel({obs_dim: slice(None, None, tgt_step)}) if scale: tgt, avg, std = standardize(tgt) sim, _, _ = standardize(sim, avg, std) # The dimension renaming is to allow different coordinates. # Otherwise, apply_ufunc tries to align both obs_dim together. new_dim = get_temp_dimname(tgt.dims, obs_dim) sim = sim.rename({obs_dim: new_dim}) out = xr.apply_ufunc( _escore, tgt, sim, input_core_dims=[[pts_dim, obs_dim], [pts_dim, new_dim]], output_dtypes=[sim.dtype], dask="parallelized", ) = "escores" out.attrs.update( long_name="Energy dissimilarity metric", description=f"Escores computed from {N or 'all'} points.", references="Székely, G. J. and Rizzo, M. L. (2004) Testing for Equal Distributions in High Dimension, InterStat, November (5)", ) return out
[docs] def _get_number_of_elements_by_year(time): """Get the number of elements in time in a year by inferring its sampling frequency. Only calendar with uniform year lengths are supported : 360_day, noleap, all_leap. """ cal = get_calendar(time) # Calendar check if cal in ["standard", "gregorian", "default", "proleptic_gregorian"]: raise ValueError( "For moving window computations, the data must have a uniform calendar (360_day, no_leap or all_leap)" ) mult, freq, _, _ = parse_offset(xr.infer_freq(time)) days_in_year = max_doy[cal] elements_in_year = {"Q": 4, "M": 12, "D": days_in_year, "h": days_in_year * 24} N_in_year = elements_in_year.get(freq, 1) / mult if N_in_year % 1 != 0: raise ValueError( f"Sampling frequency of the data must be Q, M, D or h and evenly divide a year (got {mult}{freq})." ) return int(N_in_year)
[docs] def construct_moving_yearly_window( da: xr.Dataset, window: int = 21, step: int = 1, dim: str = "movingwin" ): """Deprecated function. Use :py:func:`xclim.core.calendar.stack_periods` instead, renaming ``step`` to ``stride``. Beware of the different default value for `dim` ("period"). """ warnings.warn( FutureWarning, ( "`construct_moving_yearly_window` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. " f"Please use xclim.core.calendar.stack_periods(da, window={window}, stride={step}, dim='{dim}', freq='YS') instead." ), ) return stack_periods(da, window=window, stride=step, dim=dim, freq="YS")
[docs] def unpack_moving_yearly_window( da: xr.DataArray, dim: str = "movingwin", append_ends: bool = True ): """Deprecated function. Use :py:func:`xclim.core.calendar.unstack_periods` instead. Beware of the different default value for `dim` ("period"). The new function always behaves like ``appends_ends=True``. """ warnings.warn( FutureWarning, ( "`unpack_moving_yearly_window` is deprecated and will be removed in a future version. " f"Please use xclim.core.calendar.unstack_periods(da, dim='{dim}') instead." ), ) return unstack_periods(da, dim=dim)
[docs] @update_xclim_history def to_additive_space( data: xr.DataArray, lower_bound: str, upper_bound: str | None = None, trans: str = "log", ): r"""Transform a non-additive variable into an additive space by the means of a log or logit transformation. Based on :cite:t:`sdba-alavoine_distinct_2022`. Parameters ---------- data : xr.DataArray A variable that can't usually be bias-adjusted by additive methods. lower_bound : str The smallest physical value of the variable, excluded, as a Quantity string. The data should only have values strictly larger than this bound. upper_bound : str, optional The largest physical value of the variable, excluded, as a Quantity string. Only relevant for the logit transformation. The data should only have values strictly smaller than this bound. trans : {'log', 'logit'} The transformation to use. See notes. Notes ----- Given a variable that is not usable in an additive adjustment, this applies a transformation to a space where additive methods are sensible. Given :math:`X` the variable, :math:`b_-` the lower physical bound of that variable and :math:`b_+` the upper physical bound, two transformations are currently implemented to get :math:`Y`, the additive-ready variable. :math:`\ln` is the natural logarithm. - `log` .. math:: Y = \ln\left( X - b_- \right) Usually used for variables with only a lower bound, like precipitation (`pr`, `prsn`, etc) and daily temperature range (`dtr`). Both have a lower bound of 0. - `logit` .. math:: X' = (X - b_-) / (b_+ - b_-) Y = \ln\left(\frac{X'}{1 - X'} \right) Usually used for variables with both a lower and a upper bound, like relative and specific humidity, cloud cover fraction, etc. This will thus produce `Infinity` and `NaN` values where :math:`X == b_-` or :math:`X == b_+`. We recommend using :py:func:`jitter_under_thresh` and :py:func:`jitter_over_thresh` to remove those issues. See Also -------- from_additive_space : for the inverse transformation. jitter_under_thresh : Remove values exactly equal to the lower bound. jitter_over_thresh : Remove values exactly equal to the upper bound. References ---------- :cite:cts:`sdba-alavoine_distinct_2022` """ with units.context(infer_context(data.attrs.get("standard_name"))): lower_bound = convert_units_to(lower_bound, data) if upper_bound is not None: upper_bound = convert_units_to(upper_bound, data) with xr.set_options(keep_attrs=True), np.errstate(divide="ignore"): if trans == "log": out = np.log(data - lower_bound) elif trans == "logit": data_prime = (data - lower_bound) / (upper_bound - lower_bound) out = np.log(data_prime / (1 - data_prime)) else: raise NotImplementedError("`trans` must be one of 'log' or 'logit'.") # Attributes to remember all this. out.attrs["sdba_transform"] = trans out.attrs["sdba_transform_lower"] = lower_bound if upper_bound is not None: out.attrs["sdba_transform_upper"] = upper_bound if "units" in out.attrs: out.attrs["sdba_transform_units"] = out.attrs.pop("units") out.attrs["units"] = "" return out
[docs] @update_xclim_history def from_additive_space( data: xr.DataArray, lower_bound: str | None = None, upper_bound: str | None = None, trans: str | None = None, units: str | None = None, ): r"""Transform back to the physical space a variable that was transformed with `to_additive_space`. Based on :cite:t:`sdba-alavoine_distinct_2022`. If parameters are not present on the attributes of the data, they must be all given are arguments. Parameters ---------- data : xr.DataArray A variable that was transformed by :py:func:`to_additive_space`. lower_bound : str, optional The smallest physical value of the variable, as a Quantity string. The final data will have no value smaller or equal to this bound. If None (default), the `sdba_transform_lower` attribute is looked up on `data`. upper_bound : str, optional The largest physical value of the variable, as a Quantity string. Only relevant for the logit transformation. The final data will have no value larger or equal to this bound. If None (default), the `sdba_transform_upper` attribute is looked up on `data`. trans : {'log', 'logit'}, optional The transformation to use. See notes. If None (the default), the `sdba_transform` attribute is looked up on `data`. units : str, optional The units of the data before transformation to the additive space. If None (the default), the `sdba_transform_units` attribute is looked up on `data`. Returns ------- xr.DataArray The physical variable. Attributes are conserved, even if some might be incorrect. Except units which are taken from `sdba_transform_units` if available. All `sdba_transform*` attributes are deleted. Notes ----- Given a variable that is not usable in an additive adjustment, :py:func:`to_additive_space` applied a transformation to a space where additive methods are sensible. Given :math:`Y` the transformed variable, :math:`b_-` the lower physical bound of that variable and :math:`b_+` the upper physical bound, two back-transformations are currently implemented to get :math:`X`, the physical variable. - `log` .. math:: X = e^{Y} + b_- - `logit` .. math:: X' = \frac{1}{1 + e^{-Y}} X = X * (b_+ - b_-) + b_- See Also -------- to_additive_space : for the original transformation. References ---------- :cite:cts:`sdba-alavoine_distinct_2022` """ if trans is None and lower_bound is None and units is None: try: trans = data.attrs["sdba_transform"] units = data.attrs["sdba_transform_units"] lower_bound = data.attrs["sdba_transform_lower"] if trans == "logit": upper_bound = data.attrs["sdba_transform_upper"] except KeyError as err: raise ValueError( f"Attribute {err!s} must be present on the input data " "or all parameters must be given as arguments." ) from err elif ( trans is not None and lower_bound is not None and units is not None and (upper_bound is not None or trans == "log") ): lower_bound = convert_units_to(lower_bound, units) if trans == "logit": upper_bound = convert_units_to(upper_bound, units) else: raise ValueError( "Parameters missing. Either all parameters are given as attributes of data, " "or all of them are given as input arguments." ) with xr.set_options(keep_attrs=True): if trans == "log": out = np.exp(data) + lower_bound elif trans == "logit": out_prime = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-data)) out = out_prime * (upper_bound - lower_bound) + lower_bound else: raise NotImplementedError("`trans` must be one of 'log' or 'logit'.") # Remove unneeded attributes, put correct units back. out.attrs.pop("sdba_transform", None) out.attrs.pop("sdba_transform_lower", None) out.attrs.pop("sdba_transform_upper", None) out.attrs.pop("sdba_transform_units", None) out.attrs["units"] = units return out
[docs] def stack_variables(ds: xr.Dataset, rechunk: bool = True, dim: str = "multivar"): """Stack different variables of a dataset into a single DataArray with a new "variables" dimension. Variable attributes are all added as lists of attributes to the new coordinate, prefixed with "_". Variables are concatenated in the new dimension in alphabetical order, to ensure coherent behaviour with different datasets. Parameters ---------- ds : xr.Dataset Input dataset. rechunk : bool If True (default), dask arrays are rechunked with `variables : -1`. dim : str Name of dimension along which variables are indexed. Returns ------- xr.DataArray The transformed variable. Attributes are conserved, even if some might be incorrect, except for units, which are replaced with `""`. Old units are stored in `sdba_transformation_units`. A `sdba_transform` attribute is added, set to the transformation method. `sdba_transform_lower` and `sdba_transform_upper` are also set if the requested bounds are different from the defaults. Array with variables stacked along `dim` dimension. Units are set to "". """ # Store original arrays' attributes attrs = {} # sort to have coherent order with different datasets datavars = sorted(ds.data_vars.items(), key=lambda e: e[0]) nvar = len(datavars) for i, (nm, var) in enumerate(datavars): for name, attr in var.attrs.items(): attrs.setdefault("_" + name, [None] * nvar)[i] = attr # Special key used for later `unstacking` attrs["is_variables"] = True var_crd = xr.DataArray([nm for nm, vr in datavars], dims=(dim,), name=dim) da = xr.concat([vr for nm, vr in datavars], var_crd, combine_attrs="drop") if uses_dask(da) and rechunk: da = da.chunk({dim: -1}) da.attrs.update(ds.attrs) da.attrs["units"] = "" da[dim].attrs.update(attrs) return da.rename("multivariate")
[docs] def unstack_variables(da: xr.DataArray, dim: str | None = None): """Unstack a DataArray created by `stack_variables` to a dataset. Parameters ---------- da : xr.DataArray Array holding different variables along `dim` dimension. dim : str, optional Name of dimension along which the variables are stacked. If not specified (default), `dim` is inferred from attributes of the coordinate. Returns ------- xr.Dataset Dataset holding each variable in an individual DataArray. """ if dim is None: for dim, crd in da.coords.items(): if crd.attrs.get("is_variables"): break else: raise ValueError("No variable coordinate found, were attributes removed?") ds = xr.Dataset( {name.item(): da.sel({dim: name.item()}, drop=True) for name in da[dim]}, attrs=da.attrs, ) del ds.attrs["units"] # Reset attributes for name, attr_list in da[dim].attrs.items(): if not name.startswith("_"): continue for attr, var in zip(attr_list, da[dim]): if attr is not None: ds[var.item()].attrs[name[1:]] = attr return ds